



I’d been watching an episode of Master of None. Most of it took place in almost total silence. Two deaf girls (twin sisters) were communicating by signing, with subtitles on the screen to convey what each was saying. In the absence of talking, I noticed myself starting to feel relaxed.

It’s important that you know I am a noise-sensitive person. Loud noises like motorcycles and children crying in public create an almost viscerally negative full-body reaction. I wish this wasn’t the case, and mindfulness has helped me, but the noise sensitivity persists.





WE ARE NOT OUR THOUGHTS The practice of detaching from our mental meanderings1


如果追踪我的思想路径,可以发现第一个 "思想 "始于观察,"我现在感觉很放松"。对我内心状态的观察为进一步的想法奠定了基础。一个接一个,形成了一条心理路径,我的思想沿着它前进。最后,它到达了垃圾桶,结论就在堆积的垃圾之上,滋生了大量的苍蝇。






To bring it back: We can try to just remember that the human mind is the landing pad for thousands of thoughts every day, many of which are nonsense. This doesn’t mean we have to feel guilty for having them. By their very nature, thoughts and feelings that spontaneously enter our minds without warning are beyond our control.

What we can control is whether we act on them. It’s our choice to either pursue or ignore a thought. We can also choose how we behave in response to them. As Gavin Edwards wrote in his book Kindness and Wonder (based on the life of Fred Rogers), “Lady Aberlin assures X the owl that when he has angry thoughts, they don’t hurt anybody—only actions do. ‘That man didn’t shoot the other man just by thinking about it,’ she tells him.”

The mere arrival of negative thoughts sometimes ignites a flicker of brief shame, but I realize that the difference now is that I don’t act on them. That to me is something worth celebrating and acknowledging. After all, it’s how we respond to our feelings that matters more than whether we have them. So be gentle and kind with yourself.

«相关阅读» 想法并非事实:如何与正在观察的自己做朋友»

图1 Małgorzata Tomczak 来自 Pixabay 2 图片由 -Rita-👩‍🍳 und 📷 mit ❤ 来自 Pixabay 

  1. “A former leader of my country”, haha, some names are better uncalled, indeed
    This piece really hit home, ha… I wish I can some day move on and stop needing to put a lid on my mental trashcan day after day after day 😛

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