Three dirt paths illuminated by sun

EMBRACE ORIGINALITY: Step outside your comfort zone towards creativity and innovation

To be truly original is to unlock the depths of your inner creativity and venture fearlessly into the boundless realm of imagination. It demands audacity—the audacity to challenge conventions, dismantle existing ideas and pave new paths. Originality beckons us to explore uncharted territories, surpassing the confines of familiarity and venturing into the unknown, where true innovation and discovery await.

Yet, the journey towards originality is intricately entwined with adaptability. It requires a willingness to take risks and embrace the uncertainty accompanying unexplored terrain. Stepping outside our comfort zones, we encounter the discomfort that often accompanies growth. Originality demands the fortitude to perceive failure as a stepping stone to success, recognizing that it’s through experimentation and learning from mistakes that groundbreaking ideas are born.

In her enlightening 2019 TED Talk, U.S. venture investor Natalie Fratto shed a luminous spotlight on the escalating significance of adaptability in our swiftly changing world. As she eloquently proclaimed, “The world is speeding up, thrusting each of us into a tumultuous sea of change unparalleled in human history. Technological progress has been a driving force behind this rapid tempo, compelling individuals to swiftly acquire new skills and adapt to the ever-evolving landscape.”

The era of adaptability and diversity

Three dirt paths illuminated by sun

In a compelling interview on the Passion Struck podcast featuring Claude Silver, the Chief Heart Officer of Vayner Media, the significance of this imperative became distinctly clear. Silver illuminated the transformative nature of the present paradigm shift and emphasized the indispensable role of emotional elements in the era of adaptability.

Silver expressed,

We all encounter a multitude of adaptations throughout our lives. Currently, we stand on the precipice of a profound paradigm shift. We transitioned from an era defined by physical work, navigated the vast realms of the information age, and are now embarking upon an era that resonates with the heart’s intuition, emotional optimism and adaptability.

Expanding upon this notion, Silver introduced the concept of the multiple “brains” within us—our cranial, cardiac and gut intelligence. These interconnected sources of wisdom shape our decision-making processes, ultimately determining our capacity to adapt or falter in the face of change. Delving into the depths of these internal faculties unravels the enigma of our responses to challenges, illuminating the intricate tapestry of our adaptive nature.

Pertenezco al complex world we live in, it’s imperative to acknowledge that embracing change surpasses the mere acquisition of knowledge or skill. It demands the cultivation of emotional intelligence, resilience and a profound connection with our shared humanity. The ability to adapt emerges from an authentic core, nurtured by empathy, self-awareness and a deep understanding of our values, passions and distinctive perspectives.

Being original also entails embracing diversity and celebrating the differences that make each individual unique. It recognizes that true innovation and progress often arise from the intersection of diverse ideas, perspectives and experiences. By embracing and valuing the contributions of others, we create a rich tapestry of originality that fuels collective growth and development.

Acknowledging change instead of resisting it brings numerous benefits that contribute to personal growth. One such benefit is increased creativity. Novelty and diversity, both products of change, stimulate our brains to think differently, leading to innovative ideas and solutions. Embracing adaptability makes us more flexible, a highly sought-after quality in today’s dynamic landscape. It equips us to handle unexpected situations efficiently and avoid getting overwhelmed by sudden shifts.

In a world where conformity is the norm, originality stands out like an impressive note no one else can match. It’s about authentic self-expression rather than being different for the sake of it. Encourage yourself to express your unique ideas and break away from the status quo. Innovation doesn’t happen by following others’ footsteps.

Nurturing originality and innovation

Nurturing original thinking starts within our own minds, particularly through positive self-talk. This internal dialogue can be either our biggest cheerleader or worst critic. But when used positively, these words become catalysts for creativity and confidence. Studies show that consistent use of affirmations improves problem-solving skills under pressure—crucial traits required when dealing with complex issues.

For instance:

“I am capable.”
“My thoughts matter.”
“I embrace failure as an opportunity.”

These simple sentences can unlock new pathways for thought and action when feeling stuck or uninspired. The journey of embracing change teaches us that failures aren’t roadblocks but stepping stones on the path to success. As organizational psychologist Adam Grant suggests: embrace them.

The essence of embracing originality lies in its capacity to accelerate growth and deepen understanding. It champions the concept of iterative learning, where each stumble becomes a stepping stone toward mastery. As Grant aptly puts it, “The mark of higher education isn’t the knowledge you accumulate in your head; it’s the skills you gain about how to learn.”

This philosophy finds resonance in various fields, from scientific research to artistic pursuits. Innovations and breakthroughs often emerge from the crucible of failures and setbacks. Pioneers of science, such as Thomas Edison, approached each failed experiment as a discovery of a way not to do something, bringing them closer to the ultimate solution. Similarly, artists refine their craft through countless iterations, each brushstroke or note contributing to their mastery.

In essence, the embrace of failures fosters a mindset that embraces change and adaptability as allies on the journey to success. By viewing setbacks not as detours but as integral components of the path, we cultivate resilience, sharpen our problem-solving abilities and fuel our innate capacity for innovation. Just as a pearl is formed through the gradual layering of nacre around an irritant, the embrace of failures enriches our experiences and ultimately yields the pearls of wisdom and accomplishment that adorn the tapestry of our lives.

A lifelong journey of creativity and growth

Artist painting on easel

A lifelong journey of embracing originality intertwines seamlessly with adaptability—a transformative path that shapes various aspects of our lives. It isn’t just about being different for the sake of standing out; rather, it’s a profound exploration of our authentic selves, unearthing the true essence of who we are and what we have to offer.

At its core, embracing originality means acknowledging and embracing our uniqueness. Each of us is born with a distinct set of qualities, talents and perspectives that make us unlike anyone else. By recognizing and honouring these individual traits, we begin to understand that our originality is a gift waiting to be discovered, developed and shared with the world.

The journey of self-discovery lies at the heart of embracing originality. It involves introspection, self-reflection and a willingness to delve into the depths of our being. Through this exploration, we uncover our passions, values and aspirations, gaining clarity about our purpose and the path we wish to tread. It’s a lifelong process that evolves as we grow and change, requiring us to continually re-evaluate and rediscover ourselves.

Creativity is an integral part of embracing originality. It’s the vehicle through which we express our unique perspectives, ideas and emotions. Whether through art, music, writing, entrepreneurship or any other form of creative expression, we channel our authenticity and present it to the world in ways that resonate with others. This act of creation not only brings us joy and fulfillment but also connects us to a larger community that appreciates and values our contributions.

Embracing originality also entails continuous growth and development. It requires us to cultivate a mindset of curiosity and open-mindedness, always seeking new experiences, knowledge and skills. As we expand our horizons, we gain fresh insights, challenge preconceived notions and evolve as individuals. It’s through this ongoing growth that we push the boundaries of our originality, constantly refining and expanding our creative potential.

When we fully embrace our originality and nurture it, we unlock the transformative power of innovation. Original thinkers and creators have shaped the course of human history by challenging the status quo, inventing new technologies and revolutionizing various fields. By honouring our unique gifts and contributing them to the world, we become catalysts for change, inspiring others to tap into their own originality and create a ripple effect that spreads throughout society.

John R. Miles is a sought-after expert on intentional behaviour change, leadership and personal mastery. He has seen success as an entrepreneur, a former U.S. Navy officer and a Fortune 50 senior executive. He hosts the acclaimed Passion Struck podcast, and is author of Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life.

Excerpted from Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life. (c) 2024 by John R. Miles. Published by Post Hill Press. Used with permission.

Front cover of Passion Struck by John R. Miles

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