Pros and cons of medical marijuana - cannabis plant


Last updated: 2 月 20th, 2020



一级类别的其他药物包括海洛因、迷魂药、摇头丸和冰毒。 许多反对大麻的人认为这种药物是危险的,有害的,并认为它应该仍然是非法的。

Then on the other side of the fence many believe—especially those who use it medicinally—that despite its stigma, marijuana is not only not dangerous but has great value as a medicinal herb for treating various conditions. Some of these believe that marijuana is harmless and that you should have the right to consume the drug if you so desire.

When you weigh the pros and cons of consuming marijuana, it seems confusing that the drug would sit alongside some of the others in that DEA list.

关于医用大麻,最有争议的一点是它确有用途,就像许多其它的药用物质一样。 正是这种物质的潜在滥用属性,令许多人质疑其必要性。

理论上,你可以滥用任何东西,包括酒精,处方药,甚至大麻。 有鉴于此,让我们来看看一些支持和反对使用大麻的证据,并探讨医用大麻的利弊。



除了肺癌,吸烟还可能产生许多肺部疾病。 这与烟雾有关,与大麻成分无关。 例如,香烟和雪茄也有同样的后果。

当吸食大麻烟时,化合物可能在几分钟内达到峰值。 或者,效果可能长达一个小时或更长,具体取决于其效力。 然而,当摄入大麻时,大麻可能需要几个小时才能达到峰值水平,而中毒的影响会随着吸食时间而持续很久。

如果直接摄入大麻——比如通过药片之类的东西——您就能避开大多数由吸食大麻烟产生的健康风险。 这并不是说以其他形式来摄入大麻就是完全安全的。



另一方面,CB2受体细胞更多是与免疫系统有关。 这包括大麻如何影响你的脾脏和淋巴结。 大麻最常见的用途之一是抑制身体这些部位,无论是患病或其它。

大麻可以通过将THC和其他大麻素转移到黄油中来摄入。 然后,这种黄油被用来烘烤各种各样的食物,包括蛋糕,布朗尼甜品等等。

然而,以这种形式来摄入大麻时,很难确定适当的剂量,因此,人们有可能摄入过大的剂量。 如果发生这种情况,食用过多会导致严重的呕吐、头晕甚至失去知觉。

要转化成油,就要将大麻与蒸发器一起使用,提取过程是很危险的。 提取需要使用丁烷等易燃气体,因此这个过程会给相关人员和任何在附近的人带来危险。

此外,有文献记载,大麻可引起严重的妄想症和精神不稳定。 它甚至可以令体内存在的问题浮出表面。

服用药物后,有可能出现严重的焦虑、惊恐发作、离群、精神病发作、精神分裂症和强烈的内省。 这些副作用可能是短期的, 但也有人声称症状一直持续.


所有这些潜在的问题带出了一个疑问:为什么有人想使用大麻作为药用物质? 答案在于它能缓解身体特定部位的疼痛。


吸大麻烟或摄入大麻对健康有许多好处。 当然,摄入更有益,因为患者或摄入人员并不吸食烟雾和焦油,这通常来自于任何吸烟形式的烟草或药物。

大麻可以缓解任何一种疾病所带来的各种慢性疼痛,恶心和呕吐。 患有多发性硬化症、癌症和艾滋病的人,甚至是使用治疗这些问题的刺激性药物的患者,吸食大麻都能受益。

在许多情况下,服用大麻素(通过吸食或药片摄入)的患者免疫功能得到改善,甚至体重增加,而没有这么做的患者则没有这些改善。 例如,接受化疗治疗的癌症患者可能感觉更好,更倾向于吃固体食物,因为大麻中的THC平衡了他们的身体系统。

那些患有严重人格障碍,如多动症,注意力缺陷障碍,社交恐惧症和许多其它障碍的人甚至声称摄入或吸大麻后感觉更好。 这一点特别有趣,因为人们已知这种药物会导致其他人的精神不稳定。



  • 减少或控制癫痫发作
  • 可以减轻儿童难治性癫痫性脑病德拉维特综合症(Dravet’s syndrome)的症状
  • THC可能减缓阿尔茨海默病的恶化
  • 可能预防或缓解肌肉痉挛
  • 缓解丙型肝炎治疗的附带症状
  • It may be used to treat inflammatory bowel diseases
  • 可用于改善新陈代谢
  • 它可缓解帕金森病的身体颤抖
  • 可用于治疗创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)


Jail cell - To smoke or not to smoke

除了联邦政府将大麻列为一级类别毒品之外,还有一些弊端值得探讨。 当然,如果执法人员遇到您持有此类药物,处罚范围可能从小罚款到监禁,这取决于您带着多少,以及你是否有权作为药用。

