Altar table with candles, crystals and dried flowers - Altars, Angels and Magic Mirrors: Can These Bring You Wealth?

ALTARS, ANGELS AND SIGILS: Learn to work with these resources to achieve financial abundance

A wealth altar, or sacred space, can be used as an anchor point for using wealth magic to manifest more abundance in your life. An altar is a small, dedicated area inside your home that’s used almost like a doorway or portal to help open up communication with the Divine.

Altars can serve a variety of different purposes. Some people create altars to help them connect with ancestors. Others do so to help them attract love, bring protection or manifest a new job. I include this step of creating a wealth altar because my experience has been that people deeply love having these sacred spaces in their home and they report receiving great healing, peace and blessings from them.

Altars come in an array of shapes and sizes, and they don’t have to be big or ornate. Yours can be a small spot on your nightstand or a giant bookcase full of amazing sacred objects. It really doesn’t matter, as long as you dig it and are inspired by it. Your altar can be as simple as setting aside a space for a single candle or a check made out to “self” with the amount of cashola that you’re attracting.

If you aren’t in the mood to create a space inside your home, feel free to create one outside. Outside mini-altars can be just as beautiful, fun and powerful. Also, if you want to go ultra-minimalist-style, or if you have cats or children in the house who might pull or knock objects off your altar, you can even create a portable wealth altar.

To do this, simply place your inspired objects on a cloth, fold the cloth around the objects, tie it with a string or ribbon, and store it in a drawer until you want to bust it out again to work your magic. You can even fold up a page with your intention printed on it and place it in the cloth to help your magic grow.

Consider images and symbols

Altar table with candles, crystals and dried flowers

Before you create a special wealth altar, I want you to first consider what images or symbols come to mind when you think about wealth. Are there any spiritual beings you associate with wealth? Whatever comes to mind, you can find a way to represent those images on your altar. You can print photos or put up cute statues. You can even include actual money or, as I mentioned before, write yourself a check for the amount you’re looking to attract.

Feel free to get creative. And most important, have mega fun creating your wealth altar! Here are some other objects that folks like to use to help them create an inspired wealth altar space:

  • Candles
  • Altar cloth
  • Silk scarves
  • Artwork
  • Incense
  • Flowers
  • Feathers
  • Crystals or gemstones
  • Pictures, statues or figurines of your fave angels, gods, goddesses and animal or spirit guides
  • Cashola (as long as you have trustworthy roommates, of course)

Create a wealth altar that feels meaningful to you, fill it with love and remember to place your written wealth intention on it.

7 ways to work with your altar each day

Here’s a simple, fun way to work with your wealth altar on a daily basis:

  • Light a candle.
  • Call in your angels and allies of wealth.
  • Imagine them by your side and sense their presence.
  • Remind them of your intentions. Ask them for help, inspiration, clarity, support, strength or whatever else you might need along the way. Ask them to remove anything that blocks you from your desired goal.
  • Thank them for listening.
  • Notice whether you feel different.
  • Write down anything you feel called to record from this experience (new ideas, intentions and so forth) in your magical grimoire (journal).

Working with your wealth altar like this is a very sweet and beautiful process. Do whatever feels right for you, and know that when you bring the sacred into even the smallest corner of your home, your home becomes sacred.

Now, I know that a lot of folks are busy. You may feel overwhelmed even thinking about making a wealth altar. Please, do this step only if it feels in alignment for you, but for Pete’s sake, keep going. If a wealth altar doesn’t feel like your jam right now, don’t worry about it. People tend to love working with them, but some folks really don’t want to bother. And that’s OK.

Sacred reciprocity

Angel as cloud in sky - Altars, Angels and Magic Mirrors: Can These Bring You Wealth?

In case you’re totally new to angels or the thought of having spiritual allies, I should mention that the best magic happens when you make the effort to build a relationship with them, just like with any new friend you want to spend more time with. I call this sacred reciprocity. Reciprocity, when it comes to angels and any other divinity, is all about not just taking from Spirit and asking for things but also giving back to Spirit through offerings.

Indigenous people all over the world tend to remember this step, and more than likely, so did your ancestors. This keeps the relationship with Spirit and nature in balance; plus, it feels amazing to give back to these loving beings and to show gratitude when you ask for or receive support from both Spirit and nature.

I’ve found that making offerings to the angels or other divinities I work with opens up a deeper connection for love to flow. And as with building any new relationship, it’s a wonderful way to put your best foot forward right from the start.

There are a variety of beautiful ways to make offerings. If you find that you really want to get to know a particular angel better, or you want to give them a big thanks for all their help, you can dedicate a special time and place to do the offering.

Here are some ideas for offerings to help you along, but know that your options are infinite. Always feel into your heart for unique ways to make your offerings. Let your intuition guide you to what feels natural to you. As I mentioned earlier, your ancestors knew how to do this, which means that this knowing is already present in your blood and bones, whether you’re conscious of it or not.

