coconut oil deodorant

DIY TIME: Make your own natural deodorant

Last updated: Marzo 26th, 2019

If you don’t like being stinky, but you also don’t like slathering store-bought deodorants with questionable ingredients like aluminum right next to your breast tissue every day (and men, you have breast tissue too), you can either
buy natural deodorants or make your own.

One of my friends used to rub a crystal under her arms instead of using deodorant and, guys, I think I’m pretty out there sometimes with this stuff, but I’m not THAT out there.

My recipe is simple and will have you smelling fresh all day long. Well, actually, because this is fragrance-free, you won’t smell like anything, really. But that includes sweat. You won’t smell like sweat! And it involves exactly zero crystals, so there’s that.

2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons baking soda
2 tablespoons arrowroot powder (can usually be found in health food stores)
½ teaspoon melted coconut oil

Mush the first three ingredients together with your fingertips until they form a paste, adding ½ teaspoon melted coconut oil to help everything mix together.

Store in an airtight container and massage a pea sized amount into each armpit in the morning, or as needed.

If you’d rather buy than make your own read A sampling of some of the most natural body care products available>>

[su_panel background=”#f2f2f2″ color=”#000000″ border=”0px none #ffffff” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #ffffff”]Madeleine Somerville is the author of All You Need is Less. She lives in British Columbia, Canada with her daughter, her dog and her husband, whom she once called “Couch Satan.” She writes at

This article was excerpted from Somerville’s book All You Need is Less. Copyright © 2014 by Madeleine Somerville. Published in the United States by Viva Editions, an imprint of Cleis Press, Inc. Acquista il libro>>.

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