two yellow cups tied together, one broken

EMPATHY MATTERS: 4 insights for dealing with your sensitivity while in contact with others

In this society, we are usually not taught how to deal with our sensitivity, empathy and even clairsentience as children. Those of us empaths who are sensitive to energy and the emotions of others can experience obstacles that should be easy to navigate, with a little knowledge.

The next four insights might assist you in dealing with your sensitivity successfully when dealing with other people.

4 valuable insights

Feeling is not the same as being responsible

The fact that you are sensitive to the feelings and emotions of others does not automatically mean you have to do anything about them. People are responsible for their own emotions. As children, empaths often do not learn how to cope with the fact that we pick up so much from others and from everything around us.

Often, we are born in families with parents, brothers and sisters who are not as sensitive or empathic, and do not even realize this is an issue for us. They also cannot assist us in understanding how to deal with our sensitivity.

Picking up others’ feelings and emotions can lead to a lot of subconscious misunderstandings. For instance, you may think: “Oh, I sense my friend’s sadness, so I have to do something about it.” Or, even when we’re very young: “I can feel my Mum’s anger, therefore I must have caused it.”

It helps to realize that the fact you can feel it does not mean you are responsible for it. It does not mean you caused it. Just be aware of it, realize it doesn’t belong to you, and let it go. Realign with your own feelings.

Of course, you can use the fact that you know how the other is feeling as a clue. Now that you know what’s happening with them, you can make a conscious decision. Perhaps you can be there for the other person. Perhaps you can assist them—but without letting yourself be taken into their emotional current, and without drifting from your own centre. Or perhaps you decide that what they are feeling is something you do not want to act on or resonate with.

The important thing is to realize the emotion is not yours, and to make a conscious decision whether to act on it or not.

The other person’s feelings say nothing about you

Just because you can feel how the other person feels about you doesn’t mean it says anything about you. This is another thing we usually don’t learn in childhood. If you are extremely empathetic, you can often sense what the other person is feeling about you. Again, that is the other person’s feelings. It doesn’t say anything about you. The other person can feel joy in their contact with you, or love, but also disgust, jealousy, anger or even hatred. Just because you feel it doesn’t mean you have to own it.

Take your feelings seriously

EMPATHY MATTERS Four insights to deal with your sensitivity in contact with others 1 1

Your intuition, gut feeling and sensitivity act as antennae. They are often able to perceive, in a split second, what the truth is about a person or a situation. While your brain is still chasing the facts, your feelings are already on the right track.

Always take your feelings seriously. If you have an uncomfortable feeling about someone who, at first glance, may seem nice or even fantastic (in terms of appearance, behaviour or reputation), trust your feelings and take a step back. Observe. Behind the façade, you may pick up on how someone really is and that their intentions are not pure.

Do you feel uncomfortable in a group, in a building or a space? Listen to this feeling. There may be something going on behind the scenes that is very important and not good for you, or that potentially poses a danger to you.

You have the right to feel whatever you feel

It is a necessity to learn to tune in to what you want to experience. It is part of the correct application of the Law of Attraction, the manifesting of your reality and the realization of your creations.

If you constantly tune in to the other person’s world of experience, or even the manipulated and skewed version of ‘reality’ of all kinds of media, your creation will not lift off, and you can’t realize the soul-mission you came for.

That’s not to say that you should look away from the pain of others by default. What is important is that you distinguish between where you può e want to make a positive difference with your presence, and where you cannot. Making conscious choices is vital.

What do you tune into?

Sensitivity is sometimes seen as a burden, and it is true that it is not always easy to deal with. But it’s something very beautiful. It can serve you greatly if you know how to deal with it. It can connect you with yourself, your soul, the universe and All That Is. It can provide wonderful experiences of connection with loving people, animals, nature, art, the angels, your soul and Source. You have a choice.

"LEGGI RELATIVI" ARE YOU AN EMOTIONAL EMPATH? Helpful advice for those who feel too much"

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