how to read energy - emotions in faces

SENSING ENERGY: 5 Strategien, um die emotionale Energie von Menschen zu lesen

Emotionen sind ein beeindruckender Ausdruck unserer Energie, der "Vibe", den wir ausstrahlen. Diese registrieren wir mit Intuition. Manche Menschen fühlen sich gut an; sie heben unsere Stimmung und Vitalität. Andere sind auslaugend; man möchte instinktiv weg.

Diese "subtile Energie" kann Zentimeter oder Füße vom Körper entfernt gefühlt werden, obwohl sie unsichtbar ist. Indigene Kulturen verehren diese Energie als Lebenskraft. In der chinesischen Medizin wird sie Chi genannt, eine Vitalität, die für die Gesundheit unerlässlich ist. Obwohl die molekulare Struktur der subtilen Energie nicht vollständig definiert ist, haben Wissenschaftler erhöhte Photonenemissionen und elektromagnetische Messwerte über Heiler gemessen, die sie während ihrer Arbeit ausstrahlen.

Emotional energy is contagious. It can make the difference between a toxic and healthy relationship. It‘s crucial to get a clear read on this aspect of anyone you plan to regularly interact with. Then, you can decide whether a relationship is feasible based on your energetic compatibility.

In my medical practice and life, this chemistry is a deal breaker. Experience has taught me that it‘s pointless to work with a patient or form a friendship if such basic rapport isn‘t there. You don‘t have to force a fit when the energy feels right.

Forcing anything is simply the mind‘s attempt to interfere with flow. Of course, we all have quirks, anxieties, and fears, but energy cements your bond with others and motivates you to work through the rough spots. Nevertheless, healthy relationships have a momentum that carries them, a surrender that feels more natural when you‘re both in sync.

When reading emotions, realize that what others say or how they appear frequently don‘t match their energy. You must let go of the notion that what you see is what you always get.

As a psychiatrist, I‘ve observed how people go to great lengths, purposely or not, to appear in certain ways—either to impress, say the right thing, or sell you on something—but this “self” isn‘t aligned with their true emotions.

faces - emotional energy

Consider these examples: your spouse apologizes for blowing up but her hostility still lingers. A man you just met tries to charm you, but you don‘t feel much heart there. A friend seems cheerful but you sense that she‘s hurting inside. Realize: just because people smile doesn’t mean they’re happy. Or just because people are reserved, doesn’t mean they’re not ecstatic.

Ultimately, the energy transmitted by someone’s smile and presence tells the truth about where they’re at. So, be smart enough to correlate a person‘s energy with their emotions. Most people aren‘t being intentionally misleading—often they don‘t know what they feel or project. They might tell you one thing—and believe it—but you‘ll learn to decode their emotions.

Here, the surrender to focus on is saying “yes” to the messages your body sends. Your mind may want to talk you out of your body‘s wisdom. Don‘t allow it to. Reading energy lets you attune to how you relate to people, who you feel comfortable around and who you don‘t. To avoid bad relationships and regrets, you must let go of trying to convince yourself of anything the body‘s intuition doesn‘t affirm.

To help with this surrender, here‘s what to do. When identifying how you energetically respond to others always ask, How does my body feel? Does my energy go up or down? Then follow your body‘s lead rather than resisting it.

In practical terms this means: you want to marry someone who increases your energy not drains it, regardless of how perfect he or she looks on paper. You want to sit beside a coworker who has positive energy, not negative energy. You want to choose friends you resonate with so that you can nurture each other. Then notice the positive difference in your life. To experience the pleasure of compatible relationships, use the following tips.

How to read energy: 5 powerful strategies

Sense people’s presence

This is the overall energy we emit, not necessarily congruent with words or behaviour. It‘s the emotional atmosphere surrounding us like a rain cloud or the sun. For instance, they may give off an aura of mystery, joy, or sadness. To compare extremes, think of the Dalai Lama‘s light, compassionate presence versus Charles Manson‘s deranged darkness.

con man smiling

Presence is also associated with charisma, a personal magnetism that you‘re drawn to. Warning: charisma doesn‘t always contain heart, something to beware of. Charisma without heart can‘t be trusted. It‘s a dangerous combination present in many con artists and seducers.

As you read people notice: does their overall energy feel warm? Calming? Uplifting? Invigorating like a breath of fresh air? Or is it draining? Cold? Detached? Angry? Jarring? Depressed? Do they have a friendly presence that attracts you? Or are you getting the willies, making you back off.

Also see if people look anchored in their bodies, indicating their feet are firmly planted on the ground. Or are they floating outside themselves, which may indicate flakiness and distractibility?

Watch people’s eyes

We can make love or hate with our eyes. Our eyes transmit powerful energies, what the Sufi poet Rumi calls “the glance.” Just as the brain has an electromagnetic signal extending beyond the body, studies indicate that the eyes project this too.

In fact, research reveals that people can sense when they‘re being stared at, even when no one is in sight—an experience reported by police officers, soldiers and hunters. Indigenous cultures respect the energy of people’s eyes. Some believe that the “evil eye” is a gaze that inflicts injury or bad luck on its target. Also, science has documented “the look of love.”

Joining eyes with a loved one (or dog!) triggers a biochemical response, releasing oxytocin, the warm and fuzzy “love hormone.” The more oxytocin your brain has, the more trusting and peaceful you‘ll feel.

Take time to observe people‘s eyes. Are they caring? Sexy? Tranquil? Mean? Angry? The way others look at you can make you feel adored or afraid. Also determine: is there someone at home in their eyes, indicating a capacity for intimacy? Or do they seem to be guarded or hiding?

Certain people‘s eyes can be hypnotic. Avoid looking deeply into eyes you distrust or sense may be dangerous. The less you engage negative people, the less they’ll zone in on you. On the other hand, feel free to fall into people’s eyes who you cherish. Enjoy all that beautiful energy!

Notice the feel of a handshake, hug and touch

We share emotional energy through physical contact much like an electrical current. Ask yourself, Does a handshake or hug feel comfortable, warm, confident? Or is it off-putting so you want to withdraw? Are people‘s hands clammy, signaling anxiety. Or limp, suggesting being non-committal and timid? Is their grip too strong, even crushing your fingers, indicating aggression or over control?

two women hugging

Along with physical cues, the energy of touch reveals people‘s emotions. Some hugs and handshakes impart kindness, joy, and calm whereas others feel clingy, draining, even hostile. Therefore, spend time with people whose energy you like.

Be wary of those you don‘t so you‘re not depleted. Avoid physical contact (including making love) with anyone whose energy doesn‘t feel good.

Listen for people’s tone of voice and laugh

The tone and volume of our voice can tell much about our emotions. Sound frequencies create vibrations. Some frequencies we hear. Below an audible range, sound can be felt (think of a bass’ vibration.)

When reading people, notice how their tone of voice affects you. Words ride the energy of tone, its warmth and coldness. Ask yourself: Does their tone feel soothing? Or is it abrasive, snippy, or whiny?

Are they a soft-talker or mumbler whom you can barely hear, signs of meekness or low self-esteem? Or do they talk too loud or too much, signs of anxiety, narcissism, or insensitivity. Are they fast-talkers, trying to sell you something? Or boring you to death with a slow monotone, suggesting depression and no spontaneity?

Be aware of sighing which relays sadness or frustration. Also, a pinched voice suggests emotional repression, over control, or a thyroid disorder.

Couple laughing - Sensing energy

Always observe how much people laugh, a sign of lightheartedness. Does their laugh sound genuine? Fake? Child-like? Joyous? Or are they overly serious, rarely laughing? In addition, FBI profilers interpret a quivering voice and sudden change in pitch as potential signs of deception.

Sense people’s heart energy

The most important aspect to read about energy is whether people exude a sense of heart. This is the loving-kindness in us, our capacity for empathy, giving and connection.

When heart is present you‘ll feel the warmth of unconditional love emanating from others which makes you feel safe and at ease. It‘s the unspoken sense of being accepted, not judged. No one can fake this.

Our heart presence builds through our good intentions, deeds and emotional work to overcome fear and negativity. The heart is the most positive quality anyone can have. It‘s healthy to be drawn to it.

Reading energy is a game-changer where intense emotions blur your clarity. It enables you to see past fantasies or desires to pinpoint someone‘s motivations by sensing invisible messages they give off.

