Happy woman listening to headphones - Heal From Trauma: 5 Tips to Help You Start Your Healing Journey

HEAL FROM TRAUMA: 5 tips to get you started on the path

Last updated: يونيو 14th, 2023

Trauma can make you feel like everything is out of your control. Unexpected triggers can transport you back to the most terrifying moment of your life, and suddenly, you may start panicking, screaming or bursting into tears.

You may feel paranoid—always on high alert, preparing for the worst. It can feel like you’re constantly running from a nightmare you can’t escape, leaving you exhausted, unable to catch your breath. You may feel like you’re stuck in another world, alone, because others don’t recognize the same threats as you. You may feel like a stranger to yourself, like you’ve lost your mind.

If any of this sounds familiar, you aren’t alone. I’ve gone through several traumatic experiences throughout my life, and I know how excruciating living with these symptoms can be. Living in a state of high anxiety and fear became my new normal, and I thought that I’d just have to get used to it.

Nobody taught me how to tend to my emotional wounds, so I thought I just had to push through and “move on.” But that only caused more pain. I only started to find relief when I faced my trauma head-on and became intentional with my healing.

When I first started my healing journey, I was overwhelmed, and I didn’t know where to begin. Slowly, as I learned to navigate the path by using my feelings as a compass, things started to get better—little by little. It may not feel like it at this moment, but I promise: Healing is possible.

Since I began sharing my story about healing from trauma in my Instagram community, many survivors have asked me, “How do I heal?” I wish there were a road map I could give you to follow, but the truth is, healing from trauma is a deeply personal journey, and I don’t know what path would best serve you.

We’re all unique individuals with different backgrounds, experiences and needs, and each traumatic experience carries its own complexities. There’s an infinite number of paths one could take to heal, and part of healing is figuring out what combinations of activities are best for you, whether that includes therapy, mindfulness, spirituality or creativity.

Finding the mix of activities, practices and support that helps you heal can take some trial and error, but here are a few tips to help you decide what path to take as you embark on your healing journey.

Take note of your symptoms

Check in with yourself. Are you experiencing anxiety or panic? Are you having trouble sleeping? How has your mood been? Are you having intrusive thoughts? If you’re experiencing disruptive symptoms like severe anxiety, paranoia, nightmares and insomnia, or you’ve noticed a negative shift in your mood lately, seeking support from a mental health professional who can help you tackle your unique challenges may be a good first step to help you find relief.

Consider mental health support

Several types of mental health professionals exist, including psychologists, psychiatrists and licensed therapists. While all are involved in mental health treatment, the main difference is that psychiatrists can prescribe medication, which psychologists and licensed therapists can’t do.

If your symptoms are unbearable and you want to explore medication options, consult a psychiatrist to see what might be helpful for the symptoms you’re experiencing. Otherwise, a psychologist or a licensed therapist is likely a good place to start, and they can always refer you to a psychiatrist if needed.

Even if medication is part of your treatment plan, therapy will most likely be part of it as well. As my psychiatrist told me, “There’s no magic pill that cures trauma.”

Build self-awareness

The more you understand yourself, the more information you’ll have to work through your trauma. Building self-awareness to better understand your triggers, your feelings and how your symptoms are manifesting is a great place to start. Even if you’re working with a mental health professional, you’ll need self-awareness to be able to relay information to them.

Also, start building awareness around what helps you feel better. If you notice that your anxiety has softened, or if you got a good night’s sleep for the first time in a while, think about what you did earlier that day that could have led to that. Then, try to work more of what helps you feel better into your regular routine.

Identify and honour your needs

A critical part of healing is figuring out how to meet your needs. When your emotional needs are unmet, it can leave you feeling anxious, lonely, trapped or distressed, adding to the pain you already feel from the trauma you’ve endured. In contrast, when your needs are met, this can bring relief, alleviating the pain and helping you feel more content.

While others can help you figure out your needs, you’re the only person in your body with your thoughts and feelings, so you’re in the best position to figure out what will be best for your healing.

Use your feelings as a guide to determine your needs. For example, feeling disconnected and lonely may mean you need connection, whether it’s spiritual, with another person, or with a community. If you’re feeling distressed, empty or alone, you may need emotional support, whether it comes from a support group, a friend or a therapist.

If you’re feeling anxious and disorganized, a daily practice like mindfulness, journaling or Yoga may help you feel more grounded. If you’re feeling irritable and restless, a relaxing activity like soaking in a warm bath or going for a stroll outside may help you feel calmer. These are all just suggestions, because again, you’re most qualified to figure out what works best for you.

Make your journey uniquely yours

Happy woman listening to headphones - Heal From Trauma: 5 Tips to Help You Start Your Healing Journey

Let go of what you believe your healing journey should look like and what you think you should or shouldn’t be doing to heal. Sometimes, because we believe healing needs to look a certain way, we try to force things on ourselves that don’t serve us.

For example, a lot of people have this idea that therapy is the only path to healing and that therapists are the only people who can help you heal. That simply isn’t true. While I and many other trauma survivors have found therapy extremely beneficial, some survivors have shared with me that they’ve seen 10, 14 or even 20 therapists, and tried every type of therapy they could, and none of them seemed to help, which made them feel like there was no hope. There are so many paths you could take, and if something doesn’t seem to be helping you, there are always other options.

Healing isn’t just about decreasing your trauma symptoms. Part of healing is working towards feeling more empowered, forming supportive relationships, finding what brings you joy and feeling more at home within yourself. Your healing journey may include ways to express yourself creatively, whether you’re writing, singing, dancing, gardening or making music and art. It may include self-care, like rest, crying, exercise, social media breaks and cuddles. It may include daily practices like breathwork, journaling, mindfulness and self-compassion.

The key to healing is finding a combination of things that best serve you and your current needs. Remember, this is your life, and you’re in the best position to lead the way.

«قراءة ذات صلة» MY SPIRITUAL TOOLBOX: Using the tools to heal from past trauma and love myself more completely»

image: PourquoiPas

  1. Thank You🌸

    Has a caregiver of my daughter for 20 years of not knowing or understanding what she was going through mentally and physically today I have more knowledge, understanding and tools to support her in many ways and mostly to understand that healing comes in different forms and to see how she has been proactive looking for ways to heal and set free from so much trauma she had suffered.

    Thank you for these 5 tips I believe they can be also apply to anyone who is looking to heal from there past.

  2. Healing from trauma is a complex and individualized process that involves acknowledging, understanding, and addressing the emotional and psychological impact of traumatic experiences. Healing from trauma is a personal process, and everyone’s journey is unique. If you find yourself struggling or feeling overwhelmed, reach out to a mental health professional for guidance and support. They can provide you with personalized strategies and help you navigate the healing process.

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