Friends cuddling

DREAM INTERPRETATION: Physical intimacy symbolizes closeness [symbols: best friend, making out]

Last updated: Апрель 8th, 2019

In our weekly Mindful Dreams column, Aneta Baranek of the School of Metaphysics is offering free dream interpretations to The Mindful Word readers, as well as articles on dreams in general.

If you’ve ever been curious about deciphering the cryptic contents of your subconscious mind, here’s your chance! If you would like Aneta to interpret your dream, fill out this form. She will respond with your dream interpretation through this column, published every Thursday. Aneta would love to receive more comments for the dreams interpreted. If you can relate to a dream posted here or have any insights to add, you can post them as comments to the interpretation, or email her at


Hi Aneta,

My best friend Chris and I both were together with someone else. But when nobody was watching he and I would start making out. Then one day it led to more sensual things…
I have no feelings for him because he is just my best friend and always will be. but the dream really felt real and magical…




Best friend – familiar aspect of the dreamer

Making out – building closeness using the physical senses


Hello Aileen,

Thank you for submitting your dream.

Often times people are concerned when they have dreams about making out or making love to someone that in real life they are either simply friends with or, for whatever reason, it would not be appropriate for them to have such encounters with. Dreams use symbolic language and in a dream being physically intimate with anyone symbolizes closeness, with sex itself symbolizing creation. Chris, your best friend symbolizes an aspect of you. A person of the opposite sex represents an outer aspect and of the same sex represents an inner aspect. To summarize, this dream tells us that, a day or two prior, you were becoming really close and familiar with an aspect of yourself that Chris (your best friend) represents.


To go deeper with the meaning of this dream you would need to narrow down a quality that Chris (your best friend) represents to you. An aspect is an innate quality within a person that we perceive. That quality might be desirable or not. Usually it is the first thing that comes to our mind when we think of that person. An example might be generosity or tardiness. What quality does Chris represent to you? Everyone in our lives is there to aid us in getting to know ourselves better. Our own characteristics are reflected in qualities of others that we perceive. When we like something about a person it is because we appreciate that within ourselves. When there is a characteristic that causes disharmony we need to pay close attention to align that part within or without ourselves.

May your dreams illuminate the inner you…

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