Clouds and lightning

DEPRESSION AND SPIRITUALITY: Losing connection when the clouds roll in

I usually consider myself pretty “witchy.” I believe there’s way more to life than meets the eye, and the storehouse of information that resides in our unconscious guides us beyond our waking awareness. I believe each of us has a Higher Self, and it has immense wisdom to share with us if we only slow down enough to listen.

I’ve noticed, though, that the worse my mental health is, the less connected I feel to the magic of everyday life. I find myself swinging in the direction of “atheist.” This disconnection from my Higher Self sucks the joy out of my days and robs me of my sense of purpose and direction.

Crystals become dead rocks. Coincidence becomes incidental. Magic becomes wishful thinking.

The moon becomes nothing but a large object floating in space, with its phases having no effect on me whatsoever. The date of my birth becomes irrelevant to the nature of my personality. Destiny no longer exists, unless it’s self-fulfilling.

I find myself believing that the number of senses is five and the number of lifetimes is one. Souls don’t exist anymore. The only place my dead loved ones are is in the ground, and they can’t contact me from there.

I become convinced that I wasn’t born for a reason. I was simply born to live until I die.

Coming back to myself when the sun returns

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I’m very grateful that I don’t live in that depressed state all the time. Eventually, the clouds drift away, and I remember who I am and what I really believe.

I believe in witchy stuff. It’s just that my depressed mind becomes numb and unable to see or feel it. My depressed mind struggles to deal with the mundane, let alone engage with the magical.

When the shadows recede and I’m back in the sunshine again, I feel whole and my senses come back to life—all six of them.

I remember that crystals have their own energy and vibrate at different frequencies, which you can sense if you hold them in your hand and “tune in.” Some are dense, some are light. Some are energizing, some are calming. Some feel like chaos, and some feel like clarity.

I remember that coincidences aren’t just coincidences. The Universe speaks to us through synchronicity and symbolism. Things happen for a reason.

Sometimes wishful thinking intrudes on intuition, but magic is the power of intuition magnified. The stronger the intuition, the more powerful the ability to enact change in your life—just like magic. Plus, wishful thinking isn’t always a bad thing. With awareness, it becomes intention, which can become manifestation. Wishful thinking is visualization if handled properly.

I believe that the phases of the moon do have a profound effect on our daily lives, and the energy of the phases can be harnessed to fuel our intentions and goals. I also believe that astrological signs have a profound effect on our personalities and our destinies.

There are at least six senses, and the sixth is just as important and powerful as the other five. I believe we live many lifetimes within a lifetime, and beyond it. Every living being has a soul and everything is connected to a Higher Power. Our souls survive death in some form. We never fully disappear.

I believe that everyone is born for a reason, with a task they are destined to pursue and complete. The purpose of living is to discover what that task is and to find the people, resources and knowledge needed to achieve it.

These are the things I believe in my witchy heart. There is so much about the Universe that is beyond our rational understanding. That doesn’t mean those things aren’t real. Sometimes I just need some time to get from one sunny place to another, through the valley of sadness, fear and doubt.

Reconnecting with my deepest truth

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Sometimes it takes a while to shake off the shadows in my mind and soul, but it’s the simple magic of everyday life that brings me back to my witchy self.

I hold a crystal quartz in my hand and intend for my thinking to be clear again. I pull one Tarot card and trust that it has a message I need to see. I stop depriving myself of sleep in a vain effort to find answers in the late hours of the night, and I ask the Universe to provide them in my dreams instead (and in my waking dreams, otherwise known as daydreams).

I trust that my destiny is bigger than the plans I have for myself.

I look to the night sky to find the moon. I remember that my Gemini mind is fluid and cyclical and I decide to stop beating myself up for my vulnerability and inconsistency. I trust that my destiny is bigger than the plans I have for myself.

I resume a daily meditation practice to let my sixth sense lead my decision-making. I tap into the knowledge I’ve gained from the previous chapters of my lifetime, and I tune into the wisdom of my ancestors that flows in my veins and lives beneath the surface of my perceptions. I choose to believe that I am protected, guided and loved.

I believe that I was put on this Earth for a reason, and until the day I die, I will continue to take baby steps to understand what that reason is and act on that understanding. I also believe that steps back are sometimes necessary on the path forward, especially when taking the road less travelled. When we take a step back, we’re able to follow our own footprints, and sometimes that helps us see the direction we’ve been taking and decide if that’s still the way we want to go.

When I’ve emerged from the shadows and am standing in my own power again, I remember that things will always work out in the end, because I don’t believe I was born to suffer and fail. I believe in my own magic. If curses exist, so does the power to overcome them.

«قراءة ذات صلة» ALTERED BY MY ALTAR: 9 small rituals I use to reconnect with my Higher Self»

image 1 FelixMittermeier من بيكساباي 2 image by Patou Ricard من بيكساباي 3 image by Avi Chomotovski من بيكساباي 

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