POEMS BY CHANDNI SINGH: Diseases, The Plea, Mountain Streams

POEMS BY CHANDNI SINGH: Diseases, The Plea, Mountain Streams

Last updated: Январь 26th, 2019


If feelings were faucets
On and off at your will.
If memories were a disease
Would you swallow the pill?
If being you could mean
I could undo the I,
The world would be a metaphor
An escapist’s sty.

The Plea

darkens your beautiful warm face
little lines of anxiousness
crease your smile
you’re saying the right words
but your eyes plead me to walk away.

“Leave me to my solitude,
let me walk with my shadow.”

Your hands
wring each other nervously.
They stop themselves
from reaching out.
You look at me look at you
the mirror to your torment.

“Let us walk alone awhile,
stay close enough to call out to.”

Mountain Streams

[Written at Village Nuker, Lahaul, Himachal Pradesh, India]

I lay there, eyes soldered shut
listening to a snow stream trickle its way
down the mountain paths,
imagining the water gushing
smoothening into pebbles, every wayward rock.
The grass sprang cool against my face,
purple flowers frolicked in my hair.
Enslaved by the view,
my eyes are cajoled
into a drunk stupor.
A sheep bleated, the breeze
made the flowers tangle
in an impromptu dance.
Someone called out for me
but I refused to hear.

[su_panel background=”#f2f2f2″ color=”#000000″ border=”0px none #ffffff” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #ffffff”]Chandni Singh is an environmentalist and poet who is currently pursuing doctoral research in rural livelihoods. She has published her work in Reading Hour, Red River Review, The Taj Mahal Review, Coldnoon and others. She writes a column on her travels in Helter Skelter and also writes regularly on her personal blog.

photo courtesy j. edward ferguson (CC-BY-SA)

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