  • Burn incense. Call in the angel and burn incense for them. Give them deep gratitude for their assistance and let them know that you’re looking forward to getting to know them better.
  • Light a candle or build a fire. Look into the candle flame or the fire as if it’s an open door to the angel or spirit you want to connect with. Have a heartfelt, loving conversation with them and keep the candle safely lit for the day or allow the fire you built to burn out attended.
  • Sing. This offering is not just fun but also really raises your vibes. There’s a reason why cultures all over the world sing praises to the Divine with song. It’s because it works. Choose an angel and sing them a song. It can be one you know or make up on the fly. If you think you’re a crappy singer, sing anyway. The angels love it and couldn’t care less if you don’t sound like Whitney or Mariah—it’s all about your heart. As long as your gratitude is heartfelt, then you’re good to go.
  • Dance. This is also a fun one, and opens your connection to your roots and ancestry. You can even burn some calories while you are at it. Bonus! Dancing helps drum up the medicine and power from the Earth into your body. It creates celebration energy, and Spirit loves to celebrate. And again, if you think you have no rhythm, it doesn’t matter. Do it anyway if you feel it in your heart.
  • Draw. You can call your angel in and create an art piece for them. This one is also great because you can use that art piece in the future as a portal to assist you in communicating with that particular angel.
  • Offer things that smell or taste good, like flowers, cookies or anything that you think is fragrant or delicious.

Again, use your intuition, and go from there. Oh, and one last thing: I highly recommend the great outdoors when rocking your offerings—it can be extra fun and extra powerful.

Have fun with your offerings and let the love flow!

Practice: Working with sigils (magic mirrors)

The sigil, or magic mirror, is another tool I’d love for you to use along the way. Sigils help magicians hyperfocus their energy and magical intentions. Sigils are rooted in traditional magic, which I’ve modified here to create what I call a magic mirror practice to help you anchor into and embody your intention. This should open a more powerful communication channel with your angels. Think of the sigil like a calling card, a way to reach your angel.

There are a variety of ways to work with sigils. Every sigil usually begins with a circle, or concentric circles, and then some kind of design is drawn in the middle of it. Some have complex designs. Some are simple.

Over the years, I’ve heard a lot of different explanations for what the outside circle (or circles) represents. My favourite way of viewing it is to think of it as a portal, a window, a container for magic and a womb from which magic can be birthed. For me, it represents all of the above.

Inside the circle(s), some magicians draw complicated symbols or ancient designs that represent specific deities, including angels. Some people just put words, names or letters, written plainly or elaborately. Sometimes magicians simply intuit symbols for their magical operation and draw those images within the circle.

For this wealth magic ritual, we’re going to keep things simple. To get a head start in learning how to work with a sigil and give your intention a magical boost, you can do the basic practice outlined below.

First, you’ll need a blank sigil. Go to the resources page of my website to download and print a sigil template (, or you can hand-draw your sigil circles based on the image below.

Two concentric circles in black and white - Altars, Angels and Magic Mirrors: Can These Bring You Wealth?

5 steps for working with magic mirrors

In the centre of the circle, write the dollar amount you’re working to attract.

  • Stare at only the white space surrounding the dollar amount you wrote in the centre, as if the sigil itself is a doorway or portal to the divine world or the angelic realm. While staring at the white space, remember your intention. Put emotion into it. Feel how much you want this and why you want this. Imagine that you’re projecting this intention through the white space into the angelic realm.
  • Now stare at only the outer circle, and while doing so, make the choice to attract money through magic—for example, affirm: “I choose to attract $5K through angel magic.” You can say this out loud or in your head, whichever feels more powerful for you.
  • Look at the centre of the circle again, but this time focus on the written dollar amount, not the white space. While you’re staring at the number, imagine that the outcome has already come to pass—feel that your magic has worked and your cash has manifested in the present moment.
  • Look at the image in its entirety. As you focus your gaze, imagine yourself 10 or 15 years from now. Look back at this moment as if you manifested this amount years ago and have grown way past this intention. Imagine that you have all the cash you need. Fondly remember yourself today, doing this magic mirror practice for the first time, and celebrate how far you’ve come since then.

You can also make copies of your designs and put them in your sacred space or tape them on a bathroom mirror or wherever your gaze rests a lot so that you have a constant reminder of your wealth magic ritual and intention.

Corin Grillo is the author of Angel Wealth Magic и The Angel Experiment. She offers online and in-person trainings in authentic spiritual leadership, nature immersions and intuitive healing arts. She has dedicated her life to sharing the life-changing gifts she received while learning to work with the angels. Visit her online at

Отрывок из книги Angel Wealth Magic: Simple Steps to Hire the Divine & Unlock Your Miraculous Financial Flow. Copyright ©2022 by Corin Grillo, LMFT. Printed with permission from New World Library—

Front cover of Angel Wealth Magic by Corin Grillo

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