I was once attracted to a man, a successful financial manager who knew exactly what to say to melt my heart. Todd was from the country club set and much too conservative for my taste—I often fall for wild, creative men. Yet he was smart, boyishly playful, seemed to “see” me and respect my sensitivities. We could discuss anything from politics to the nature of the universe and he‘d speak to me in an appreciative low tone of voice I melted around (I‘m very responsive to sound).

Still, from the start, when I looked into Todd‘s eyes, I had the oddest feeling—there was no “there” there. His eyes seemed cold, vacant, even a touch mean. However, for better or worse, I was drawn to him, which doesn‘t happen to me every day.

I really wanted to surrender to my romantic feelings for Todd, to explain away the niggling truth his eyes conveyed, though I knew I ignored this red flag at my own peril. But, as the desiring mind can do when it wants something, it downplayed intuition. I rationalized, “You‘re just too picky. Todd is wonderful. It‘s crazy to let his eyes stop me.” My friends also told me this, and I agreed. So, for a year, I stayed in the relationship. But in the end, this man‘s eyes revealed his true colours.

The problem was that Todd was a super-smooth operator and my raging hormones were blinding me. Also, I was naïve. I confused his seductive energy with heartfelt caring and was horribly susceptible to the charisma he wielded so well. It was a perfect storm of forces I didn‘t have a handle on. I needed to sort them through before I could read him from a neutral place which at that time was light years away.

A policy of mine is to study what makes me weak or strong, so I can learn from it. If something knocks me off my centre I want to know why and not repeat the situation. To break Todd‘s spell, I had to grasp that what excited him most was not to love me but to have power over me. I just couldn‘t grasp how he or anyone could feel that way. He‘d reel me in with gorgeous intimacy, then be unavailable. Or he‘d be incredibly sensitive, then incredibly cold. I kept wracking my brains, “What could he possibly be getting from this.”

Slowly, I came to understand that he got off on the rush of being in control. For him, it was an aphrodisiac. I didn‘t operate like this, nor had that been a dynamic in my past relationships. But, thanks to Todd, I can recognize it now.

In retrospect, I‘m grateful to have learned this lesson about power versus love from a perfect teacher. Also, I realized that once again, I‘d talked myself out of intuition in favour of passion. I‘d surrendered to the wrong thing, to what I wanted, rather than what I “saw.” However, being human, sometimes I have to keep making the same mistakes until I finally learn. Today, I value the energy of the eyes more than ever. It communicates an essence in someone if we can trust this.

In your life, get used to reading people‘s emotions. Factor what you sense into your total assessment. Maybe just a single red flag will appear so you‘re not sure what to do. Then, take your time. Watch how people treat you. Notice if their words back up their behaviour. The purpose of reading energy is to become more empathic by sensing the nuances of different personalities. Stay alert to the signals energy sends so that you can see the whole person.

The Power of Surrender by Judith Orloff

This article was excerpted from Judith Orloff’s book The Power of Surrender: Let Go and Energize Your Relationships, Success, and Well-BeingCopyright © 2014 by Judith Orloff, MD. All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Harmony Books, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House LLC, New York, a Penguin Random House Company. Buy the book>>

Judith Orloff MD, assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA, is the New York Times bestselling author of Emotional Freedom and a new book, The Power of Surrender: Let Go and Energize Your Relationships, Success, and Well-Being (Random House, April 2014). Dr. Orloff teaches workshops nationwide, has given a TED talk on her new book, and has appeared on The Dr. Oz ShowToday, PBS, CNN, NPR, and many others.

featured image: Stuck in Customs; image 2 & 3 Depositphotos; image 4: Pixabay

  1. Wow this is an absolutely amazing article! I got so much out of this, and I read the whole entire thing (which I normally don’t do). This inspired me, and taught me to re-evaluate some of my relationships with people. Thanks so much!

