Two people biking and one running

MAXIMIZE YOUR ENERGY: 9 ways to become more productive

Last updated: outubro 8th, 2020

Energy is a valuable and limited resource that has to be managed carefully if you want to succeed. However, unlike time, you can recover lost energy. Once your energy levels increase, you’ll naturally improve in different areas of your life.

Energy is power. When your energy levels are high, there’s nothing you can’t do. On the other hand, when they’re low, even the simplest tasks can be difficult to complete. Today, you can easily manage your energy levels by using apps and software that can be downloaded for free.

Below, I’ll go through nine more ways that you can help boost your energy levels and help yourself become more productive. Let’s get started!

Get enough rest

This may sound counterintuitive, but if you want to boost your energy levels, you need to rest. You need time to recover from the strains and stresses of your work, and rest is actually just as important as work. If you’re always working, you’ll eventually harm your productivity and performance.

Therefore, nothing should interfere with the time you spend resting. When you get enough rest, you’ll be more energetic and ready to handle anything that the world presents to you.

Organize your space

You’ll be amazed at the time and energy you’ll save by simply taking a few minutes to tidy up your space. Decluttering your space will prevent you from feeling disorganized, overwhelmed and stressed. A study conducted by Harvard University found that people who work in a clutter-free space work for seven minutes longer without losing concentration, compared to their counterparts.

The best time to organize your space is at the end of your workday. All you have to do is put your things where they’re supposed to be after use. By organizing your space, you’ll automatically find the energy to be more productive.

Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly comes with lots of benefits that can’t be ignored. Research studies have found that people who exercise regularly have high energy levels, can concentrate for longer and have improved health overall. The best part about exercising is that you don’t need to spend a lot of time doing it to start seeing the results.

All you need to do is make a plan and stay consistent. Even if you can only exercise once or twice a week, you’ll start seeing results, as long as you have a plan. You can take a walk, jog or hit the gym, and whatever works for you will help boost your energy levels. Take baby steps, and be consistent!

Focus on progress, not perfection

Human beings have the power to visualize. This not only helps them become creative and innovative, but it also makes them perfectionists. Doing things perfectly is great when it happens, but striving for perfection eventually leads to procrastination, which can harm your productivity and performance.

Keep in mind that there will always be room for improvement in everything you do. For that reason, instead of focusing on perfection, it’s best to focus on progress. You’ll be amazed at what you can do by simply changing your attitude and perspective.

Eat healthily

Granola cereal with bananas

To boost your energy levels, your body needs food. Food is to the body what gas is to a vehicle. The type of food you eat will determine the amount of energy you have and your results in the long run. Consuming junk or processed foods will harm not only your health, but also your productivity.

You need to consume healthy snacks, fresh fruits, vegetables, whole foods and lean proteins. To avoid consuming junk or alimentos processados, prepare food at home in bulk. When you remember that you have a lot of food waiting for you at home, you won’t be as tempted to buy pizza, fries, hamburgers and other processed foods.

Get enough sleep

Today, everyone is being encouraged to sacrifice their sleep to improve their productivity and performance. The truth is, though, that sacrificing your sleep harms your productivity. A lack of sleep has been linked to mood swings, low immunity, a lack of concentration and fatigue.

Research studies show that the average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep every night. If you aren’t having a full night’s rest, here are a few tips that will help you:

  • Have a bedtime routine
  • Ensure that your room is dark, quiet and warm
  • Avoid using your phone or computer before sleeping
  • Avoid caffeine or alcohol before going to bed
  • Exercise regularly

If you don’t make progress after using these methods, it’s important to seek professional help. There are many doctors and psychologists who can help you solve this problem effectively.

Break down big tasks

When it comes to working on a big task or project, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, and this can lead to procrastination. Procrastination is one of the biggest killers of productivity. Plus, working on a project at the eleventh hour increases your chances of making errors.

To avoid getting overwhelmed and procrastinating, you should consider breaking down each project or task you need to complete into manageable chunks. When the tasks seem more simple, you’ll have an easier time completing them. Plus, completing one task will motivate you to complete the rest. Nonetheless, while working, remember to take short breaks to rest and recover.

Listen to music

Ouvindo música will not only boost your mood—it’ll also boost your energy levels. Studies conducted by GetVoIP show that listening to your favorite tunes stimulates the release of dopamine, which is responsible for boosting energy.

If you don’t feel comfortable working in a quiet environment, you should grab your headphones and start listening to your favourite tracks. You can listen to instrumental music to avoid concentrating too much on each song.


Laughing is medicine to the soul, so it’s one of the best ways to boost your mood and relieve stress. When you’re feeling stressed out, it’s a good idea to spend a few minutes watching a funny video on YouTube or chatting with a friend with a healthy sense of humour.

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imagem 1: Pixabay; imagem 2: Pixabay