Drawing of John Lennon - Lennon's "Imagine": Can This Popular Tune Unite the World?

JOHN LENNON’S “IMAGINE”: The song that can unite the world?

Have you heard the song “Imagine” by John Lennon? I’m sure most of you have heard it before. It’s a song that people are drawn to listen to worldwide, because of its melodious tone and valuable message. This song promotes peace and love for all people, and that’s why I love it. It has everything we need: it’s worldly, down-to-earth, kind and dreamy. It’s such a well-known song because it supports the embodiment of a peaceful, loving and hopeful world. 

Whenever I listen to this song, I think of how the world needs to come together at one point or another. No matter where we are and where we’ve come from, we’re all humans. John Lennon sings, “Imagine there’s no countries / It isn’t hard to do / Nothing to kill or die for / And no religion, too / Imagine all the people / Living life in peace.”

These lyrics could mean slightly different things to different people, but we can narrow these shades of meaning down to one answer: We’re all one world, no matter where we’re from and what we believe in. We’re all suffering for the same reasons and wanting the same thing: to be loved. The lyrics call us to our purpose: to love. 

Turning the song’s message into reality

I want everyone to hear this song and read its lyrics often, because I think it can make miracles happen. I also want people to think about how they can turn this song into reality. How can you start living life to your full potential by using your God-given gifts to make a difference in this world? You can make a difference through anything you’re passionate about, whether it’s your career or a hobby, and use your passion to inspire people and spread positivity.

For instance, if you’re a doctor, you can make sure you remind your patients to take care of themselves so they can take care of others. Alternatively, if you’re a teacher, you can motivate your students to be kind to one another. As for a hobby, if you enjoy art, you can use it to spread peace in order to heal people and inspire them to take action.

If people can remind each other of this song, and then discuss the lyrics and how they can be turned into reality, can you “imagine” what could happen? If we think about it, everything we do is for each other, and it all connects us to our main purpose on Earth: to help one another. In other words, we’ve all been gifted with the instinct to care for one another. We’re human beings born with compassion and empathy, and if we use these things to the best of our ability, it can take us far in life.

A call for peace in difficult times

There are many wars going on today, with many lives being lost, and this song calls for peace in a time of war. In an article called “‘Imagine’: How John And Yoko’s Provocative Anthem Became A Hymn For Peace,” author Martin Chilton states how this was, “written in March 1971 during the Vietnam War, has become a permanent protest song and a last emblem of hope.” Although this song was written during a different year and a different wartime period, it still resonates with every single issue going on in this world today.

Thomas Eames mentions in his article, “The Story of ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon,” how the song was actually inspired by his wife Yoko Ono’s poetry book Grapefruit. Lennon is quoted as saying, “I sort of omitted her contribution, but it was right out of Grapefruit.” Lennon wouldn’t have released this song without his wife, as she’s the one who came up with a majority of the “lyric and the concept,” as explained in Eames’ piece.

A peace-spreading dreamer

Hands in shape of heart, illuminated by light - Lennon's "Imagine": Can This Popular Tune Unite the World?

Ever since I was a young child, I’ve always been a dreamer with a desire to spread happiness to others. I was the little girl with smiley-faced clips on the back of her head and a necklace with a jar full of sunshine. This always caused a positive impact in others’ lives, and it showed me how something very small can bring change to the world. Lennon’s song has done the same thing for me by impacting me positively. 

Similarly, when I was in class as a teenager, students would always become quiet around me. I felt this respect, and I didn’t expect it; it just came because I practiced being a good role model for others in the way my parents taught me. When we don’t give up our power to better ourselves or improve each other’s lives, monumental change is certainly possible.

I remember during my first year of college, I hosted open mic nights by starting an organization called We as Words at a coffee shop. This was a spoken-word group I created to promote diversity and peace. At my first show, I had my pink cap on backward and shared my very first rap song with hip-hop beats. I’d perform with my group and give them a chance to share their music and sing. This experience taught me to gather all my friends in the community for events, but most importantly, it taught me how to encourage people to spread peace by sharing our voices. 

My song was clean, innovative and upbeat, and that’s how the song “Imagine” by John Lennon makes me feel. Performing my song made me realize that music can bring people together, and I’m sharing this story to remind you that it’s the little things that often make a difference and lead to something big one day. If I can do these things, so can you!

Let’s unite the world together

All things considered, the Beatles—especially John Lennon—are peacemakers. When I think about them, I think of Hippies in peace sign shirts, holding out peace signs and playing songs on their ukuleles. Honestly, though, I feel that everyone has the power to influence others positively if they see the good inside themselves. It’s not a talent, it’s a virtue. There are many ways for us to spread positivity, and you don’t have to be a replica of a hippie to achieve it. 

Through his song, I think John Lennon wanted all of us to make his vision of peace possible, and if that were to happen, he’d be proud of us. For instance, he sings, “I hope someday you join us, and the world will be as one.” Here, he shares the purpose of his song and his optimism that we can unite the world.

He believes that we can do it, so let’s make it happen! Let’s look at what we’re good at, and if we don’t know yet, let’s find out. There are many ways we can give back to the world, and that’s what we were born to do. 

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