Black panther lying on a branch

DREAM INTERPRETATION: A breakthrough with a very significant habit [symbol: panther]

Last updated: Апрель 8th, 2019

In our weekly Mindful Dreams column, Aneta Baranek of the School of Metaphysics is offering free dream interpretations to The Mindful Word readers, as well as articles on dreams in general.

If you’ve ever been curious about deciphering the cryptic contents of your subconscious mind, here’s your chance! If you would like Aneta to interpret your dream, fill out this form. She will respond with your dream interpretation through this column, published every Thursday. Aneta would love to receive more comments for the dreams interpreted. If you can relate to a dream posted here or have any insights to add, you can post them as comments to the interpretation, or email her at


Hi Aneta,

I was dreaming about a black panther. The black panther was listening to my commands like a well-trained dog. In the dream I would tell it to sit down and it would sit and so forth. It was very docile towards me and I felt very accomplished. Can you tell me what this means?


DREAMER: Female, 41, US


Panther – habit


Hello Anna,

Thank you for submitting your dream.

Animals in a dream with few exceptions symbolize habits; habitual ways of being, ways of being without much mindfulness or intention. Habits are not necessarily bad; however, they do signify actions that we perform on an auto-pilot.

In your dream the habit that the panther represents is subdued and well-disciplined. This is a magnificent message from your inner self (your subconscious mind) telling you that you tamed a habitual way of being and are now in full control of it.


Your dream reflects that in a day or two prior you made a breakthrough with a very significant habit. A habit that might be perceived as dangerous (a panther). Overcoming our habits is a very significant accomplishment. I would suggest you review your experience and see what habit the panther actually signifies in your waking life. Whichever way you used your mind to tame this habitual way of being, you could replicate these same steps to do so with other habitual ways of being. This ability to redefine how we act, inwardly and outwardly, is what differentiates a human being from an animal. It is very beneficial for us to re-examine our ways of being and seize opportunities to act intentionally in every moment.

May your dreams illuminate the inner you…

Image panthere noire via Flickr CC

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