girl rock climbing

REACHING FOR MORE: Pushing boundaries with rock climbing

Last updated: 3 月 16th, 2024

It started innocently enough, as most things do. My son Nick had been bouldering but wanted to get into rock climbing. However, to do so, he needed to take a two-hour introductory class and needed a partner. The good news was that he was booked to do the training class. The bad news was that on the day, his friend who was supposed to partner with him was unable to make it. This meant Nick would not be able to go because, to climb, he needed a partner for the ropes.

He had already paid the deposit. I didn’t want him to miss out. I politely volunteered to go to the training class with him. I knew there was no way he would be caught with his 45-year-old mother—I was safe. To my complete surprise, he said yes. I am not a physical person at all. I do not like trying new things and I like planning ahead. I had no idea what I had just signed up for.

Rock climbing: Learning the ropes

REACHING FOR MORE – Pushing boundaries with rock climbing1

A few hours later, Nick and I sat with our instructor learning the ropes, literally. I am not sure what I thought was going to happen at the training session, but I didn’t realize I was expected to put on a harness, climb up rocks in special shoes, hopefully reach the top and just let go. I also have a fear of heights. The first time I climbed up with the ropes, I only went halfway because I needed to make sure I knew how to come back down. It took several minutes of coaching from the instructor and Nick to trust the process. 

The first time I made it all the way to the top and safely back on solid ground, I felt so many different emotions. I was proud of myself that I had decided to even try something like this. I hadn’t let my fear of heights stop me. I did it. My body was shaking from adrenaline and because I had to use more strength than I ever thought I had, but I had done it.

Shortly after we got home after climbing, Nick asked me if I thought I would go back. I said yes, I wouldn’t mind trying it again. After that, we started going once or twice a week together. It was a great way for us to bond and for me to push myself. Rock climbing and bouldering were doing wonders for me. It helped me physically and mentally, and it gave me a confidence I never knew existed.

Fall and recovery

REACHING FOR MORE – Pushing boundaries with rock climbing

Four months after I started climbing, I fell while bouldering. I am not sure what happened. I believe my foot missed a hold on the way down. I didn’t land properly and injured my 腰部. I was taken to the hospital by ambulance. I had to wait until my body healed. I wanted to go back rock climbing because I kept remembering what it did for me. In just a few short months, I had seen so many small changes within myself.

If I could rock climb and boulder, what other possibilities were out there? I was 45, but I still had lots of life left. I didn’t want that feeling to ever leave me. I was afraid that if I never went back to rock climbing or bouldering, a piece of me would slip away. It would be forgotten and lie dormant forever. I couldn’t let that happen.

Nearly three months went by before I felt strong enough to try and go back. I was scared. I had no idea what to expect. I allowed myself grace and told myself to just try. Nick was encouraging every step of the way. The easiest routes at our gym are the white routes. After our warmup, I stepped up to meet my fear head-on. This was it.

I made it halfway up and then panic set in. I was scared of falling. My body started shaking. My heart beat faster. I felt the tears coming. I could not do it. I climbed back down. I felt defeated. I felt like I had let myself down and Nick as well. He told me not to worry, to take my time and to try another route when I felt ready.

Fifteen minutes later, I chose a different route. I kept reminding myself that I could change my mind at any time. To my surprise, I made it to the top and back to the ground safely. I was shaking, but I had done it. I was only to complete two more climbs that day, but I did it. Not bad for my first day back. The following week, I went back again. Again, on my first climb, panic set in but I pushed through and completed the climb and three more.

The next challenge

Rock climbing and bouldering have given me many things. I am grateful for the time I spend with Nick, the 体育活动 and the other possibilities that have appeared. Going out of my comfort zone and reaching for more has made me reflect on other things I have wanted to do. One of the things on my bucket list has always been to run 10 kilometres. I am now registered for the 10-kilometre race weekend taking place in May 2024!

I registered to do the race alone. However, this past Christmas, I opened a small gift box from my daughter, Alice, and inside was a piece of folded paper. I opened it up and noticed it was a race ticket for the same distance and date my race weekend was. For a moment I thought she was competing in her city, where she lived. No, it turns out she wanted to support me and is coming down to complete the race with me!

Rock climbing, bouldering, 10-kilometre races and the to-be-done list grows. I honestly have no idea what I will be up to next and that is OK with me. I am excited for the next chapter of personal growth.

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图1: Taylor Burnett;图2: PublicDomainPictures;图3: Diana

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