

Last updated: 2 月 22nd, 2021

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[Sounds True出版社,488页]


罗摩克里希纳(Sri Ramakrishna)

有些人的生活,当成为其他人生活的楷模,是 "大于生活 "的。在某种意义上,它们是卡尔•荣格博士所说的原型。理查德•阿尔珀特(Richard Alpert),后被称为拉姆•达斯(1931-2019),他的生活就是这样的一种生活。



Cover of Be Here Now by Ram Dass

本卷中的一些故事是拉姆•达斯在他的讲座中,或在他最著名的书籍 《就在此时此地 Be Here Now》中导言中所讲述的版本。不过,这里的许多故事比之前版本讲得更为详细。此外,这是他第一次将他的所有升华阶段交织在一起叙述,使读者能够更清楚地了解他的生活及其如同史诗般的品质。


我意识到,在这篇书评中,我不仅是对着婴儿潮时期的同龄人说话,也对着好几代人,他们来自的时代,是我们第一次了解到迷幻药的探索,以及后来"臭名昭著 "的蒂莫西•李里(Timothy Leary)和他的同伙理查德•阿尔珀特(Richard Alpert),因向一名大学生提供LSD而被哈佛大学开除。(事实上,本书强有力的第一章,就发生在哈佛大学校长内森•普西(Nathan Pusey)的办公室里,"阿尔珀特博士 "正在反思到当时为止所发生的一切,等待普西的处置。这种发生 "在事件中间 "的戏剧性开端完全吸引了我这个读者。)

在那件事发生几年后,有消息称,上述的阿尔珀特博士已经成为身上挂满念珠的白袍大胡子 "大师"(拉姆•达斯从来不用这个词来形容自己),他在演讲中,讲述了他的印度朝圣之旅,他在喜马拉雅山脚下的寺庙里遇到的 "身披毯子的老人 ",以及他在老人手中产生的转变。

这个故事很快成为传奇:1967年,在尼泊尔的加德满都,理查德走进一家名为 "蓝藏 "的餐厅。在那里,他注意到一个高大的、蓬头垢面的美国人穿着得像一个印度 苦行僧。 他直觉地感到,这个人 知道 他自己正在寻求的“真理”。

蒂莫西•李里(Timothy Leary)和理查德•阿尔珀特(Richard Alpert)(又名拉姆•达斯)在哈佛的日子


几年后,我的一个高中朋友曾是哈佛大学的学生,在拉姆•达斯从印度回来后,参加了他的一些初期讲座,朋友在回到我们的家乡时告诉我这些讲座。他还给我看了一本 《就在此时此地 Be Here Now》的初次版本,以无装订书页形式出版,放在一个低矮的纸板箱里,书名是 《从Bindu到Ojas》 (粗略翻译: 《从受困到自由》)。那天我所看到和听到的大部分内容都被我忘得差不多了,但有一点让我印象深刻。

一年多后,我有了自己的合一体验,一股强大的爱的力量,从梅赫巴巴的海报中流淌出来,把我暂时带到一个类似拉姆-达斯见到他的大师时的结合状态(见 《来到巴巴身边:我与梅赫巴巴43年的浪漫》).

我们这一代中许多人发现他们的生活在某种程度上与拉姆•达斯的生活如出一辙。当然,这一时期是美国文化失调和崩溃的时期。 马丁•路德•金和参议员罗伯特•肯尼迪的遇刺,只是我们国家心理遭受的许多近代创伤中的两个。

正如拉姆•达斯在书中提到的那样,他的生活在这种痛苦和瓦解中穿行,直通 灵魂。因此,我们这一代人中的许多人在半个世纪以来都觉得自己是他的 "灵魂兄弟姐妹"。无论我们在做什么,他要么在之前已经做过,要么正在和我们一起做。

多年来,他在美国的大多数大城市,乃至世界上的许多地方发表演讲。这些演讲总是最亲切的聚会。他们肯定了我们许多人自己正在学习的东西。这就像一个追寻者的庞大社区,无论他们精神、社会或个人的认同点是什么,他们都在这个 "通往东方之旅"中,其最终价值是所有生命在大爱中的合一。



早在1976年,我记得在美国看到许多“让拉姆•达斯做总统(RAM DASS FOR PRESIDENT)”的保险杠贴纸。对于那些向居住在所有人中的本体转变的人来说,他仍然是一个永恒的雄辩发言人,一个精神道路上的 "凡人"。


拉姆•达斯于1967年或68年在曼哈顿的一个雕塑工作室进行了一系列谈话,《就在此时此地》的内容主要来自这些谈话。(版权所有) 拉梅什瓦尔•塔斯


《拉姆•达斯其人》 中非常详细地描述了理查德成长过程中的快乐和困难。像许多孩子一样,他经历了社会孤立的时期,与其他阶段交替进行,这时他享有一定程度的人气。渐渐地,他开始注意到他如何通过建立偶然的积极经验来减轻自己的痛苦。他开始看到自己的长处,并利用它们作为跳板,使自己脱颖而出,提高生活质量。他也从青春期开始,秘密地与双性恋进行情感上的斗争。

