milky way - i am

I AM: The magnetic core that draws us into a greater experience of the Self

Last updated: March 19th, 2019

From radiation in far off galaxies to our own sun’s radiation, we’re surrounded by forces beyond our control. Solar flares, the releases of energy from our Sun, affect far more on this planet than just the electronic grid. The moon also affects all forms of life on Earth. And closer to home there’s the effect of climate, weather, international relationships, and so on. If we really considered all of these uncontrollable influences it might bring us to a deeper awareness of the complexities and intricate processes involved in our life experience.

The human mind segregated from Cosmic Mind has dissected creation, dividing everything into discrete parts, such as atoms, molecules, cells, organisms, species and so on. But is creation merely an amalgam of all these parts? Or is it one unified organism?

The animating Spirit

All forms on Earth are created from the minerals of the Earth; all living forms breathe the same air; all are energized by the same energy from the Sun; and all forms, including our own, partake of energies from other solar systems and galaxies. We also share elements of consciousness with many life forms, such as vision, hearing and taste, and in many cases we even share a great range of emotions with them. Everything that I have mentioned is animated by the one power: life—the one animating Spirit. Everything composes One Being or what could be called the Archangelic Body.

Which of the physical processes of your own physical body would you like to consciously control? Digestion? Heart beat? I think we’re wise and helpless enough to leave it to the natural processes of the design inherent in creation. When we consider some of the major events that have occurred in our lives we find we planned virtually none of them. We didn’t know what was coming out of the future, how it would appear and where it would lead. Yes, we can certainly plan immediate, local events, but then must learn to release our grasp and simply watch life unfold its creative works. Simply by effectively handling the very little things that come to us daily we participate in the coordination and government of all forms included in the vast Whole.

Magnetism and consciousness

What we call gravity draws substance towards a core. We see this force at work in the structure of galaxies, in the formation of solar systems, planets and atoms; all living forms have a magnetic core. These cores are a focus of radiation from the undimensional levels of Being. All forms are connected to the undimensional via these magnetic cores and ultimately all these cores are one. They are holographic evidence of the presence of cosmic “I Am.” This principle regarding magnetism applies to substances in all forms and to their consciousnesses. As we know, there are forms in the substance of consciousness. These myriad forms of consciousness are designed to participate in the creation of forms extended into the visible realm, all consonant with the radiant energy at their cores.

Because of deficiencies in the quantity and quality of this fine substance, particularly in human beings, all levels of form on this planet are now distorted. However, we can still see hints of what we might call the true state in attempts at thinking by humankind in various activities. For example, there are hints of divine reality in the attempts by human beings to govern a collective body through politics. This ideal was rather well expressed by Karl Marx when he said, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” There we can see the call for individual action that contributes to the blessing of the Whole. There are hints of reality in art, in beautiful representations of the myriad forms of creation. In finances the reality relates to the generation and utilization of substances that facilitate the smooth flow of exchange within and among human societies. And in science there is the awareness of the intricacy and majesty of the true design of creation. All these fields of human creativity hint at aspects of spiritual essences of Being, of the magnetic core of “I Am.”

The voice in the wilderness

We’ve been inspired by other men and women to express these essences at our core and now it’s clearly our responsibility to reveal the qualities of divine character contained in these essences. In doing this we may feel we’re voices crying in the wilderness of this world. However, it’s the fallen voice of human beings that is the real voice in the wilderness—a desolate wilderness of human experience, a wilderness where a true direction isn’t known, just endless wandering and wailing. But this fallen voice that seems so loud in our consciousness on Earth is as nothing in Cosmic Being. Fallen human experience is banished to a tiny peripheral world of outer form—outside the rich experience of true identity, of the magnetic core of who “I Am.”

These considerations of our essential Oneness can be a portal to a larger identity and meaning. Identity in the Whole is the experience of love, and in the measure that this identity is complete, fear is cast out.

In our journey in life we interact with new aspects of “I Am” through other people, through other creatures and through other places. We encounter new essences moment by moment in this movement, essences that are actually aspects of ourselves, and we find that ultimately we can only experience ourselves. In other words, we experience ourselves in relationship to whatever we’re encountering, only ourselves but all part of one vast Self. So we may see here that this journey, this movement, should be a movement from glory unto glory, although in one sense we’re already there. The seeming journey just awakens the outer consciousness to being where “I Am” and how to function consistently from there.

I Am” is at the core of all forms and this “I Am” functions as a magnet drawing us to a greater experience of Self. This magnet works at all levels of Being—the spiritual, the emotional, the mental and the physical levels, and it’s this magnetism that moves us around in the creative unfoldment of life, drawing us to various destinations moment by moment. For example, we’re drawn into the day; when daylight comes we’re drawn into adventure and creativity. We’re drawn to meals for nourishment and strength. We’re drawn to meet friends for communion and enjoyment. We are drawn to work to earn money to live. We are drawn to hobbies for creative expression and so on. Careful examination of what draws us moment by moment would reveal that it’s the magnetism of who “I Am.” We’re drawn to what we love, and to the degree that we’re true to our nature, it will be to the essences of who “I Am.”

Back to the Garden

For the most part human beings believe themselves to be outside what has been called the Garden—the heavenly state where the “I Am” experience is known. They find themselves banished to peripheral experiences in the dust of outer forms. Jesus was a supreme guide for the journey back to the Garden experience. He said, “I go and prepare a place for you that where I am, there ye may be also.” In other words, I go, I lead to where “I Am” is experienced. He and other spiritual teachers have led, have gone before us, and we can follow with confidence because we recognize many of the same experiences and aspects of Being in our own lives that they described and exemplified. This is obviously so since we’re aspects of the same one identity and move through the same awakening process.

Though we may not give talks about spiritual reality, or write books, or appear in the mass media, each of us is still a focus of conscious spiritual leadership—leadership back towards the consistent experience of “I Am.” As we individually awaken in consciousness to awareness of true identity in “I Am” and how to function effectively in this partially wakeful state, we assist the greater process of awakening transpiring in the body of humankind. And it’s transpiring with increasing momentum. Beyond that is the sensing of a more magnificent Self and unimaginably glorious function within the grand design of creation. What a privilege to be as aware as we are, knowing what is required of us moment by moment, and fully committing our lives to the purposes of the Archangelic Body.

Read I AM THAT I AM: The only choice that we have to make for more on this topic

[su_panel background=”#f2f2f2″ color=”#000000″ border=”0px none #ffffff” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #ffffff”]Born and educated in England, Alan Hammond is a spiritual visionary who currently lives in Colorado. As former president of Renaissance Business Associates, Inc., he spent many years travelling throughout the world lecturing, conducting seminars and workshops, and consulting with men and women in business concerned with providing integrity-based leadership. In recent years, using the penname Auralia, Alan has written a three-volume book entitled Your Divine and Cosmic Identity.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

  1. Hello, I was a colleague of Alan Hammond’s when we were both teaching at Backwell School and I was living in Yatton in the UK. I would very much like to get in contact with him again. Could you please pass this email on to him? With thanks, Keith Garland

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