Note with wedding ring saying "I'm sorry"

DREAM INTERPRETATION: Breaking a commitment with your inner Self [symbols: husband, divorce]

Last updated: April 9th, 2019

In unserer wöchentlichen Kolumne Achtsame Träume bietet Aneta Baranek von der School of Metaphysics den Lesern von The Mindful Word kostenlose Traumdeutungen sowie Artikel über Träume im Allgemeinen an.

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Hallo Aneta,

I had a horrible dream. I dreamed that my husband wanted to divorce me. This has been a reoccurring dream.

I don’t know what to do about this dream. I’m really scared that he’s not telling me something.

– Sue

DREAMER: Female, 36, Australia


Husband — committed inner aspect of the dreamer

Divorce — breaking of inner commitment


Hello Sue,

Let me set your mind at ease. Dreams, unless prophetic, aren’t of literal meaning. They communicate to us in dream symbols. Your dream isn’t so much to do with your husband wanting to divorce you as it is with some kind of breaking of commitment with your inner Self.

Every person in a dream reflects to us an aspect within ourselves. Your husband represents that most inward part of you, and your subconscious mind is wanting you to pay attention to that part within you.

The “divorce,” breaking of the inner commitment, might be reflected in your outer life by something as simple as you not keeping your word to wake up at a certain time each morning. It might also be as serious as you walking away from your spiritual beliefs and practices. You, as the dreamer, must determine exactly how you’re impeding that inner commitment/connection.


If this were my dream, I’d seek out ways in which I could listen more deeply to my inner voice.

Your dream speaks to a potential “breakup” in communication between the outer you and the inner you—in other words, the outer personality and your soul. Your soul isn’t comfortable with this disconnection; therefore, it keeps sending you, on a reoccurring basis, the same dream from your subconscious mind.

One way to foster inner connection is to spend at least 10 minutes every day by yourself. You could journal about your experiences or do some breathing exercises. Let your intuition guide you as to exactly how you’ll allocate those 10 minutes.

As you start honouring your inner Self, your dreams will reflect that as well. This reoccurring dream will be replaced by dreams of you and your husband experiencing much harmony and union.

We each, individually, are responsible for fostering that inner commitment with ourselves, which, in turn, is reflected back to us through our most intimate relationships.

Mögen deine Träume dein Inneres und Äußeres erhellen...

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