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POEMAS DE ANNE RUGGIRELLO: Grace, Sips of Joy y más


Nestled in the stillness
Of a gently slowed pace,
In the quiet
In the calm
In the centre
We find grace.

This grace
It is boundless
It is timeless
It is now,
It renews us
Reconnects us
To an oft-forgotten vow.

A promise
To be tender with oneself
To be kind,
To refrain from getting lost
In the tangles of the mind.

Nestled in the stillness
Of a gently slowed pace,
We awaken and are blessed.
“So amazing!” whispers Grace.

Sips of Joy

During my morning routine
Of digital streaming and
Information overload at a
Whirlwind pace

My attention is diverted
By a drift
By a flow
By a barely perceptible
Tug at my senses.

Drawing near,
I am lulled
Inside the scent
Inside the steep
Inside the simmer
Of a freshly brewing


As I pause
To partake
Of these calming waters,
My whirlwind
Slows and recedes.

I bask in the beauty
Of a quiet moment.

My cup runneth over with joy.

Wide Open

I want to live wide open,
Brush my cheek against the sky,
Feel this tender
Turning Earth.
Thus enlightened,
Freely fly.

I want to love wide open,
Venture far beneath skin-deep,
See the beauty,
Know the fullness,
Live my faith,
Take a leap.

I want to grieve wide open,
Let the sorrow drench mi soul.
Through the darkness,
Fan the fire,
Move past pain,
Emerge more whole.

I want to laugh wide open,
Share your brightly shining eyes,
Bathe in bliss
Of warm connection,
See the purpose:
Human ties.

Seeping Words of Wisdom

In the soft silence
Of the early morning
I venture a step
Upon this valley floor.

Surrounded by giant earthen cliffs
I am suddenly overtaken by
This bliss.

This bliss—
Magnificent, towering walls of granite
Carved so long ago.

I listen closely as they whisper:
“Be still.
Stay awhile.
See and hear
That which is ever-present,
That which connects one to all,
That which cannot be named,
Yet at any given moment,
May be felt
Deeply within the fibres of one’s being.”

These seeping words of wisdom
From the caverns of this Earth
Remind me:

“All is well.”

«LECTURA RELACIONADA» POEMS BY JAMES FARWELL: 10 haikus about human essence and existence»

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