Love stone art - Present from yourself

PRESENT FROM YOURSELF: What to do if someone is cheating on you

Last updated: أبريل 2nd, 2019

True love quote
I enter the living room. My half-naked boyfriend sits apathetically on a chair in the corner, head buried in his hands. Another man is standing in the middle of the room, holding a towel to cover his nakedness. Empty beer bottles and white powder are spread on the living room table.

I’m surprisingly calm. Without a word I go straight to the balcony. The two men in the living room become statuesque.

“Hello. It’s cold outside, you should come back inside.” I reach my hand out to the naked woman under the table. She has nothing to cover herself. What an interesting situation I find myself in.

If you’ve ever experienced a situation like this, you might ask yourself: Why? Why me? Why this? Why anyways?

Realize first and foremost it’s only our thinking that is causing the pain, not the incident itself. Why not think: Hey, it’s pretty awesome that this happened! Now I can take the time to give myself the love and attention I was seeking from that other person.” That would change a lot, wouldn’t it?

All cheating experiences point in the same direction: To ask yourself why it happened and what can you do. Don’t panic. Breathe. Become still and relax.

There’s are two reasons why this happened: personal and Universal. When this happened to me I found myself asking the same question. Fortunately, I found some answers.

Situations like this are growing opportunities that highlight what we need to learn. Perhaps it’s a recurring lesson that will keep happening to us until we “get it.”

Instead of reacting at that moment, I stepped outside of myself and observed the situation. Doing this helped me stay calm, organize my thoughts in a healthy way, and decide what to do about the situation. In those moments of reflection, I realized I had felt this was going to happen before it actually occurred, so when it did happen it wasn’t exactly a surprise. It’s for this reason the only words my boyfriend said to me were, “I know you knew.” Yes, I knew, and I also sensed from the beginning it would help me grow and bring me closer to me.

If I may give some unwarranted advice, stop looking outside for a moment. Return to yourself and do everything, which nurtures you and your soul.

Crying over that person won’t help. If you don’t realize that this happened to push you towards growth, self-love and self-empowerment you could waste years feeling like a victim and remain stuck in the cycle of pain.

Get your ass up. Think about that person and embrace her/him. This person opened the door for you. Think of it like this; the worse the cheating, the more of a red carpet that’s rolled out for you on your path towards transformation. Walk through the door.

From your heart say: “Thank You! Thank you for bringing me where I need to be. For making me aware what work needs to be done. Where I need to love myself more and how I can take better care of myself. Thank You!”

The reason this person manifested in my reality was to present this lesson to me. It was a present from my highest self to guide me down a new path, and to ensure I was walking a path that was taking me back to Source, to Love, to God, and to the womb of the Universe.

It is this Source that makes us feel the love we already are, without needing anything or anybody! The more you feel it, the more people show up in our lives who align with our energy and path. The more you get pushed on the self-love-developing path, the more you attract people who mirror the capacity of love you are able to give and receive.

If someone cheated on you, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have insurmountable issues to solve. Maybe it’s just something little to look at. Maybe you’re meant to find someone else in the future who matches better and with whom you can do a better job for the bigger picture of global transformation and evolving humanity.

There are energies working that we’re not able to understand yet. But one thing is for sure, if someone treats you in a bad way—it’s a present. Take it and do what is there to do!

Back then I considered this break as the perfect time to make a wish come true: Going back to Egypt. I remember calling a friend saying: “You won’t believe what happened. Well, maybe you do. Anyways, we can go on vacation immediately.” We flew out of the country the next day.

I trusted that this “cheating” was exactly what needed to happen for my personal growth and therefore for the transformation of humankind. Take “cheating” as a beautiful possibility to evolve and to reconnect with yourself, your true essence. We’re here to love as much as we can and if any suffering occurs, remember it’s there to bring us back to love.

[su_panel background=”#f2f2f2″ color=”#000000″ border=”0px none #ffffff” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #ffffff”]Christine Stein was born in Germany but regards herself as a traveller of the Earth and beyond. She is searching for herself and for answers to the big questions like: Where do we come from? Who are we? and Where are we going? Sometimes she finds answers she loves to share. The most important thing about her: She loves to laugh & love. Check out her مدونة, YouTube channel SoulTalk و Facebook page.

image: True Love quote via Shutterstock

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