lunar eclipse

REFLECTIONS ON A TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE: Resolutions to end vicious cycles and emerge from the darkness

As I write these words, it’s November 7, 2022: the evening of a total lunar eclipse. I’ve spent the day contemplating the spiritual significance of this event for me. What vicious cycles do I need to release, and what hidden knowledge is waiting to emerge from within?

I’ve made a few lunar eclipse resolutions. I’m hoping that as the shadow passes over the face of the moon, it takes with it any stumbling blocks threatening to hinder my progress. As I turn my back on patterns of behaviour that no longer serve me, I celebrate my potential to do better and feel better.

I imagine the moon being plunged into shadow, taking precious time to retreat and rest, and I want the same for myself. Then, as the full moon emerges again in its bright pearly white glory, I imagine myself emerging with the energy and clarity that I hope my new habits will foster in me.

My 4 resolutions for energy and healing

REFLECTIONS ON A TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE Resolutions to end vicious cycles and emerge from the darkness1

The new daily habits I’ve started in celebration of this special celestial event are the following: get up at 6:30 a.m.; meditate for five minutes in the afternoon; spend a few hours writing; and be in bed by 11 p.m.

I already have seen a difference over the span of the past 24 hours:

  • When I got up two hours earlier than usual this morning (i.e., 6:30 a.m. instead of 8:30 a.m.), I gave myself the gift of time. I also gave my body the gift of returning to its natural rhythm: getting up earlier and going to bed earlier will do me a world of good in regulating my sleep and energy cycles.
  • When I meditated for five minutes, I was able to reset my mental state partway through the day. This was incredibly grounding after a stressful interaction with a highly anxious person at work.
  • When I spent several hours today doing what I love most—writing—I felt fully myself and deeply alive. This is what the Universe wants for me. In my experience, when I do what the Universe is guiding me to do, good things unfold in my life.
  • When I went to bed at 11:00 last night, I realized that I don’t stay up late because my body isn’t tired; I do it out of habit. My body was grateful to be in bed earlier than usual. If there’s one thing I need to do for myself to end the vicious cycles in my life, it’s taking better care of my body. That’s what I’m pledging to do, this night of the lunar eclipse and onward.

The hardest part is letting go

REFLECTIONS ON A TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE Resolutions to end vicious cycles and emerge from the darkness2

The moon won’t stay hidden; it’s only fading for a short time. Its natural state is to glow in the dark. I know that this is my natural state, too. I was born to shine and serve a purpose in my life, just like every person is. We all have days spent in shadow, but the best thing we can remind ourselves of is that nothing lasts forever. We can count on change. Time is the friend that carries us from our saddest moments to our happiest ones.

In order to be a better friend to myself, I need to let go of the myriad of ways I harm myself, directly and indirectly. I need to enter a new era in which I give my body what it needs, which is often different than what my ego wants, or my laziness settles for:

  • It’s hard to get up early. My body wants to sleep in. However, my body also needs to get up early enough to do the things it needs to be healthy. I need to let go of what’s easy in order to do what’s necessary to thrive.
  • It’s hard to make the time to meditate. I want to believe that I don’t need to do it because it often feels like a hassle. However, I do need to do it. There’s no shortcut or replacement for meditation. I need to let go of my habit of skipping it for days at a time.
  • It’s hard to write. It’s easier to watch YouTube. I’ve been watching way too much YouTube, but that needs to stop. I need to let go of that addiction because it’s eating up way too much of the time I need for important things like writing, rest and exercise.
  • It’s hard to have the discipline to go to bed early. There’s always another video to watch or an app to scroll through. However, I don’t want to scroll my way through life or watch it pass me by. I need to let go of my habit of sleep deprivation and value my body enough to give it the rest it desperately needs to function at its best.

Entering a new cycle in the light

I’ve gone through some dark months in 2022. Deep depression, intense anxiety and suicidal thoughts have been my unwanted companions. Unfortunately, many of my habits have welcomed them and made it comfortable for them to stick around for far too long.

I’m ready to release these habits and entire a brighter phase of my life. Insufficient rest and irregular sleep schedules leave me exhausted and make resilience in the face of daily challenges extremely difficult. Skipping meditation keeps me in a scattered frame of mind, which leads to difficulty in making decisions and being productive. Refusing to devote much time to my writing wears me down because writing is my greatest purpose and source of satisfaction in life.

I’m ready to rest more, meditate more and write more. These are the things that will help me find my way out of the dark on shadowy days to come. Shadows never stay forever. I resolve to keep chasing the light.

«قراءة ذات صلة» FORM NEW HABITS: 4 mindfulness tips to help you turn over a new leaf»

image 1 Michaela Wenzler من بيكساباي 2 image by tookapic من بيكساباي 3 image by S. Hermann / F. Richter من بيكساباي 

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