红色龙爪花(red spider lilies)






THE IDEA OF AUTUMN – Western culture paradoxes and eastern society traditions1

The idea of autumn in Western countries (among its white population) is a curious paradox of both bounty and fear. Beyond the scope of this article, but acknowledged, is the rich, unique heritage of First Peoples and African-Americans, whose autumn festivals encompass celebration, dance, song, ceremony and the spirit world.



美国感恩节继续着原住民 "欢迎 "入侵他们土地的白人定居者的谎言。而现实却截然不同。

然而,美国的感恩节延续着原住民 "欢迎 "入侵他们土地的白人定居者的谎言。现实却截然不同。通过战争、苦役和疾病,北美和南美的原住民在几百年间被消灭并流离失所。


Trick-or-treating—children setting off on Halloween night in costume and ringing doorbells to demand treats—has been a tradition in the U.S. for at least 100 years (much longer in Europe). Its origin remains murky, but is likely related to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (Ireland, England and Northern France). Samhain was when the dead returned to Earth, and villagers disguised themselves in costumes made of animal skins to drive away phantoms. Banquet tables were prepared, and food was left out to placate unwelcome spirits.


红色龙爪花(red spider lilies)

Asia has many cultures and traditions, among which I identify most with the Japanese ideas about autumn. It reflects their love of natural beauty, which they have elevated into simple, yet profound short poems called Haiku.

Similar to the cherry blossom festival (Sakura) in the spring, the Japanese autumn festival (Momiji) is a floral festival that invites the Japanese to admire a moment of incredible colours in nature—the emergence of vivid reds, oranges and yellows—that only autumn can produce before decline and dormancy. From September to November, the Japanese crowd into gardens or take walks in parks or mountains to enjoy the spectacle offered by their famous Japanese maples, which have been nurtured and hybridized over centuries.

The appearance of red spider lilies (Higanbana) is a sign that autumn has arrived in Japan. You can see them everywhere in the rural parts of the country. The red dragonfly is also a sign of autumn, and there are Haiku poems written about both.

Autumn begins after the Obon holidays in the middle of August. Obon is a spiritual event in Japan when the souls of ancestors return to this world and are welcomed back for a few days until they once again depart, but Obon isn’t about fear. Rather, people are reminded about their transitory existence, making this a season of reflection.

Like the West, Japan has a bounty festival centred on one essential crop: rice. In October, when the rice is harvested, there are festivals held throughout the country. People go out with friends to eat seasonal foods and enjoy the autumn leaves and hot springs, or stay at home and grill delicious fish, eat chestnuts and steam matsutake mushrooms in an earthenware pot. Unlike Thanksgiving, there is no single evening of family and special, seasonal foods.


THE IDEA OF AUTUMN – Western culture paradoxes and eastern society traditions

Another wonderful autumn idea in Japan is “moon viewing” (Tsukimi). Dating back to the Heian era (794 to 1185 A.D.), the concept of moon-viewing has evolved. Instead of lavish banquets, people love to gaze at the moon with a small snack at the time of the full moon in September.


在俳句诗中,有一种叫做 "秋天的声音 ",即枯脆的树叶在远处沙沙作响的声音,或是"秋天的音乐",即风或雨落在树叶上的声音。伟大的诗人松尾芭蕉有一首秋天的诗,最受日本人喜爱;所有学童都要学会。这首诗是他在1680年的秋天写的:




«相关阅读» 枫树下的长椅:生命季节的一个故事»

图1 nekoroom 来自 Pixabay 2 图片由 Benjamin Balazs 来自 Pixabay 3 图片由 Gerd Altmann 来自 Pixabay 

  1. It’s interesting how traditions evolve in different parts. Since Halloween originally came from Europe, one would think it’d be popular in Europe, but it’s not. It is becoming more popular here though in recent years, but people think that’s because it’s “coming over” from North America!

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