travel collage of photos and words - Collage Art: Discover the Therapeutic Benefits Today

WELLNESS THROUGH ART: The therapeutic benefits of collage

Healing does not come with an exact set of tools and instructions. It can be cut into large or small pieces and include a variety of different elements. Collage similarly embraces the process of breaking down a bigger picture, exploring the fine details and then piecing it back together. Not to mention, there is always room for the definition of ‘complete’ to be interpreted individually.

This unique art form avoids any pressure to make your journey feel or look perfect, which is incredibly important when it comes to healing. You can rip, paste and scribble freely, with the option of picking it apart and doing it all over again if needed. Collage is a true no-judgment zone.

Processing emotions visually

collage of hands on typewriter with woman sitting on the ground - Collage Art: Discover the Therapeutic Benefits Today

Finding it difficult to convey feelings, thoughts and emotions is extremely common when you are tense and facing anxiety.

Visual storytelling, like collage, encourages and provides candid access to a conflict, theme and resolution. The power of an image alone can unlock certain emotions and actions from an involuted idea and experience almost instantaneously. Additionally, it can free your subconscious or a blurry memory that has been plaguing you.

Collage art has also been introduced into environments like psychotherapy as a means of communication. Many mental health professionals use this platform to connect with their clients in a non-threatening way and to better understand what they are going through. For instance, Carolyn Mehlomakulu, the art therapist and psychotherapist behind Creativity in Therapy, has mentioned that an adolescent may choose an image of a car because they want to have a nice car one day. But through the lens of a therapist, it can also suggest that the adolescent is wanting freedom.

According to a paper published in the Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 65 percent of people are visual learners. This alone highlights the importance of having communication alternatives for visualizers. Everyone should feel heard, even if it’s not verbal.

Connecting with your inner child

Parenting is a very inclusive term. It can look or feel different depending on the person you ask. Inner-child work is a relatively new discussion and a method of healing that is attached to reparenting the child that you once were and the shadow child that is carried throughout our lives.

The introduction to this internal human is often through the wounds received during childhood. With collage, you can reimagine positive outcomes or connect with ideas that were once shamed and not recognized. Give yourself a hug of acceptance to get messy, use fun craft scissors, sprinkle glitter and incorporate playdough. You could even play dress-up by incorporating old photos and creating paper outfits that you may have loved or seen on television.

Collaging with your inner child can also become a ritual. Plan out a Saturday evening and tackle each goal or new thought that comes to mind. It’s extremely beneficial to take the time to step away from adult duties and remember that life should be playful instead of being stressful and daunting.

Integrating collage art and adventure

travel collage - Collage Art: Discover the Therapeutic Benefits Today

Exploring your community and different social activities is said to improve your self-esteem and mood. Even though cuddling up on the couch seems extra cozy, we all sometimes need an extra bump of enlightenment and energy, whether that is with nature or fellow humans.

Taking yourself to a local coffee shop for a sweet treat and tasty beverage seems to be a favourite when it comes to self-love. While you are there, think about collecting cute business cards and stickers to add to your collage or scrapbook as a way to keep track of little adventures. Coffee shops typically have a bulletin board that might feature craft events in your area and artsy businesses filled with like-minded people. This can be integrated with the inner child connecting exercise.

Practicing intuitive self-care

Social media has blurred the lines between individuality and being influenced in healthy doses. Overstimulating content and technology in general feed off adrenaline and how fast we can satisfy our cravings. Our intuition needs to be replenished since we focus so deeply on the opinions of others who tell us what is needed instead of focusing on what our bodies actually want.

Collage is a perfect reason to step offline and tap into recharging your energy and personal preferences. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What colours nourish my inner calm and storm?
  • Why does this quote or word resonate with me?
  • How can I apply any of these warm and fuzzy feelings to actual self-love practices?

Make sure to also set the mood and illuminate your space with things that make you happy, too, such as a candle, fresh flowers and soothing music.

Collaging can be incorporated into your diary and daily journal to help you keep track of your goals and manifest what you want to accomplish for the day or weeks to come.

If you are unsure where to begin, consider purchasing or printing out collage kits that can be found on Creative Market and Pinterest. A lot of image websites like Raw Pixel also have libraries of different patterns, textures and elements that can be downloaded.

«قراءة ذات صلة» GET CREATIVE TO RELIEVE STRESS: 8 great art therapy ideas for adults»

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