Maine landscape

POEMS BY LESLIE BOYCE: Mindfulness, Stormy Times, Ego to Spirit and more


The bells chime and I close my eyes
My beginner’s-mind is swirling like the twisted roots of an old tree

I practice and practice
Still no relief from the constant chatter within

Awareness hits me like a crashing wave
I start to trust the process
I begin to have patience; I can calm the mind

I am open to acceptance
Like the warm sun peeking out from behind the clouds

A mindful walk, I stop and feel the gentle breeze as it carries away the guilty thoughts… letting go, letting be

A seed is planted in my soul
Excited to watch it grow and bloom

I am grateful for the teachings of this mindful practice
The bells chime and I open my eyes
My kind, non-judging spirit has awakened.

Stormy Times

In the midst of this human storm, I am the observer
I see the beauty
The stillness in the trees
The wind gently brushing against my skin
People of all ages are walking, talking and holding hands
Animals sense and feel that there is something different; humans feel it, too
We ask ourselves, “Why?”
We are scared, unsure and anxious about the unknown
Some listen to the warnings and others don’t seem to care
Maybe, if they stop, they will feel the change and know they need to be the change.
But if we stop for a moment, it’s because that is being asked of us.

Being Mindful

Life took me away from the practice
Busy mind
False stories
Separation from the soul

A Mindful Journey Home

I am so thankful for this mindful practice
I am home
A home I sometimes leave but always come back to
A home that opens my heart and soul
A home that awakens a place deep inside of me
A home that I am grateful to have found
A beautiful surprise
A gentle reminder to accept myself just as I am.

Ego to Spirit

Say goodbye
To the ego who tells you you’re not good enough
To the ego who fears life
To the ego who is trapped by the past
To the ego who doesn’t feel loved
Say hello
To loving yourself
To not letting others’ feelings affect you
To being calm in the midst of a storm
To opening your heart and healing
To emerging like a butterfly to FLY

The Sun

Shines so brightly
Close your eyes
Inhale its energy and let it melt into your soul

Feel the healing force as it seeps into every part of your being
Nourishing, loving, peaceful

Listen to it, speak to it, cherish it, be kind to it and
It will always shine brightly within you.

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