


On a recent golf outing with his law partner friends, he’d felt an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach, only two holes in. He acknowledged his emotional discomfort for a short moment, and then just chalked it up to stress. Then, a few days later, he felt it again while unwinding in front of the television set after a long day at work. He couldn’t quite put his finger on the feeling, but he sensed that it came from a strange small voice within.



A smile broke out across the man’s face as he suddenly felt compelled to find his old pair of sneakers and go running in the streets like when he was a child. He found his old shoes in a closet, laced them up and waved goodbye to his wife. He then went running through the suburban streets, and he ran so far that soon he found himself in the countryside.



By the time he ran through the extremely hot desert and up into the snow-capped mountains, this man had become a media sensation. Every news channel covered his fascinating journey. Some called him “Forrest Gump, Jr.” in honour of that beloved Hollywood character’s own famous run. Others called him “Running Jesus” for his long hair, his beard and his tendency to talk in parables.


But why does he run?

傲慢的学派心理学家居高临下地发表意见,认为他只是在 "隐喻地逃避 "他 "未解决的创伤",他的旅程实际上是一个 "情感回避的事件"。渴望金钱的营销专家也加入进来,说他的跑步只不过是一个宣传噱头,以建立他的 "品牌 "和提高他的 "形象"。

甚至是那些空虚的社交媒体网红们也忍不住要参与进来。一位非常受欢迎的网红就通过以下的无意义自恋评论获得了一百万个 "赞"。"#OMG!那个跑步的家伙太太太可爱了!他一直跑,这样才能接到我!"



Perhaps out of a genuine respect for her determination and grit in keeping pace with him, the running sage decided to reveal his deepest truth in a response that was broadcast to a national audience longing for intuitive wisdom:


"相关阅读" 奔向清晰:时间是个小偷,但也是个老师"

图: Pixabay

  1. The Mood Sanctuary is a YouTube channel with videos designed to make viewers feel better. The videos on the channel are designed to help people feel calm, relaxed, and positive. Some of the videos aim to provide comfort and relaxation, while others make people laugh. All of the videos on the channel are created by the mood sanctuary team.


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