





For example, your default mode network refers to interconnected brain areas that come alive when you aren’t actively engaged in a specific task, such as when you’re daydreaming. Researchers suspect that this network could relate to mental disorders as diverse as schizophrenia and depression, as it governs how you perceive others and process the sensory information that’s bombarding you daily. Evidence suggests that mindfulness meditation can calm activity in your default mode network, thereby easing symptoms of mental illness.

Likewise, mindfulness makes you aware of when your brain switches from active learning to actions that are taken by habit. Research in habit-forming shows a pattern in the striatum, which is a part of the basal ganglia. When you first learn a new routine, the neurons in this area will fire continually to help you remember the actions. However, clusters of neurons will only come alive at the beginning and end after the actions have become habitual.

想想在红灯前停车的情况。你不会有意识地想,"这意味着停止。我想我该踩刹车了。" 大脑只是命令你的脚去执行正确的动作。




Mindfulness can also help you form new habits by making you aware of discouraging thoughts as they occur. You can then take immediate action to reframe these ideas in a more positive light that encourages you to keep moving forward.


同样地,如果练习够多,你会注意到自己飘离垫子之上,观察了自己的想法。匿名酗酒者协会的人经常把它们叫做 "腐臭想法",那些在做出保持清醒承诺后,又拿来为喝酒辩护的想法。



Practicing Yoga teaches you how to remain in uncomfortable poses using your breath. Why does this work? Techniques such as two-to-one and boxed breathing impact your central nervous system, which will help you balance your sympathetic and parasympathetic functions, along with easing your stress and even your perception of pain.

深呼吸,当你用它来打断那些有可能使你脱离目标的触发因素时,还可以帮助你形成新的习惯。例如,可怕的 "饥饿焦虑 "会使你感到非常紧张,以至于你可能认为只有再喝一杯才能消除你的恐慌,尽管你知道反弹效应会造成更严重的神经衰弱情况。调节呼吸可以帮助平息不安情绪,消除你喝酒的冲动。

Sometimes, reaching your goals can inspire feelings of panic that derail your progress towards other goals and make you flee to old, maladaptive behaviors. As an example, sometimes sexual abuse survivors who lose weight start attracting more romantic attention. Unwanted flirtations can trigger feelings of terror and helplessness, which can make a survivor binge-eat so they once again feel unattractive and “safe.”







You can mindfully cultivate patience as you form new habits by observing nature. Look at how spring transitions to summer, fall and then winter. You may have the occasional snowfall in May and June or a heat wave in November, but Mother Earth doesn’t let these minor aberrations derail her from her ultimate goal—and so, each season follows the previous one in turn.

Spend a few moments watching ants going about their business. They may hit roadblocks, but they inevitably regroup and get back to work. What can our miniature cousins teach you about perseverance? 

Instead of giving up when you face a challenge, take to your mat or a comfortable sitting position outdoors. Mindfully reflect on what’s standing in your way and make some room for silence. The answer may emerge from within, or you might find a new way of looking at the situation with more acceptance and patience for the slow but sure process of change.





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