Autumn leaf that has fallen on small stones - 3 Poems About Life’s Journey, Including ”Poem Without Words”

POEMS BY OLIVIA HAJIOFF: Song Without Melody, Poem Without Words, The Sunken

Song Without Melody

There are doors that swing open,
there are doors that swing closed,
there are those that stay put wherever they are posed.    
You cannot know how each will be
until you push, then wait and see.

When a leaf falls from an Autumn tree
it will always land just perfectly. 
No matter how it twists and turns,
it finds its way; just let it be.

Don’t try to fix, don’t force, don’t fight, 
there is no need to make it right. 
All journeys are as meant to be,
just let them start, then wait and see.

Poem Without Words

I wish us a day with no words. Not even our own.
Nothing to comprehend or answer.
Lips softly closed, waiting for the mind-flutter to come to rest
at the ocean floor.

I will stop writing; you will cease reading.
Let us both find a breath of repose within the
emptiness beneath.

The Sunken

Clouds float in the canal beneath an unsettled sky,
their languorous forms revealing a piano keyboard
resting at the silty depths.
A surprising, yet familiar sight.
The blacks and whites now soft-hued greys,
their angles rippling.
All purpose stripped, yet its existence persists.

And those who rest on the canal banks, day and night,
their belongings gathered close.
They cannot leave.
All purpose stripped, yet existence persists.

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image: estoymhrb

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