Yellow wheat field - Daily affirmations about prosperity

PROSPERITY EVERY DAY: 10 daily affirmations to guide you on your path to creative, spiritual and financial fulfillment

Last updated: 3 月 27th, 2019

I – A spiritual bottom line

Prosperity isn’t about money. This statement flies in the face of our usual thinking. “Of course prosperity is about money,” we want to say. But if we believe prosperity is about money, then there is never enough. We need to recognize that prosperity is a spiritual bottom line, not a fiscal one.

II – Unlimited supply

When we’re grounded spiritually, we recognize that Spirit is our source. This means we have an unlimited supply. Turning to a spiritual source moves us into a feeling of abundance. There’s one energy, one force, sustaining all of life. That source is Spirit.

III – Money and creativity

Many of us believe we’ll be more creative when we’re financially comfortable. “When I have enough money, then I’ll try…” we tell ourselves. But creativity does not depend on money. It depends on our sense of abundance. When we extend ourselves creatively, we often trigger an increased flow financially. Creativity is an act of faith. We extend ourselves, believing that good will come to pass. This act of faith brings us closer to our Creator, closer to our flow of good.

IV – Having Enough

We’re often anxious, telling ourselves that our security is in jeopardy. We fret and worry rather than take concrete actions to remedy our situation. Counting is the beginning of security. We learn how much money we have and where it goes. We’re ending fiscal vagueness. As our knowledge becomes more concrete, we’re better able to act on our own behalf. It helps to remind us that we have always been taken care of. The Universe is abundant, and it manifests its abundance in many ways.

V – Clarity

Putting pen to page and recording our spending and earning gives us the beginning of clarity. Prosperity is not about vagueness, a dim sense that we have enough. Rather, prosperity and clarity go hand in hand. We don’t think we might have enough; we know we do have enough. And if we have a shortfall, we know its proportions. We gain clarity about what we can do to improve our solvency. Often, it is a small step. Are we billing properly for our time and attention? If not, we are debting to ourselves.

VI – Anxiety

Anxiety blocks our flow. Worried about what we don’t have, focused on our lack, our anxiety increases. It takes a deliberate act of faith to reverse our scarcity thinking. Often, working with an affirmation will clear a channel. The affirmation can be simple: “There is plenty for all of us, including myself.”

VII – Adrenaline

Many of us, seeking prosperity, find ourselves facing resistance. Why? We have an active addiction to anxiety. We’re accustomed to worry. We’re habituated to an overflow of adrenaline. Admitting that we’re addicted to anxiety is the first step towards freedom. Counting eliminates ambiguity, and ambiguity is the breeding ground of obsession.

VIII – Spirit as source

When we rely on a higher power, we invite a divine energy to enter our lives. No longer self-reliant, we rely instead on the limitless abundance that is our true source. No task is too difficult for divine intelligence. Spirit’s mind thinks through us, replacing problems with solutions.

IX – Addiction

Addiction saps our energy. It keeps us from feeling abundant. Addiction can take many forms: alcohol, drugs, sex and love addiction, overwork—any of these can divert our flow or block it entirely. Turning to our higher power for help with our addictions leads us to freedom and prosperity.

X – A beautiful harvest

Solvent, we plant the seeds of a beautiful harvest. We look forward with anticipation to the bounty that will come. We count our blessings and know that more abundance allows. Taking our cue from the natural world, we expect abundance.

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摘自 Prosperity Every Day: A Daily Companion to Your Journey to Greater Wealth and Happiness by Julia Cameron and Emma Lively. © 2015 by Julia Cameron. A Perigee Book, Penguin Group USA, a Penguin Random House Company.

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