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AN ELECTION EVE BALLAD: Let us all live in light

It was the eve of a great election
And partisans on both sides
Prepared to vote
In just one year
people endured
A pandemic
Racial protests
And an economic collapse
To boot….
This was the time to transcend our illusions
And embrace the love
That true unity bestows

But sadly,
Americans were not ready to give up
Their selfish cravings
Why must we always appear
To be in the right?
For you see,
In the land of the “free”
Ego reigns supreme
And division is our creed
As a house divided
By a cold-hearted ruler

This age of darkness
Could still be a time for growth
The evolution of our souls—
And a faithful promise
Of brighter days ahead
Where no one lives in fear of shouting
From the highest rooftops
And the tallest mountains:
“We are all one family,
Let us all live in light!”

So as you cast your ballots tomorrow,
Know that whatever the outcome brings
We will still remain
As our sisters’ and brothers’ keepers….
For no amount of separation can slay
The pinnacle of kindness
That conveys
The deepest truths of our being:
Oneness and Peace.

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image: Pixabay

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