  2. Met someone about a yr ago whose energy almost knocked me over on first sight. He was comfortable with me until I got the feeling that he became uncomfortable about 2 months ago. We are not romantically involved but I sense a strong attraction. Now I’m confused in reading his energy. This article was very helpful

  3. Yo maybe he was emotionally available and unavailable rotating his feelings so you wouldn’t lose interest in him cause he really liked you and didn’t want to risk losing you by never posing a challenge by always being emotionally available

  4. Humm…what does it mean when it feels oddly uncomfortable to look someone in the eyes? I’m usually not someone who has issues with direct eye contact, even with people I do not like or who are aggressive…I can usually stare someone down pretty easily (not in a bad way XD) but there’s a person who’s a friend where we love eachother but us dating just didnt work out and I ended things… he me with tenderness and respect but I feel very uncomfortable with looking into his eyes for too long. They are kind eyes but it feels….uncomfortably intense and I look away quickly…also even when he’s just looking at me I can feel it too intensly.. What could that mean? They are also the first person I’ve felt their heart energy. I can feel when his heart drops or when it hurts..

    1. This quote by Paulo Coelho might be meaningful to you: ?The eyes are the mirror of the soul and reflect everything that seems to be hidden; and like a mirror, they also reflect the person looking into them.?

      When in love, the powerful effect of the eyes can be amplified. You can also see more clearly into your lover’s soul through the eyes, which can be intense and take some getting used to to become comfortable with.

  5. I found this really interesting and beautiful . Has anyone felt electric vibes standing next to someone ? While a part of your body accidentally touches theirs ?

    1. I don’t know if it’s in a physical or psychological way but I do give electric vibes to people in some situations. Once it even happened without touching just really close and felt so hard. I’m kind of used to it but people around me always get surprised when I shocked them. It just happens..

      BTW really good article. I think eyes in fact are the windows to the soul but sometimes is not that easy to see through them.

    2. Hola, pues si..2 veces en mi vida. Las 2 veces estas peesonas pasaban un duelo. La primera vez recuerdo que mi amiga me cogió del brazo y pegué un salto lejos de ella. Algo recorrió mi cuerpo, como un calambre, y dejando una sensación descompuesta y de feos sentimientos en todo mi ser. La sensación que me dejó no fue buena, de repente supe que la muerte dw su padre además traía otra serie dw problemas para ella. Pero todo fue más claro la segunda vez que me ocurrió: fue con quien era la mujer de mi padre. Ella pasaba el duelo dw su madre y solamente centrándome wn mi taza de café con ella me sacudió un espantoso calambre. Hubo toda una revelación de repente. Sin saber como vi claramente todas sus dudas, miedos y frustraciones. Así que aunque no me gustaba lo que ahora sabía de ella, empecé a ayudarla hablando con ella para calmarmar sus angustias.

  6. One of the best articles I’ve ever read!

    I am a strong follower of my intuition and I read energy very well however men seem to cloud my vision more than I like but not anymore . I recently met a beautiful man who appears to be passionate, smart, caring and he’s very successful in his career. He volunteers with children and he’s involved in church but I get the most off-putting vibes from him. He chased me for months because I was completely uninterested in him and he does all these things to show he’s interested in me but I can’t help but feel that something is off about him. His energy feels like he’s hiding anger and control issues behind a composed relaxed demeanor and a disingenuous smile. It’s really weird that I’m picking this up because he doesn’t necessarily come across as angry or controlling but I feel like I can feel him trying to hide it. He feels distant and cold around me but he insists that he’s so in to me and he constantly calls me all the time. My friends think I’m crazy for not liking him because he’s so successful and gorgeous and involved in so many positive activities and he seems to be in love with me so they don’t understand why I feel unsure. But they don’t realize that I’m picking up on some seriously bad energy on him and I don’t want to stick around to find out what it is. The last guy I dated who was perfect on paper but gave me bad vibes turned out to be physically and emotionally abusive and had some serious mental issues because he was abused as a child so I’m not going to second guess this feeling at all. I am taking things super slow with him and I am keeping my distance emotionally.

    1. Your intuition picks up that what he says is not how he makes you feel, listen to your gut. Status and looks can easily fool people who aren’t sensitive to energy or their intuition. You seem wise and have similar experiences to me, the lessons are always to be learnt as those who don’t learn from mistakes repeat them. You will find someone genuine, as genuine people don’t have to declare who they are you feel who they are.

