Forest in autumn

POEMS BY CHELSEA FRISBEE: Rising as One, Boundless Love, A Life in a Place

Rising as One

speak through us
trees of so much power and grace

build within us
the much-needed voices
coming together as we turn
injustice and fear and oppression
into justice and love and freedom.

change me, soft perfect wind
into living, breathing love
rooted and rising
together as one

Boundless Love

ask your loneliness
to pour out into your heart
its tears
so they may grow
into boundless love

A Life in a Place

I don’t know where I’m going
none of us do, of course
constantly recreating ourselves
or staying in our own stuck smallness
until something
deep within
draws us out
makes us leap up out of what we know
into the dark that is actually
disguised light

we are a people of light
we are a people of faith
if we choose to be

my mind, as rich as fertile
soil and the leaves of the forest floor
spills out of my being
in the form of
fish circling
light dancing

a soul in my song
a life in a place

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image: Pixabay

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