虽然大麻在美国某些州可能是合法的,但在其它州,持有大麻仍然是非法的。 因此,如果您带着药物(无论是否合法获得)跨越州界线,您仍可能受到处罚。



  • 思维能力、解决问题能力和记忆力的障碍
  • 反应时间减慢和认知被改变
  • 平衡力和协调力的减弱
  • 冷漠、嗜睡和抑郁的状态,可能会影响个性和情绪
  • 心脏病发作的风险增加
  • 慢性咳嗽和呼吸道感染风险增加
  • 幻觉和戒断症状的可能性
  • 长期使用引起的免疫系统抑制
  • 性能力衰退和雄性激素减少

还值得注意的是,吸大麻烟比摄入大麻更危险,尤其因为吸烟所带来的危害。 信不信由你,大麻烟雾中含有的致癌碳氢化合物比烟草烟雾多50%至70%,这意味着大麻烟雾导致肺癌和呼吸道癌的可能性要高得多。


许多习惯性吸食大麻的人会不同意这一论点,香烟和雪茄种类的吸烟者也同样。 吸烟者不喜欢将癌症与他们的习惯联系起来,无论真假。 这并不能改变任何类型的吸烟会增加患肺癌和其他肺病的风险这一事实。 这并不是说,如果你吸烟,你肯定会有这些问题,它只是意味着你比不吸烟的人面临的风险要高得多。

此外,您从持牌卖家购买的大麻可能与在街上购买的截然不同。 它有时可能含有更多的有害化学物质。

无论您是否相信大麻的健康风险最小,情况会因人而异。 它与任何处方药一样,具有潜在的危险和副作用。 在尝试医用大麻之前,先与您的医生讨论所有可用的选项。 可能会有额外的健康风险和缺点,或者可能没有。 最终,要问自己的问题是,使用药物的益处是否大于坏处。


通过赋予自己有关该主题的深入知识,来做出关于医用大麻使用的最佳决策。 以下资源供进一步阅读:


可用于关于了解和使用医用大麻的最全最简单易用书籍。 有关大麻品种、输送、剂量以及可治疗条件的最新信息。


这本资料全面的书籍结合了来自大麻素和意识研究的 1,000 多项研究,提供基于实证的见解,为医用大麻对 100 种慢性症状和疾病的强大治愈效果提供了令人信服的案例。

[su_panel background=”#f2f2f2″ color=”#000000″ border=”0px none #ffffff” shadow=”0px 0px 0px #ffffff”]Ali Lawrence is a kombucha tea-sipping writer who focuses on healthy and sustainable living via her family blog Homey Improvements关注健康和可持续的生活。 她在阿拉斯加出生和长大,涉足公关,普拉提,是儿童派对的待用公主。

图1: Young cannabis plant via Shutterstock; image 2: Pixabay

  1. Where are the citations for this? I don’t see facts or research to prove these things are indeed true.

      1. That’s damn rude. It was a legit question, especial if you’re trying to find reliable academic sources for a college research paper!

  2. My mind was changed on pot when in the mid 90’s I learned that one our towns leading cancer Dr’s was recommending it to his chemo pt’s, I then started doing “research” on it, Now the medical benefits and potential benefits are there.
    Another thing I discovered when looking at all this I could not believe (and still can’t)……..Hemp, Hemp is the male plant, it has none of the stuff in it that gets you “high” so can anyone explain why it is illegal to grow?……….anyone?………..Only thing I can figger is it LOOKS like the “Devil, Demon, Satan plant.
    And research on MJ medical benefits are severely hampered by the DEA, THEY get to decide what research is done!………That’s right, Cops make that decision (knowledgeable as they are in Biochemistry, Molecular structure, peptide receptors in the brain) it;s like putting a garbage man in charge of NASA (no offense to our underpaid Sanitation workers) So if you want to “study how MJ is bad for you” NO PROBLEM, Want to study if some part of the MJ plant might cure Cancer………NO NO HELL NO………’s way past time for serious research and an adult conversation about MJ

  3. My name is Debra Warren, i am from Florida USA. I never knew cannabis oil was indeed wonderful and very effective in treating canceer diseases.? To hell with the government and their insane policy,if not for the government and their so called rules in regulating cannabis my husband would have still been alive. Thanks to the newly policy for legalizing cannabis in my state i would have also lost my son to kidney cancer, i was really touched and surprised when i watched lots of documentary on how cannabis oil had helped lot of people whom their family members never thought they could make it after undergoing several ?Chemo?. From the dept of my heart i must say a word of appreciation to the Rick Simpson Team for the timely intervention in the life of my son suffering from Kidney Cancer. as i am writing this testimony on this Blog my Son is so strong and healthy in spite he hasn?t completed the total Dosage? for your cannabis and medical consultation and information on how to get the oil try and get in touched with the Rick Simpson Team through email: CALL OR TEXT:::: (+1) 989-941-3969 so he can enlighten you more.