这本书展现了他慢慢积累自信,以应对等待着他的高要求生活。理查德在美国西海岸斯坦福大学读研究生的某个时候,父亲刚刚担任了铁路公司的总裁,他流着泪给儿子打电话说:"我对经营铁路的 任何 事务一窍不通!" 他恳求儿子回到波士顿去帮助他。




2004年,拉姆-达斯在新墨西哥州陶斯的哈努曼寺(摄影:Jon Seskevich)。


我的突破发生在拉姆•达斯在俄克拉荷马城的汽车旅馆房间里的一次两小时的会面中,我从圣路易斯飞到那里,以便在他在市政礼堂的演讲结束后的早晨与他见面。在接下来的六个月里,他慈爱地成为我的再生父亲,助我将这种突破融入我的生活(见 《祝我重生快乐!:麦克斯•莱夫的个人文章》).

我提到这一点是为了强调拉姆•达斯是多么 kind 。他有着美善的性格,在他身边几乎总是很 轻松 和鼓舞人心。有一次,当我灰心丧气时,他在电话中告诉我: “麦克斯,无论你喜欢与否,你都会变得很美好!”

然而,当我在阅读 《拉姆•达斯其人》《拉姆•达斯其人》时,我发现某些章节对我有威胁性,尤其是关于他作为迷幻药"精神病患者 "的生活章节。我自己也有过八次迷幻药经历。它们把我带入了我无法处理的领域,我有一段时间崩溃了。

另一方面,拉姆•达斯住在 "迷幻公社",在那里,除了经常服用LSD或迷幻药,在某个时期,三周内每 服用,这个住在一起的 "大家庭 "每周会做一次 集体 旅行。这些章节将我引入了人际关系的激烈冲突,有时让我想逃跑和躲藏。它们令我做了几次写大量日记的疗程。

我继续阅读这本书,不仅是因为我的私人关系,还因为虽然书中内容丰富,但我觉得 《拉姆•达斯其人》 是一份带着深厚真情实意的文件。我这样说的意思是,它遵循了书中主角的生活, 与现实中一个样子。它从一开始就真正允许我 "与拉姆•达斯一起如他般生活"。我有兴趣 那样 做的原因是,几乎从一开始,我就认识到这种生活是对真理的由衷追求,更为甚者,是对爱的追求。

当拉姆•达斯第一次服用迷幻药时,他高兴的不是因为它 "令他大为惊叹",而是因为它令他(第一次)看到,他 他的思想,而是一个 灵魂.

在他迷幻药生涯的后期,拉姆•达斯开始觉得所有的迷幻都没有让他达到某种境界。它并没有让他更接近 成为 那个灵魂和心,一直如此。它并没有带他回 。因此,出于对周围一切期待的幻灭,他和一个购买了辆越野车的朋友一起去了印度,对他是否能找到他所寻求的东西并没有丝毫的头绪。剩下的就在历史里了。


在他对迷幻药的潜力产生幻灭感期间,拉姆•达斯与 梅赫•巴巴通信,他认为梅赫•巴巴是世界上活着的灵性权威之一。梅赫•巴巴的秘书按大师的要求回信,告诉他 "对于少数像你这样真诚的寻求者来说,,"LSD最初可以唤起对灵性的渴望,但随后不会进一步产生建设性作用。*




在其关键的第16章里, 处于 Ram Dass 叙述了他与尼姆•卡罗利•巴巴(马哈拉吉 Maharaji)的会面。我不确定书中语言是否从以前口述和出版的故事版本中进行了改编。无论怎样,我都觉得这篇散文很精美。

在这个故事中,沉默 "说明 "了很多问题。没有多余的话语,只有传达发生的传递——奇迹——所必需的话语:一个从思想到心灵的旅程。理查德•阿尔珀特,这个追求者,在经历了某种绝望的信仰和渴望的探索之后,回到了 ——回归自己。


这篇书评包括该书的第一部分和第二部分的一些内容。在印度北部的冬天,拉姆•达斯奉马哈拉吉之命,在一个寺庙里接受了六个月的 瑜伽师 培训后,回到了美国。马哈拉吉没有给他 任何 指示,在那里要做什么。



I feel like I’ve already gone through several lifetimes with Ram Dass. And yet, half of the book remains! I will cover the rest of 《拉姆•达斯其人》 的其余部分,该部分将在以后出版。


继续阅读 第二部分»

图1: ©Rameshwar Das; 图2: Max Reif; 图3: BoingBoing (创意共享 Creative Commons)图4:©Rameshwar Das;图4:Jon Seskevich;图5:左图 - Meher Nazar 出版社; 右图 - Wikimedia Commons; image 6: Wikimedia Commons; 顶端图片: (c) 照片 Rameshwar Das

  1. Good review, Max! Strange, isn’t it how we’re connected through RD and Baba – and that 1976 was such an important year for both of us. May it continue to be so.

