



我把它称为"感知与转移"技术:用你的手去 "感知 "身体中保持紧张的区域,然后通过想象力和意图的力量,轻轻地引导能量到一个和平和宽广的状态。练习过后是一种深遂的平静幸福感。


SENSE AND SHIFT A hands on meditation technique2


Put your phone on silent mode and sit on the edge of your bed. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Before you lie down to begin the meditation, take a few moments to ground and centre, so you can rid yourself of some of the anxious energy circulating in your body:

  • 双手朝下,放在大腿上。深吸一口气,每次呼气时,想象体内所有多余的能量都会顺着腿部流下,通过双脚,落入大地。默默地告诉自己,"我现在不需要这些能量了。我要把它交给地球,保留在那里,直至我再次需要。"
  • 双手在胸前合十。吸气时,想象吸入新鲜、凉爽的空气;呼气时,呼出感激之情和积极性。用和平的白光萦绕身边的空间,并想象将白光送入宇宙。


SENSE AND SHIFT A hands on meditation technique1

现在,躺下来,脑后垫一个枕头,身体调整到舒适的位置。搓热双手,然后举过头顶,掌心相对,保持约12英寸(约30厘米)的距离。双手慢动作开合,做出拉手风琴的动作, "感受 "到双手之间的能量。



SENSE AND SHIFT A hands on meditation technique

现在将手放在自己身上,"感知与转移 "身体九个部位的能量,从眼部开始:

  • Eyes: Place the palms of both hands gently over your eyes, cupping them slightly. Feel the warmth of your hands ease the tension in your eye muscles from spending so much time staring at screens. Keep your hands there until the space behind your eyes feels as calm and clear as an empty, sunny room. If that sounds too abstract, simply wait until you feel your eye muscles relax and then move on to the next position.
  • Ears: Place your hands over your ears. Again, enjoy the soothing warmth of your hands and hold your position until you feel the energy become calm and clear.
  • Back of head: Lift your head enough to place both of your hands under it, cupping the back of it, and lie back down. Do the same thing as you did with your ears: sense the energy in your head and allow it a few moments to shift into a calm state.
  • Neck: Cup your hands gently around the sides of your neck. It’s helpful, in this position, to visualize any unspoken thoughts or feelings that are blocking the flow of energy in your body. Imagine clearing this block in your throat so the energy can flow freely. I like to imagine a waterfall of clear energy flowing down from my head, all the way down to my feet and out into the Earth.
  • Heart: Place your hands over your heart, resting one over the other. Infuse your heart with warmth and loving energy.
  • Belly: Place your hand over your belly, just under your chest, positioning your hands so the tips of your fingers are facing each other and maybe gently touching. I hold a lot of anxious energy here—all of the gut feelings I have and am ignoring—and I spend as much time as I need to until I feel the tight coils inside unravel and loosen a bit, while reassuring myself that I am there for myself, and then I move on.
  • Waist: Place your hands in a similar position—palms down with fingers pointing towards each other—about an inch above your belly button. This is a powerhouse area of your body. It may require some time to tune into it and allow it to settle down.
  • Pelvis: Place one hand on either side of your pelvis, roughly on the crease where each thigh meets your torso. This is where the root chakra resides and is home to concerns about stability and safety.
  • Shoulders: Place your hands on the tops of your shoulders. Allow “the weight of the world” to soften and melt away.






Don’t worry if you don’t achieve the level of results you’d hoped for. I can say with certainty that my skill in using this “sense and shift” meditation technique has improved greatly over time. Practice makes better.



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图1 摄影 Mikhail Nilov 来自 Pexels 图2 摄影 Mikhail Nilov 来自 Pexels 3 Photo by Mikhail Nilov 来自 Pexels 图4 摄影 RODNAE Productions 来自 Pexels

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