Plastic toy police standing on a selection of banknotes and coins

DREAM INTERPRETATION: Perceiving self-value and communicating clearly [symbols: son, defrauding, money, police]

Last updated: April 8th, 2019

This is The Mindful Word’s new DREAMS section. In this section, Aneta Baranek of the School of Metaphysics will each week be offering free dream interpretations to The Mindful Word readers, as well as articles on dreams in general.

Wenn Sie schon immer neugierig darauf waren, die kryptischen Inhalte Ihres Unterbewusstseins zu entschlüsseln, haben Sie jetzt die Gelegenheit dazu! Wenn Sie möchten, dass Aneta Ihren Traum deutet, Füllen Sie dieses Formular aus. She will respond with your dream interpretation via MINDFUL DREAMS, published every Thursday.


Hallo Aneta,

Two days ago I had this dream where one of my sons aged 31 was accused of being involved in defrauding. In the dream the company that he was accused of defrauding was a mobile phone company. The police were investigating him and determined to have him arrested but he escaped into hiding. Still in the dream, as a family we were all concerned about his situation.

DREAMER: Male, ZM, 60


Son – familiar/known conscious aspect of the dreamer

Defrauding – deceptive way of obtaining money

Money – value

Company – organization of people

Mobile phone – tool for communication, specifically mind to mind

Police – authority


Dear Joseph,

We appreciate you sharing your dream…Although this dream might come across as being about your son, it is in fact about you. Here is why. Every person, place and thing in a dream represents the dreamer. Therefore your son represents an aspect of you.

The task at hand is for you to identify what two qualities he symbolizes. Those qualities are conscious and very familiar to you. The day or two prior to having this dream you used these qualities in ways that were somewhat deceptive (defrauding) to the rest of you. The deception has something to do with not finding value in communication, inner communication to be exact (mobile phone company). Your inner authority recognized this (police/arrest); however there was no final reconciliation that occurred (your son escaped).


If this were my dream I would look at ways in which I feel that my value is being taken from me by the parts of myself that your son represents. This is all symbolic, not literal. At this time these qualities negatively affect your sense of value and communication. You’re aware of this, however, don’t address it fully or completely.

Let us presume that your son symbolizes shyness and passivity, for example. Then the ways in which you are being shy and passive are impeding your sense of value and your ways of communicating.

If it were my dream I would look at how I perceive my sense of value and how clearly and honestly I communicate within myself and with others. I would start with making a list of all aspects of myself that I find valuable, all ways in which, in my mind, I add value to myself and my environment. I would also start practicing speaking truth every day to those around me and to myself, not to upset them or myself, but to present myself and express myself most authentically.

The thing to realize is that we’re all inherently valuable. The more you honestly recognize your inherent value on a daily basis, the more fulfilled and truthful your life will become.

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Image: Police investigating the trouble about money via Shutterstock

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