  7. I agree, Jessica, that it’s best to trust your intuition on this one. “His energy feels like he’s hiding anger and control issues behind a composed relaxed demeanor and a disingenuous smile” – I’ve met quite a few people like this, some of whom I ended up having negative experiences with.

  8. I have a question.

    What happens if you connect to a person on heart energy and have a strong connection, however, this person has a troubled mind. Well, in my case severe OCD with sometimes very limited awareness of hallucinations or delusions.

    I have a sometimes a very strong Clairsentience connection with him and my own heart is telling me that he is very important to me, but I can’t get my head around knowing his layer underneath his delusions and hallucinations and him not knowing this later.
    And in his world because of one mistake I made where I had been overriding my instincts I am a threat to him.
    How would you deal with that?

  9. This article is very informative. It corroborates in much of what I came to learn from human behavior. Often, I speak of feelings, senses, and vibes and sometimes people look at me as if it such experiences aren’t concrete evidence of a situation.

    Yet, just by observing I came to see how this energy of the eyes truly exists. In a similar manner, how we can sense someone’s negative presence around us. I think it comes not only from small electromagnetic interactions from our bodies but also from ourselves also perceiving other strange signals in our surroundings (hearing someone’s footsteps behind us for example).

    Farther from acknowledging that, I believe that I’m also an empath. In this way, I believe sometimes I may mimic other’s behavior in order to understand their origin. Aside from that, I have found myself working in an environment with a few characters that often exhibit a somewhat aggressive behavior. Obviously, as anybody else, I’ve perpetuated this outside my work environment.

    Whilst I’ve acknowledged this “not mine” in me, I’ve also come to realize how someone else in my work environment can have all those detrimental negative vibes, evil eye type of effect on me.

    While I am looking for another job, I still can’t avoid the witch and have certainly had physical reactions to these interactions. How do I protect myself? I noticed that you’ve mentioned not feeding it… which I’ve tried more recently, but until I can actually find a better fitting workspace, how else can I make sure that I don’t get my positivity drained, my light turned off and my life painted as a complete mess (which I know it’s not but in just as 30 min near this person I can’t avoid getting into these negative looplessholes).

  10. Great article,

    Exactly all the things and more that i was looking for to read.
    About feeling being watched.

    I was walking outside just staring at where i was walking and thinking about nothing special i think, then suddenly i looked to my right, and i looked straight into a parked car into the eyes of a person staring at me, he then looked away, and so did i (life goes on lol) anyhow, i am positive that it was no coincidence that i looked exactly into someone’s eyes, if he was not there looking at me i don’t think i would have looking into that specific direction.

  11. Thank you so much for this article… I am finally learning how important it is to trust our gut instinct and intuition when it comes to deciphering a persons true intentions. What you experienced with Todd happened to me recently….a highly intelligent and sweet talking soul walked right into my life and tried to bedazzle me. But something within me told right from the start that this is not as it seems. Thankfully I din’t fall for all the great things he said or promised. As a hopeless romantic I would have fallen for this even a year ago….He just was a manipulative person and wanted to control me…I managed to not fall in his trap. Understanding vibes is paramount to our own self protection. I sincerely hope we all learn to trust ourselves more and read vibes as soon as we meet a person….Eyes and energies never lie!! And behaviour always speak volumes about a person…one can’t pretend for long. But let’s not wait to know…sense the energy and stay safe right in the beginning!!

  12. I have quite a knack for sensing a person’s intentions somehow. I think I hear it in their voice, yet it registers as a feeling. It’s accurate. Hasn’t failed yet. I think our brains identify these patterns subconsciously. When we focus on certain aspects of the things around us, we become more capable of seperating and identifying patterns somewhat consciously. Just a theory, probably true, though.

  13. I’m Empathic and read energies, but I did the same thing. My Ex was very charming and knew exactly how to play me. But I didn’t allow myself to see he was controlling. I ignored the “red flags” and would not listen to my intuition. My intuition also told me he was cheating on me, and I ignored that as well. Eventually My body and mind paid a heavy price. When it was over I was relieved, but emotionally damaged. Good news is I learned from it. I’m in a much better mental state, I’m stronger, and I believe I’m finally ready to venture out there again. Above all, I’m going to listen to my intuition and what energies I’m reading.

