三色猫(calico cat)



我家是一个由家猫和野猫组成的两族家庭,它们都饿得不行了。有一对猫在我的床脚下大叫,而 凉台 上的野猫则兴奋地打翻了庭院里的椅子。我敢肯定,如果没有猫科动物的闹钟,我还在睡觉。现在才早上5点。


我光着脚走到浴室。我的两只家猫皇后跟在后面,它们的叫声在大厅里回荡。我提起T恤,屁股坐在凳子上,透过敞开的门看向隔壁的房间。在 家庭房的远处墙壁上,在玻璃推拉门的另一侧,野猫们排成一排,用大理石般的眼睛盯着我。它们有八只,一只公猫首领和他的两个妃子,四只小猫和一个厚颜无耻的玳瑁猫难民,它有一天来到这里,就再也没有离开。


来-来。来-来。 这是我用来称呼小猫的特别唱腔。 来-来。来-来。 我的声音有种通电的效果,能把无形的电波送入大气层。


The ferals

CAT SPOKEN HERE – Gratitude for a purrfect life

Outside, the ferals jitter in anticipation, pushing shoulders, jockeying for the best position. Pilot, a nickel-coloured kitten, hangs spread-eagle on the screen door.

“Are you that hungry?”

The sound of my voice triggers a tumultuous commotion. Honeyboy, the Lion King of the lanai, has dethroned Pilot from the screen with a furry swat. A chorus of hungry howls reaches a crescendo.

“All right. All right. I’m getting it for you.” My barefoot pace quickens, and my actions go on automatic pilot, a ritual that begins every day.

From the pantry, I take out the cans of wet food, then fill the bowls, forming an assembly line on the counter. The fishy smell stinks up the kitchen and I rinse the oily residue down the drain. Aroused by the odour, Picatso and Tikka bracelet my ankles, motorboat hum and plaintively mew.

I set their bowls on a placemat. There is satisfaction in feeding hungry mouths, even those of aged indoor cats and rambling outdoor strays. But I feel something else, too. Tikka and Picatso dip their heads, flagpole their tails, lap up the sauce. I feel grateful for these furry alarm clocks who give me 10 good reasons to get out of bed since I no longer need to dash to the office.

When I go to slide open the screen, all eight of the furballs rush the door and block me in, and I can barely make it onto the lanai. I wobble on unsteady feet for a moment, and then gently move Honeyboy and Mama with my toes. Only Smokey, the blind one, refuses to give way, looking up at me with her vacant, rheumy eyes. The kittens, pushed back by their elders, have rolled themselves into a collective ball of fur. The outlier Tortie paces on an end table she’s claimed for herself.

“Come and get it!

I lower the food in two recycled plastic tubs. An urgent, furry pandemonium explodes and then separates, encircling both bowls. I am no longer the focus of their undivided feline attention. Their faint slurping and purring are thanks enough.

The last one to be fed is the Tortie I call Hedley, who waits, pacing in circles on top of her table. I place her personal bowl in front of her and she gives my arm a lingering, appreciative rub before launching her mouth into the food.

feeling of gratitude wraps around me like a shawl, as I listen to the chorus of indoor and outdoor slurping. Even without a nine-to-five job, I’m content. I pour a cup of coffee, slice a pear. Then I take my seat in the family room, where I watch both tribes eat, knowing that for a moment, I was the most important person in the world.

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图1 Dimitris Vetsikas 来自 Pixabay 图2 摄影 Aline Dassel 来自 Pixabay 

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