  2. Glad it met your approval, Stewart, as you, like some of my other friends, also had/have a close Ram Dass connection, having translated BE HERE NOW into German! Yes, ’76–when I was in Kitty Davy’s office at Meher Center in Myrtle Beach, having JUST told her my own Ram Dass story, and as if on cue, the phone rang, and she talked for a moment and then said, “Yes, come on down”…and when she hung up the phone, she looked at me and said, “Well, isn’t that interesting! A young man who has just translated Richard’s book in to German is in New York and wants to come to the Center!”

    And so, we had our little adventures together, so memorable still…enough so that our friendship, now mostly through the “miracle” (or whatever it is 🙂 ) of modern technology, continues, 45 *$&%! years later! Namaste’, brother!

  3. Awesome review Max!!
    I just finished the book and was actually working on a review myself!
    Needless to say….I am happy you ended up writing it!
    Beautiful writing as always!
    It was a moving memoir to say the least.

  4. Forrest, I’d love to see what you have to say about it!
    Maybe “they” would publish TWO reviews…
    Or THREE! Or some Fibunacci sequence number!
    OR…if they say no…just post the whole thing here as another comment!
    Pretty engaging book, eh?
    I’m in process of finishing up the part 2 of this review (its conclusion).

  5. Max,
    That’s so amazing you saw Ram Dass speak.
    Wow is all i can say.
    That would have been a surreal experience within itself.
    Reading Being Ram Dass literally brought me to tears, laughter and touched my soul all at once.
    You are a rare and beautiful soul Max.

  6. It wasn’t surreal, Forrest…it brought a person closer to the Real! (obviously.) 🙂
    Well, maybe you heard him in your previous life, who knows!
    AND, we can still hear him speak on YouTube.

    The rest of my review is coming out tomorrow. The last part of it is a personal remembrance of what Ram Dass was like. That went beyond even the beauties of what the book reveals…at least for me.
    I had a friend who after reading how he helped me, in my late 20’s, said, “So that is the answer to life’s question? We all need to go to Ram Dass?”

    But God provides to each longing heart, and surely the needs that he met during his life on Earth are being met today as well, in other ways, as God is Infinite. There may be seasons where it is spiritually “dry” on Earth and a soul’s longing is rewarded in another lifetime…but as I understand it, the spiritual floodgates are still open, in OUR time, The longing is the key, it seems.

  7. I’ve finished the part of the book that this review covers, and I’ve been exposed to so much interesting information and people, I’m almost at a loss for words. I didn’t know how interesting I would find it, diving into a book about Ram Dass, given that I didn’t have much prior knowledge of him, but he was such an enticing writer that he completely drew me into his storyline within the first few pages.

    It seems like every step he takes in life leads seamlessly to the next step, gently pushing him forward on his spiritual path, even if it seems like a particular step is a “mistake” at the time. I could even understand his drug experimentation, even though I have no direct experience with this myself. I have to say that his first few days with Neem Karoli Baba were the most memorable part of this section, though, especially when he comes to realize that Mahajari IS his guide. I’m also excited to read about the other people he meets in Part II, whom I haven’t been “introduced” to yet.

  8. Thank you for sharing your response, Erica!
    I am personally FASCINATED by the entire phenomenon of what a “generation” is, and how communication occurs across generational boundaries…or does NOT occur…is, or may be, in some cases, impossible beyond a certain point! (I tried to write a poem about this subject once, but it was too much to take on. I did save a copy of my effort, though, maybe I’ll try to finish it now, or soon.)

    So, I didn’t, and still actually DON’T know how much of a “generational thing” Ram Dass was or is. I said in this review that his message and import reaches beyond any one generation. But I don’t have the specifics on that…on how available he…his life and message…is to people of your age and younger, or a little older…like my stepson, who is in his late 30s now.

    I remember back in the ’90s, one of the cool things about Ram Dass was that his message was reaching way beyond us relative “younguns” and beyond the so-called counterculture. He would have people of all ages at his talks…all styles of dress…people in business suit, jeans, yoga whites, etc, etc. He would tell a story I still love, sometimes…an elderly woman one night was sitting in the front row at one of his talks. And every time he’d tell a far-out story, he’d see her nod, in a way that seemed like she was saying, “Yep…I’ve been there too!”

    And this went on through the whole talk…stories about his psychedelic experiences, stories about his Guru…and after the talk, I think she was milling around, and either she came up to say hi, or he approached her, and he eventually asked, “I’m curious…I saw you nodding all through the talk, as if you’d been through some equivalent of everything I was talking about. What’s your secret?”

    And the elderly lady said, “I knit.”

    I’ll think about writing something about generations…if the concept ever gets clear enough…for this journal.

    Anyway, thanks again!

    Anyone else want to weigh in about the communicability of Ram Dass’ message to a particular generation or group?

    1. While I can’t relate to a lot of the specific experiences of Ram Dass, as the world has changed a lot since he was a young adult, I think that the general spiritual message still gets through and is accessible to all generations. Positive feelings, sort of feelings of inspiration, welled up in me as I read the book, and are lingering afterward, too. It’s interesting that the lady seemed to have the same spiritual experience with knitting that Ram Dass did with psychedelics, meditation, etc.; I actually think almost anything can be meditation if you approach it with a mindful attitude. Anyhow, I’ll have more thoughts once I finish the rest of the book!

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