Woman studying for exams

FINAL EXAM ANXIETY: 10 mindfulness tips for students

Final exams can cause a lot of anxiety. After all, during exams, a week of stress stands between you and a break. While you’re likely ready to get this testing period over with, you need to get to the root of your stressors.

You might find it helpful to practice mindfulness to soothe your soul. You should determine the best times to study and when you should cut yourself a little slack. Remember to enjoy life amid the chaos by keeping these 10 strategies in mind.

Figure out what triggers you

Do you know what triggers your final exam anxiety? Is it having a time limit or the broad idea of failing? Once you pinpoint exactly what bothers you about exam season, you can pick a strategy to target it more effectively. For example, you could learn to manage your time more efficiently by running through worksheets or example problems during a period you set for yourself.

Failing is a little harder to get used to, but everyone fails at something in life. It doesn’t make it any easier to hear, but knowing it’s normal should help you feel a bit better. Besides, you’re unlikely to fail if you’re keeping up with studying. You can always get a tutor or talk to your teacher or professor if you’re concerned. As long as you’ve been making an effort in the class, they’ll help you succeed.

Breaks are your best friend

Taking breaks is essential to absorbing the correct information when you need it. Instead of picking up an electronic device, consider doing something that gets you up and moving—or, at the very least, gets you out of the space you’ve been studying in.

You can spend this time cleaning or going for a walk, as activities like this will help you refresh your brain and enable you to refocus more easily when it’s time to get back to work. Expending energy can also help you learn and retain more information.

Practice affirmations

Affirmations may seem silly to you, but the “fake it ’til you make it” strategy works. When you look in the mirror and tell yourself you’re a valuable human being who’s capable of doing great things, you start to believe it. Try it out for a while if you’ve never practiced affirmations before. You may find that you care about yourself more than when you started—which means you might cut yourself a break if you recognize you’re stressing over exams too much.

Formulate a strategy

Student marking off Scantron sheet for exam

Dealing with testing anxiety might be as simple as creating an effective strategy to remember while taking your exams. You may feel nervous about trying something new or admitting you don’t know something during the test, but sometimes, it’s better to acknowledge those facts. You’ll only hurt yourself if you don’t give yourself a little leeway.

When doing a timed exam, consider skipping the questions you don’t know and coming back to them later with fresh eyes. This way, you’ll work on things you actually understand and won’t waste time struggling over something you don’t. You ensure you have enough time to complete the questions you definitely know and go back for the others later.

Define yourself

You have to recognize that you’re more than just a student. You have an identity outside of school, even if it may not feel like it with all your preparations for final exams. When you feel anxious, it might benefit you to remember the other things you do.

If you have a job, you’ve accomplished something in that field. Your family and friends love you. You have teachers and professors who are sure to boast about you, whether they teach in your desired field or not. You’re valuable outside of these few classes, even if you may not feel like it at first. Try to breathe and remember that your worth is more than a test.

Limit caffeine

Pay attention to what goes into your body during exam season. People tend not to take care of themselves during periods of high stress, and test anxiety is no different. Caffeine is in just about everything you consume—from chocolate to coffee to tea. It can increase your heart rate, making you more susceptible to anxiety symptoms. Consider limiting your caffeine intake to only one drink per day during exam week. Your body and mind will thank you for it in the long run.

Build a support group

Ideally, you want your support group to be made up of people who love you and have experienced the same situations as you. You may find help from your roommate, friends or classmates. You could always start a study group as well. Just having someone there may be enough.

You can also rely on older family members or friends who have gone through final exams before. They may have some wisdom they can give you, and might be able to teach you practical techniques that can ease your anxiety. Either way, remember you’re not alone during this time. You have people who love you and will support you through any achievement or setback.

Remember—you can always try again

Allow yourself some grace. You don’t always have to get it right on the first try. Remember that your final exam doesn’t necessarily equal your total grade in the course. You should be able to pass the class, no matter what score you get. If it brings your GPA down, you can always retake the test. Your health isn’t worth a grade.

The worst-case scenario would be that you forget all the information you learned—which is highly unlikely—during the exam, and don’t pass the class as a result. Nobody said you could only take a class once. You can always try again, this time with more knowledge. You can make it through the course, no matter how many tries it takes.

Sleep well

During exam week, you should focus on studying, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect taking care of yourself. Your grades will suffer if you go to bed later and get less sleep. Set limits on how much you study, and stick to a set bedtime.

Make sure to turn any digital devices and your brain off at a specific time so you can relax before bed. Proper sleep is crucial to good performance. As much as you feel like you should stay up to study, don’t feel tempted to pull an all-nighter. It won’t benefit anyone, especially you.

Keep in mind that it’ll pass

Woman studying for exams

Exam season doesn’t last forever. Luckily, it only takes about a week. At most, you’re spending two weeks worrying about tests that won’t even define your entire future. You shouldn’t neglect to study, because these exams are essential, but you shouldn’t let your worries consume you. Just remember that this period won’t last forever, and soon, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy your break with your loved ones.

Have a stellar final exam season!

Final exams can take a lot out of a person. You might find yourself focusing on studying so much that you forget to have fun and treat yourself with care. Looking after yourself during stressful times is crucial, though. Always strive to remember your worth and give yourself meaningful breaks when you can. Doing this will improve your life, not just academically, but overall.

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