    Feeling so Delighted.
    Debra Warren…

  4. Okay…I’m “technically” underage and have been smoking for 4 years now, and can attest that smoking MJ does not have even half of the side effects that every “CON” side on every site has listed.

    For example; “Smoking marijuana can seriously affect your short-term memory.” <That's, honestly, such bull. I have a better short and long-term memory than MOST of the teens my age that both smoke and don't smoke. I have full memory of any given time before, during, and after smoking. I can tell you everything in FULL detail.

    "Frequent use can impair your cognitive ability." <BETT. I just so happen to have fully functioning cognitive abilities. If you look up the definition of "Cognition" and "Cognitive Abilities" you will find these: "1. The mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.
    2. That which comes to be known, as through perception, reasoning, or intuition; knowledge." <Guess what?! Everyone's memory and cognition can and will fade or fray eventually, but I am sorry, not sorry, to argue or disagree with any of which whom may disagree with the fact that IT IS NOT A RESULT DUE TO THE SMOKING OF MARIJUANA. MARIJUANA IS NOT A REASON AS TO WHY THIS IS HAPPENING.

    "Marijuana carries a risk of abuse and addiction." < I can honestly say that in even the few years I have been an MJ smoker, I am NOT addicted in any way whatsoever. Anyone that I know that is or was a smoker can also attest to this, as well as the fact that neither are they. Many things contain possible addiction components, but only the easily swayed and weak-minded can and will say that they are "addicted to marijuana." I'm sorry, well, not really, to say it, but YOU CANNOT GET OR BE ADDICTED TO MARIJUANA.

    "Marijuana has been implicated in a high percentage of automobile crashes and workplace accidents." < I know it may not have been the best of ideas, but I have both driven while I was blazed and been driven by others who were blazed. AND I SURVIVED. I can honestly say to you, and anyone for that matter, that being high does not make you any less functional. It does not prevent or alter perception and awareness. You are still in full control and full consciousness of what you are doing as well as the actions of those around you.

  5. I do agree that ingesting is more beneficial as you said when it comes to medical marijuana treatment since it gives you additional fiber. It is indeed great to know that marijuana can relieve many types of chronic pain as you mentioned because I wanted to give this to my grandmother who is suffering from scoliosis. Knowing that those suffering from severe personality disorders as you pointed out is great to read as well so that I can give this to my sister who needs to get alternative therapy for ADHD.

  6. I agree with Sariah ! According to a study, medical marijuana can significantly improve the condition of the patients with chronic pain.

  7. It is very difficult to decide whether to use Marijuana as a medicine or not and after years of discussions and research we are still not sure. But thanks for sharing this article.

  8. Thank you for mentioning how marijuana can help relieve different kinds of chronic pain. My wife has been experiencing a lot of muscle pain. It may be best for us to consider getting some kind of CBD product to help relieve her symptoms.

  9. CBD as a product has been studied for many years, but much early research was suppressed as it did not fit with the prevailing political and legal rhetoric of recreational drugs being harmful. Backing up science reports on CBD, many users report how it helps them to de-stress, sleep and relax.
    Marijuana is a Schedule controlled substance not because it is more dangerous than morphine or cocaine (it isn’t) but because it has no scientifically proven medical use.

  10. Hello, very interesting article! What’s most ironic about all this is that medical marijuana, which is still illegal in so many countries of the world, is almost an ideal product when compared to alcohol or cigarettes, but still people continue to argue. As for me, it’s funny to consider her bad, because she can really help a person, but what can do for a person who uses alcohol or cigarettes is a completely different story, but no one wants to prohibit them)

  11. I read too many posts about the effect of marijuana. But non could be satisfied me. I your article, you describe in detail. It will be helpful to me. Thanks for sharing this article.

  12. Before reading your article, I didn’t know about the positive site of taking marijuana. After reading your article, I was starting marijuana for reduce my Post Traumatic Stress. And It’s really work. Now I am feeling better than the previous. Thanks for sharing your valuable article

  13. I agree that the minus of marijuana is abuse, the development of addiction and an increased amount of use, but on the other hand, chocolate can also be abused, but we do not class it as a dangerous substance.

  14. It is so interesting that marijuana can relieve chronic pain. My dad suffers from intense chronic pain. I’ll suggest that he look for a reputable medical marijuana dispensary.

  15. I smoke weed everyday and it keeps me working on different projects involving money making or simple projects, if you overthink like that you’re abusing the plant, take it from me I smoke everyday if you’re at the point of overthinking yeah you’re abusing the drug, non addictive I don’t go crazy without a blunt lol but a cig yeah I’ll go Lolo if there’s no cigs after 6 hours lol

  16. The information you have shared in this article provides a comprehensive overview of the potential health problems associated with marijuana use. While marijuana may have medicinal benefits, it’s essential to weigh those against the possible adverse effects on physical and mental health. Thanks for sharing this tips.

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