Mystic light of sun in dark forest

POEMS BY FORREST RIVERS: I Am Presence, Cosmic Fractals and more

I Am Presence

I am Presence,
a pure and radiating presence.
Neither here nor there,
I come and go
like the passing of the seasons.
Gently flowing,
this gift of life I embrace
as both joys and sorrows
fill me with gratitude
for the exquisite truth
of dualities dissolving here and now.

Cosmic Fractals

Mysterious wonders,
fractals of a unified Cosmos;
ancient secrets,
kept by the wisest sages;
revealing truths
into the spirit of our being.

Imagine the tallest mountains,
picture the flowing rivers,
see the old-growth forests
teeming with the wisdom
of the ages.

We are all that and more!

From the One we were birthed;
to the One we will return,
when we shed the mask
that hides the truth
of who we truly are.

Letting Go

Life is a series of goodbyes and see-you-laters,
profound teachings for the moment
when we drop our bodies….
So, aspire to live with an open heart,
but with calm detachment from both beginnings and ends,
and always remember:
No matter how hard letting go may be,
cherish the blessings of divine connection that you share with others,
for that spark of intimacy is the spirit of God realized.


Love is the great equalizer and the transcendent essence of our creator.
Love is a glorious sunrise and the breathtaking views from the top of a rarefied peak.
Love is the sacred bond shared between a devotee and their dearly beloved.
Love is like a blooming lotus flower within the centre of our hearts.
Love is the highest expression and the eternal force that gives our lives meaning.
Love is present everywhere and in everything.

An Invitation

At first, I allowed anger to defile me
and fear to silence me,
but then I turned inside
to find
a luminous light of awareness
peeking out through the clouds
of self-doubt,
directing me to trust myself
and embark on a faithful journey
of a deathless soul rediscovering itself….
Today I accept this invitation
to explore an intimacy
so glorious and pure
that I fall into raptures
whenever I hear the names of the One.


Stronger than we believe,
we are all destined to be
our divine self….
The light is in you,
the light is in me,
the truth will set us free….
Wake up and see
His light shining down
on all of humanity….
The spirit of God
is the spring of love.
What more proof do we need?

Last Night’s Dream

A sea of blue,
but not an ocean;
ancient mountains,
to liberate us
from the illusion
of separateness.
Far below
in the valley,
I see
what our minds
cannot easily perceive:
the many merging into ONE.
Have I told you?
Last night’s dream
of 1,000 seekers,
climbing the high peaks
to be
what God sees
when IT turns
within ITSELF.

Nowhere to Stand

This pain is not my pain,
it does not belong to me.
Like waves,
I observe its coming
and I observe its passing
into the sea of tranquillity.

My senses,
I let them wander.

My thoughts,
I pay no mind,

until all judgment dissolves
into the stillness of one mind.


If the spirit of God is life,
then the mountaintop represents
the pinnacle of the Creator’s field of light.

Send the sick up there,
for they will be cured of their illness all at once.

Send the dying up there,
for they will be illumined by the mystery that soon awaits them.

Send the poor up there,
for they will discover they already prosper in the eyes of the Lord.

Send the rich up there,
for they will learn their attachments to wealth only breed selfish pride.

Send the fools up there,
for they will find intuitive wisdom and no longer be blind.

Send the wise up there,
for they will see the glory of the One reflected in their own minds.

Solitude and Community

Solitude: The soul’s natural state for inner exploration
Community: The unity of spirit on our cosmic Journeys
Solitude: Unlocks the gate to a pure and incorruptible freedom
Community: Opens the door to a diverse host of teachers
Solitude: Illuminates the God that is found within
Community: Reveals the God in all living beings
Solitude: Grounds community with sincerity of purpose
Community: Inspires one’s solitude with hopeful reflection.

Sea of One

Whispers beneath a stream
cannot tell the story
of a journey, long-ago conceived.

What is it you perceive
in your dreams,
when waking and sleeping seem
to converge in the sea of One?

Beyond the contours of our minds,
we will find
what is not yet meant
to be revealed.

When belief becomes faith,
we will see
the mystique of what we seek
in the morning sun.

To this path we walk,
we may cling,
but when it’s all said,
our spirits sing
in their journey to the sea of One.

Between Heaven and Earth,
we live
as eternal springs
within the wind’s hallowed breath.

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image: Pixabay

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