Man walking outdoors with rain cloud above

6 TIPS FOR SERENITY: How to find peace when you’re not enjoying life

When you don’t like where you’re at in life, it’s only natural to search for something that gives you peace of mind. Maybe you used to find certain things interesting, but they’ve started to feel less joyful.

Knowing you’re not moving closer to your goals can also feel frustrating. On the other hand, you might feel like you’re going nowhere at the moment, but you still think you’ll finally reach your goal one day, or at least get to a certain point where you’re happy.

Nonetheless, finding peace is a journey, and you can’t really become happy unless you make small changes in your day-to-day life. Here are a few ways to make your life more gratifying on a daily basis.

Find the reason(s) for your feelings

When you don’t enjoy where you are in life, chances are, you feel like you’re stuck in a rut. While you might not recognize it at first, it’s important to understand the source of your unhappiness. That way, you can discover the next step(s) to achieving new contentment.

For instance, you might feel stuck because of your relationship with a significant other. Or, it could be that your job isn’t giving you the satisfaction you need. Sometimes, your unhappiness can stem from your health, your family situation or even where you live.

The most significant way to put your best foot forward is by avoiding inner criticism once you understand your feelings. It can be easy to criticize yourself by making your feelings seem trivial.

Furthermore, your thoughts can be a distraction that’ll only make the feelings worse. While you might think things are fine the way they are, you’ll still feel unsatisfied. So, it’s time you realize that you need to make changes to start feeling motivated again.

Live slowly

Are you guilty of being constantly busy? You’re not alone. Today’s society has adopted a mindset where consistently doing something means we’re living our best lives. However, more people are coming around to the idea that slowing down and letting things “be” is a more fruitful way to be happy.

To live more mindfully, you have to quit living your life at full speed. Booking your schedule full of work, friends and side hustles won’t give you time to yourself. Every once in a while, it helps to slow things down, ground yourself and be fully present. Research about mindfulness meditation shows support for the generation of positive feelings, along with a reduction in stress levels and negative thoughts.

On the technological side, smartphones and other devices that we use these days can be a source of endless distraction. When you constantly feel the need to fill a void with technology, life without these devices may feel boring. Yet, if you learn to tune them out, you’ll start to feel whole again.

It can be extremely helpful to schedule some time to live in the moment, and consider taking a day to completely detox yourself from technology.

Change your scenery

Woman working on laptop on beach

If you think maybe it’s time for a drastic change, you could consider building a new life in a different place. Uprooting your life and starting another can come with a mix of feelings, so this isn’t something to be done on a whim, but if you don’t feel like where you’re at is serving you, you might feel optimistic about starting a new chapter in your life.

Many people relocate to the beach to slow down and feel like they’re on vacation every day. Others may feel like city life has gotten to them, so they move to a different area where they can live off the land.

Some might move because of better work opportunities, or because they’ve always dreamed of living somewhere else. Meanwhile, some people relocate to access adequate health care, because health is wealth—and moving to take care of yourself is valid.

If you need a change of pace, living your life in a new area could be the golden ticket. If making a move isn’t in the cards, though, you can always experience a change of pace by mixing up your routine. Try some new hobbies and do some travelling if you can in order to allow yourself to experience some new things.

Practice gratitude and live minimally

As the average person does, you might feel the need to buy more things to be “happy.” Yet, multiple studies have shown that reducing the consumption of material things leads to more happiness.

For example, one study found that simplicity leads to more life satisfaction, demonstrating that money and material possessions won’t improve your mental well-being. Instead of buying things to achieve that temporary endorphin release, go beyond that to find long-term joy.

Cutting down on the things you have now can certainly clear your mind and your life. Yet, once you downsize, you can make an even bigger difference by practicing gratitude. Gratitude helps us focus on the things we value most in life, which leads to more happiness. Therefore, if you consider shifting your mindset to the “less is more” approach, you may find yourself flourishing.

Switch up your routine

Sometimes it’s hard to find peace when you’re following the same routine every day or every week. After a while, life can feel dull because you’re sticking to repetitive habits that make you feel comfortable. When the mood strikes, instead of sticking to an old routine, it’s beneficial to go out of your way to try something new. Adding different experiences to your life may open your mind to new horizons.

Pursuing an activity that brings you joy can also improve your overall health. Whether you reconnect with an old friend or try a new hobby, ensure you set aside time for this sort of pastime. When you focus your energy on having a good time, your life can feel less stagnant. Start saying yes to new experiences and avoid fearing the unknown!

Explore the outdoors

Man walking outdoors with rain cloud above

Nature has a way of stimulating our brains and positively impacting our livelihoods. When you go on a nature walk, you’ll notice a significant difference in your stress levels. Many studies have shown that spending time outside can decrease your risk for depression.

Overall, reconnecting yourself with nature will enhance your mental well-being and your ability to be creative. The next time you’re feeling underwhelmed by life, try going out for a walk and surrounding yourself with the beauty of nature, and see how you feel after that. Hiking is a great way to get exercise, so it’s beneficial not only for your mental health, but also for your body.

Take small steps to make big changes

Feeling unsatisfied with life can make you feel stuck, but a little effort can go a long way when you reach for something—no matter how small—that brings back the excitement in your life. Give yourself a sense of purpose and use these tips to help you move forward. Once you take a few small steps at a time, you’ll feel more like yourself again.

Medical disclaimer: This page is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians. Please refer to the full text of our medical disclaimer.

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