  14. Hi! Thank you so much for sharing this article, it’s such a great read! I came across this article after I had a situation regarding energy/vibes. I have always been very intuitive when it comes down to people’s energy. I had the best energy with my coach at the gym, we always vibed so well which made the work out a lot more enjoyable. Keep in mind, I’m fairly quiet until I open up to someone I completely trust, and I think he was working on me opening up, especially when he’d make comments about “getting me out of my shell”. Long story short, I was having a pretty rough day and didn’t realize I brought that negative energy with me to the gym. That day, I nicely snapped at the coach. Since then, our energy has been extremely off, we barely talk to each other and we can’t seem to even say hello to one another. I didn’t apologize for what i said but I did explain to him that I was having a bad day but truly appreciate him for all his help and patience during work outs. That was said to him after that incident happened, all I received in return..that’s ok I didn’t take it personal, I don’t care. Clearly, he did. My question is, is there such a thing as repairing energy? or is there such a thing as starting fresh once a connection has been damaged? I noticed that he didn’t treat everyone the same, and he always treated me a little nicer, as if I were a fragile human being. I continue to go to the gym and stay positive in hopes that the energy is cleared on both ends. Any feedback would be appreciated, thank you!

  15. I am a psychic medium and recently have been so overwhelmed with others energy. Ive always been able to know when I will like someone or not but recently I’m feeling what they “feel”, I know what they “know”, in essence I’m them but I’m still me as if I’m taking all of their issues.
    I’ve been a psychic for over 20 years and this is all new to me. The only time this would happen before is if I was doing a reading….Not anymore. Today I was actually trying to avoid a little girl that is missing her mom. She was so overwhelmed with fear and grief and I couldn’t just go up to her and start talking to her. I’m not even sure what I’m doing here posting this but I felt I should so here I am.

    1. I have felt others’ energy in my body since I was a girl. it has accelerated to the point that I now see things before they occur (and I get verification after the fact). Spirit has contacted me on numerous occasions with messages. I take this as possible indication that I might want to look into becoming a psychic medium myself. (and have no idea where to begin.) Perhaps you were called to post a comment so that I would find it (given our ezperiences are the inverse of one another).

  16. What does it mean if someones aura is freezing cold? Someone i know gives off literally cold energy. It feels like someone left the freezer open every time this person gets around 3 to 4 feet of me. Its really uncomfortable.

    1. Stay away from them. I’ve had encountered a few people in my life and felt it the moment I walked up to them or they were next to me. One guy turned out to be a big thief and tried selling me a TV he said he stole from his mother ( and I sense he had done other things) . Another was a guy at the gym. He came up to the front desk but wasn’t a regular I saw there. Couldn’t put my finger on it but it was the first and last time I saw him there. Gave me goosebumps

  17. I’m having this same feeling of a new girlfriend. Positive energy at first but one month later her energy felt slightly off, not necessarily evil though. More of displaced\ lost energy . Her physical interactions are off (body language) , eye contact, and vocal tones . Now 3 months in not feeling her energy on a positive spectrum and thinking of calling it quits soon. I’m not a paranoid at all but that vibe and energy is a real thing to feel and I’ve been right several times about this . Everyone has their ways and personalities but you can tell if someone has a genuine or troubled soul base on the energy they give off regardless of the personality. There are many people that can be the life of the party but their soul speaks a different volume regarding their ways and intentions .That’s when the feeling of their energy comes in to play .

  18. A wonderfully interesting essay describing human nature in the first person perspective. Helps one to learn of oneself by senseng others and learning at the same time.Thank you and the commentors following your article. Everything was enlightening to me.

  19. A magnificent article Judith. As you have wisely pointed out, We have to learn to understand the energy of others and to listen our own gut instincts. The struggle between the heart and the head, is as old as man himself and our loving feelings towards outhers seem to silence our intuition and lower our guards. It is the ability to sense the authenticity of a person that is the key and as the article says, we have to use every trick in the book to get a read on others to establish their motives. We must also remember that the world is full of skilled con artists, who themselves have developed and refined their own skills of deception and so it’s a game of cat and mouse. Time is often our greatest ally and we have to play the long game and wait to see if the masks of these duplicitous characters eventually slips.

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