Man with back pain getting up from desk

BACK PAIN: Can alternative therapies like sound healing solve your problems?

Back pain is a common occurrence and can be inevitable at times, but fortunately, there are many ways to treat it. To find out what works best for you and your pain level, one option is exploring how to cure back pain quickly at home with sound healing. If the sound healing options outlined below don’t work well for you, you may want to consider seeking treatment with an orthopedic specialist.

What is sound healing?

Sound healing is a type of therapy you can use to improve your physical, mental and emotional health. This therapy uses what some refer to as energy medicine to promote healing by using the vibrations in music. Some patients associate certain aspects of their psyche with pain, which can hinder the healing process, but sound therapy uses music to elicit healing vibrations that can alleviate pain in the same way it uses upbeat music to promote energy.

Sounds can have miraculous effects on the human body. They’re often able to promote calmness and help relieve the symptoms of many conditions, such as physical pain and stress-related disorders. When sound waves travel through your body, they can rejuvenate you by improving your circulation and energy flow. Sounds can also increase your focus and productivity, improve your mood, relieve anxiety and promote well-being.

There are a few different types of sound healing therapy that are available for pain relief. These types of therapy will help your body find vibrational balance and clear away any energetic blockages you may have with massages and/or meditation to the tune of music. The frequencies you hear can teach you how to get rid of back pain (instantly), if you utilize one of these methods:

  • Guided meditation
  • Vibroacoustic therapy
  • Singing bowl therapy
  • Neurological music therapy

How sound healing relieves pain

Sound healing has the ability to help you relieve numerous types of pain throughout your body. Have you ever wondered why they play soothing music in massage parlours or upbeat music at festivals or nightclubs? Music sets a vibe in the room it plays, but it also has neurological effects on your brain. Your brainwaves will interact with the music that’s playing and react to the sound as the frequencies travel through your body.

People have been using sound therapy for centuries, perhaps without realizing the medicinal properties or effects it can have on your state of mind. It doesn’t cost much to listen to music, so pick a song that promotes healing through its uplifting beat or its lyrics and see where it takes you.

You can listen to a sad song and feel the effects, so why not try sound therapy to see if it helps your pain, regardless of whether it’s mental, physical or emotional? Be prepared, however for a unique response to the pain. Although sounds have a universal effect on the brain, every journey is different. Sound healing can sometimes elicit negative or uncomfortable feelings and bring them to the surface, similar to the way in which sad songs can evoke melancholy feelings.  

Back pain and its symptoms

There are many reasons your back could be hurting. Back pain can stem from sitting incorrectly, overexerting during strenuous activities, an injury, or a lack of efficient movement, among other causes. If you have severe back pain, you might consider seeking formal medical assistance to find the reason and help ease your pain.

Common back pain symptoms include stiffness, muscle spasms and issues with your posture. Ligament or muscle strain can cause back pain that’s accompanied by arthritis, osteoporosis or herniated discs. Chronic back pain ranges from mild to fatal, depending on the severity and the cause of the pain. Severe back pain may prevent you from performing daily functions and affect your quality of life, which can be very frustrating.

You must discuss your symptoms with your doctor to determine whether your problem isn’t due to an injury or another physical condition. Suppose you’re experiencing a sudden spike in pain, numbness or weakness, such as a shooting pain or numbness in your leg. In that case, your back pain could be a more significant concern.

6 wholistic ways to treat back pain

Tibetan singing bowls for meditation, which can help relieve back pain

There are various ways to cure back pain fast at home. It may surprise you to find out that it’s possible to get rid of back pain both quickly and cost-effectively by using some or all of these six methods. Even after discussing your pain with your doctor, these lifestyle changes can mitigate your symptoms, which will go hand in hand with helping you decrease flare-ups and manage your pain.

Correct your posture

You can begin trying to alleviate your back pain by correcting your posture, as poor posture may put unnecessary pressure on your lower back and strain your neck and back muscles. Try getting an ergonomic chair that’s the correct height for your feet to sit comfortably on the floor, as this will help reduce the strain on your back.

Routinely exercise

With routine exercise, you’ll be able to improve your overall health and reduce the pain in your back at the same time. Using an elliptical, rowing or cycling can increase blood flow to your soft tissues, and any type of active exercise can decrease the stiffness in your joints and promote healing.

Try acupuncture

Acupuncture can help alleviate pain in many areas of your body, including your lower back. It’s a traditional type of Chinese medicine that uses fine needles to balance the flow of energy in the body strategically. Some believe that acupuncture, when applied to certain points of the body, will stimulate a patient’s muscles, nerves and connective tissues in order to relieve their pain.

Change your diet

What you put into your body can play a vital role in your pain management, so ensure that you eat a well-balanced diet that promotes good nutrition and anti-inflammation properties. Your diet will also contribute to your overall health and weight, and a healthy weight can decrease the amount of pressure on your spine and thereby help alleviate your pain.

Get a massage

A massage can help loosen and release tissues and lead to increased mobility by decreasing stiffness in your joints. Swedish and deep-tissue massages are excellent resources for mitigating symptoms of back pain. Massage therapy isn’t necessarily a cure for back pain—especially if it’s severe—but it can help lessen your symptoms and give you some relief.

Do meditation exercises

Meditation exercises—like sound healing therapy and mindfulness meditation—will often help minimize back pain. If mindfulness and meditation practices don’t improve your physical ailments, they’ll likely improve your mental state and assist you with managing psychological issues (like anxiety or depression) that dealing with chronic back pain can cause.

Alleviate your back pain naturally

Man with back pain getting up from desk

If you’re trying to learn how to get rid of back pain instantly (or at least fairly quickly) without visiting a doctor, sound healing therapy and the other wholistic therapies covered above are excellent tools for you to use. However, those who are experiencing more chronic or severe back pain should consider seeking out a medical professional if the at-home methods don’t work.

Medical disclaimer: This page is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians. Please refer to the full text of our medical disclaimer.

«قراءة ذات صلة» THE LANGUAGE YOUR BODY SPEAKS: Sound, rhythm and wellness»

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