Men and women doing Yoga outdoors

A DAILY STRETCHING ROUTINE: 7 ways starting one will enhance your inner peace

Contrary to popular belief, stretching isn’t just about flexibility or bending yourself into crazy shapes. It’s also about testing your limits, healing your mind and listening to your body.

If you commit to a daily routine, stretching can even benefit your inner peace. That’s because it’ll positively affect practically every area of your life, and you can’t help but feel calm when your emotional, mental and physical health are thriving.

Here are seven very specific ways that a regular stretching practice can help you achieve a sense of calm in a chaotic world.

It strengthens the mind-body connection

The mind and body are intricately connected in more ways than humans can begin to understand. However, researchers know we store a lot of stress, tension, anxiety and pain in our muscles, joints and ligaments. Often, these physical symptoms stem from mental and emotional trauma that you can embrace and release through movement.

Stretching provides a safe, mindful way to do just that. The more often you do it, the stronger that mind-body connection will become. Eventually, you’ll be able to use stretches to balance your emotions and experience some semblance of inner peace.

It enhances blood circulation

People doing downward dog Yoga pose

Physical movement also enhances blood circulation by boosting blood flow to the brain; specifically, to the amygdala and hippocampus. These areas are responsible for controlling your stress response, motivation and mood. They also release endorphins, which can improve your outlook and induce feelings of calm.

The best part is, you don’t have to do high-intensity workouts to benefit. In fact, stretching might even be more effective because, unlike High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), it decreases stress and inflammation. Try incorporating a few sun salutation exercises into your routine to get your blood flowing without elevating your heart rate too much.

It’ll improve your range of motion

The more often you stretch, the looser your muscles and tendons will become. Little by little, you’ll notice a better range of motion and more flexibility. These perks can make your life a whole lot easier, as you’ll be able to crouch, reach, bend and twist with more ease. Improving your range of motion can also reduce your risk of injury, which can do wonders for your mental health.

As your body grows more limber, there will be fewer limits to what you can do. This freedom will allow you to challenge the psychological restrictions you’ve placed on yourself and grow mentally. Odds are, you’ll be less worried about getting hurt in the process, too. Stretch daily, and slowly increase the amount of time you spend in each static hold, to increase your range of motion over time.

It relieves tension

When you experience stress, your body will often respond by tensing up. Sometimes this reaction is conscious, but other times, it’s subconscious. Regardless, holding onto tension can cause your muscles and tendons to stiffen up and become sore. Eventually, you’ll begin to experience aches and pains that can lead to anxiety and even depression.

Luckily, stretching of any sort will relieve tension and alleviate pain, as long as you breathe through each movement. This step is essential, especially if you exercise regularly, but you don’t stretch often. In this case, your ligaments will be extra tight, which might make stretching difficult or even painful.

Practice deep breathing to relax into each stretch, instead of fighting it. Combining exercise and stretching can also calm your nervous system so you feel more at peace, inside and out.

It boosts confidence

Woman climbing up steps meant to represent career

Stretching can also boost your confidence and self-esteem, but not in the ways you might think. Unlike vigourous exercise, stretching probably won’t help you shed much weight. There isn’t much cardio or movement involved, unless you’re performing ballistic stretches. Nonetheless, activating muscles as you stretch can tone your body and improve your physique, even if you don’t lose any weight.

In time, you’ll begin to notice subtle changes in the way you feel and look. You’ll also experience a sense of accomplishment or pride when you see improvements in your flexibility and mobility. Reflect on how far you’ve come since you began a daily stretching routine, and shower yourself in gratitude to boost your motivation and confidence even further.

It’ll help you sleep

Stretching throughout the day can boost energy levels, especially if you perform active or dynamic stretches, while gentle moves before bed can have the opposite effect and help you wind down. One study even found improved sleep quality in individuals who stretched for 60 minutes, three times per week, for four months.

Since sleep will directly affect your emotional and mental health, stretching nightly can significantly benefit your inner peace. Getting the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep will also work wonders for your mind and body. Try yin Yoga, restorative Yoga or Tai Chi to ease into sleep each night, and enjoy a more positive mindset in turn.

It teaches presence

Tuning in to your breath and body during your daily stretching routine can become a mindful and meditative experience. As you count each inhale and exhale, your mind may grow quiet as your thoughts and ego subside. You’ll simply be living in the moment, experiencing the present exactly as it is, so you can respond to life, rather than reacting.

In this way, stretching teaches presence, which many regard as the key to obtaining inner peace—or something yogis like to call enlightenment. Instead of looking at the past or future, being present means that you’ll only concern yourself with the here and now. Imagine the decreased amount of anxiety and stress you’ll have, when you don’t worry about anything but the present—and even then, you can learn to accept it, rather than worry.

Slip stretching into your daily routine

A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step or, in this case, a single stretch. Begin your daily routine by starting small and only holding each extension for a few breaths. Only go as far as your body and mind allow you to, and incorporate simple stretches into your everyday life.

If you sit in an office chair all day, try some upper-body stretches you can do while sitting down. Stretch your arms while you pump gas or wait on your food in the drive-thru. You can even do a few exercises while watching TV or cooking dinner. If you dedicate time in the morning or evening to stretching, you’ll be well-set to develop a more robust routine and an improved life.

Medical disclaimer: This page is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians. Please refer to the full text of our medical disclaimer.

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image 1: Pixabay; image 2: Missy N.; image 3: Pixabay

  1. Thanks for all the usefull tips and explanations as to benefits. I will try out a few exercises because I long suffer from cramps after any strenuous outdoor work or exercises.

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