10 Tarot cards

POEMS BY GEORGE PAYNE: Fire Sacrifice, Four of Pentacles and more

Fire Sacrifice

The way some fireflies
……hide within the grass
faking the fluorescent signs
……of cold heat, I waited
to possess you, to consume you
……entirely, absolutely, as gravity
bends starlight, or vines relax
……over the necks of grapes,
this desire springs from the soil.

When you come and go, I feel
……like a burnt offering.


I want to find you
with my sound, empty and
marvellous, in the void, giving
you shape with nothing else
except the idea of your molecules.
Every jewel, each note, contains
the reflection of all the others.

Four of Pentacles

Before I could withdraw in shame, you borrowed it,
…..peering into it like a bright standing mirror,

I wanted to hide what you already knew,
…..tracing the tributaries of my palm, plain and simple,

I allowed you to feel the edges where I have been devoured,
…..a vulnerability as ordinary as a bee bothering the flower.


I travelled to see you when the world was not watching. I was tired and I needed your shelter. I was cold and wet and alone. I needed the fireplace of your skin. We had met this way, disembodied, hungry, in pain, in love, countless times before. Each time, the wonder and the hurt was stronger. I could have stayed forever, if time existed.

God Is a Vessel for Our Gifts

Light and love. Where there is light, all can be perceived, and where there is love, all can be received. Light carries God’s love in waves and particles. Love is the experience of light manifested on the face of those we belong to, and on the face of the Earth which belongs to all of us. “Let there be light” is a divine promise to all beings. A promise that love is an eternal gift, and that whatever darkness we find ourselves in, it too shall pass.

River Walk

I am in love with her. I love her weakness and her strength. I love her. I love her power. I love how she does not need to be powerful. I love her mind. I love how she will go anywhere I want to take her. I love that she knows that she is an empress. I love her spells. I love how she talks and how she listens. I love the way her hair looks in the moonlight. I love how she loved me. We sit on the banks of the river and it reflects our love. A heron on a piece of floating driftwood. A calm, cool, quiet, unassuming piece of wood. It holds everything that the world needs to go on. I love her. I love the sound of her voice and the way it opens my heart to new sounds. I love her eyes and the world it sees. I love her.

"СВЯЗАННОЕ ЧТЕНИЕ" POEMS BY SHARON SCHOLL: The Trouble With God, Farmers’ Market and more»

image: George Payne

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