old museum with an old woman looking through the door

YOU MATTER: 11 ways to be authentic and true to yourself

Authenticity is the congruence between your thinking and doing. In the process of growing authenticity, you will find yourself on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Authenticity is about understanding who you are, what you believe in and living your life in alignment with those values. Authenticity to yourself is also being true to yourself, even when it’s difficult, and embracing your unique strengths and weaknesses.

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with messages of perfection, it can be easy to lose sight of who we truly are. But it’s important to remember that you matter, and your authenticity is worth leaning into.

Here are 11 habits that can help you grow your authenticity in a way that is non-judgmental, self-compassionate and purposeful.

Powerfully and lovingly grow authenticity

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The following 11 habits have a few things in common. They require self-reflection, self-awareness and the willingness to be true to yourself.

Get to know yourself

This is about self-reflection and understanding who you are at your core, so it’s something you should want to spend some time on. You can enhance your self-reflection by starting a journal; by writing down your values, you can then meditate on groundedness and a truer connection with yourself.

When you are around people, find moments when you can be present with yourself and become conscious of your thoughts and feelings. Situations that give you the opportunity to think about how you thought, along with how you felt and acted on your thoughts, are great moments for finding a deeper understanding of yourself.

Be honest with yourself

Sometimes, it’s easy to hide your true self from the world in order to fit in or avoid judgment, but being honest with yourself will allow you to understand yourself better, and in turn, grow your authenticity. Then, you will be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses and understand your thoughts and feelings. Being honest will also lead to you taking more responsibility for your actions, as well as learning from your mistakes and reframing them as learning tools.

Speak your truth

When you keep your thoughts and feelings bottled up, you are hiding from what you truly want to express, and you may even feel you’re trying to be someone you’re not. Speaking your truth will allow you to set boundaries and communicate your needs, limits and wants more clearly, once you’ve practiced this enough. You will then be able to express yourself in a way that is healthy and respected.

Set boundaries

Setting boundaries is important for maintaining authenticity, as it will allow you to define what is and isn’t acceptable in your relationships with the world around you, and to communicate your needs and wants more clearly. Also, setting boundaries will help you become more aware of your own needs and take responsibility for them.

Say “no”

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Authenticity is about being true to your own needs and wants, so if you encounter something that you feel is not in alignment with your values, or something that you feel is wrong, it’s beneficial to you and those around you to say “no.” You’ll learn to listen to and trust your gut feelings, rather than doing what you think others are expecting you to do.

Saying “no” can be difficult, especially when you feel guilty or responsible for others, but it’s crucial to remember that it’s not selfish to put your needs first; rather, it radiates strength.

Listen to your intuition

Intuition is your inner voice guiding you towards what’s in alignment with your values. Listening more closely to that intuition will help you make decisions that are in deeper alignment with your true self. It will help you avoid making decisions that are not in line with who you are—ones that may lead you to compromise yourself. Listening to your intuition will also help you identify red flags and warning signs in situations or relationships that are not in line with who you are.

Take some risks

Being authentic often means stepping outside of your comfort zone. Taking risks can help you discover new things about yourself and grow in ways you never thought were possible. Choosing to do something different from what you would normally do can help you become more confident about who you are and more comfortable with expressing your opinions.

Learn to trust yourself

Trusting yourself means having faith in your own abilities and decisions and expressing your values. It means being able to rely on yourself to make the right choices that are in alignment with who you are. To build self-trust, start by making small decisions and gradually build up to bigger ones. Reflect on your choices and see how they turned out, as this feeds self-trust.

Cultivate self-awareness

Self-awareness is the ability to understand your own thoughts, feelings and motivations. The more self-aware you are, the more methods you’ll have for growing your authenticity. Self-awareness will help you identify behaviour patterns that may not be serving you and make changes that align with your more authentic self.

A helpful way to cultivate self-awareness is to meditate and reflect on your thoughts and feelings, as you will be able to identify patterns or themes that come up often. In this way, you will get a better understanding of what drives your actions and reactions.

Find your purpose

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Discovering your purpose (what is it that I want to breathe life into?) can help you become more authentic. Your purpose is the reason you’re here, what you’re meant to do and what makes you feel alive.

A purpose provides direction and meaning in life, as it gives you a clear understanding of what you want to achieve and what’s important to you. This will help you set goals and make decisions that align with your values and beliefs.

Take inspiration from others

You can find inspiration in the lives of the people you feel are living an authentic life. Start reading the biographies and books they may have written, watch nurturing online content and talk to people who inspire you. Embrace the idea that there are sources out there for you to take wisdom from.

A lifelong journey

Growing authenticity is a lifelong journey that is different for everyone. It can be hard, self-confrontational work, but the outcomes are worth it. You will feel happier and more fulfilled, and you will attract people who accept and support you for who you are.


изображение 1: PublicDomainPictures; изображение 2: Dominic Alberts; image 3: Anna Krach; image 4: Pasja1000