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Cancer: The Forbidden Cures

Last updated: março 25th, 2019

According to the video Cancer: The Forbidden Cures, produced by Massimo Mazzuko, several highly probable cures for cancer have already been found, yet the American Medical Association (AMA) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), have refused to give the people who proposed the potential cures the time of day. Throughout the history of the disease, which spans about 100 years, several people have stumbled upon natural remedies that have actually cured cancer in some cases. Yet the AMA and FDA have refused to accept them, and have gone no further than arranging for some preliminary testing, which hasn’t gone very far.

The film starts off by detailing the history of medicine within the United States, discussing the difference between allopathic and homeopathic doctors, and how homeopathic doctors were somewhat shut out of modern medical practices, since the AMA created strict standards that don’t allow them to become licensed medical practitioners under the organization’s umbrella. The barriers created for them reduced the frequency of the use of natural remedies to treat cancer and other diseases. Starting in the ’90s, natural remedies were discouraged even more since the major pharmaceutical companies gained control of all research related to major diseases.

The film also tells the stories of health practitioners from the United States and Europe (some physicians, some not), who experienced some success treating people for cancer using various natural remedies. It outlines the struggles of these people, including how the AMA and FDA (or the equivalent powers in Europe) ignored or even mocked and slandered their efforts, and in some cases, had them arrested and/or their clinics shut down.

When the creators of the film presented the idea that the pharmaceutical companies don’t want to find an alternative cure for cancer because they would lose all the revenues they receive from cancer patients, this at first seemed hard to believe. Shouldn’t they want to prevent as many people from dying as possible? Don’t they believe this is their duty, working in the medical field? Sadly, the video presents a great deal of evidence to the contrary. If the AMA and FDA had desperately wanted to help cancer patients, they would have considered every possible option for doing so, including giving alternative treatments more than just a passing glance. If they had, cancer may not be nearly as much of a problem as it is today. Unfortunately, it’s possible that money and monopolization are more important to the powers that be within American medicine than patients are. As author G. Edward Griffin, author of World Without Cancer, suggests during the video, perhaps the pharmaceutical companies are not interested in natural cures for cancer since they cannot patent them.

Veja Cancer: The Forbidden Cures here: