Silhouettes of family walking outside at sunset - 6 Mindfulness in Motion Tips for the Remote Worker

THE POST-COVID REMOTE WORK ERA: 6 strategies for mental well-being

I believe I can confidently state that we were all affected in various ways by everything that the 2019 pandemic brought in its wake, and these impacts, for many of us, are still being felt years later. One of the areas of life that were greatly impacted was the landscape of work (which has undergone a profound transformation) and the ways in which we prioritize work, family, health and balance.

Remote work, once considered a luxury, has become a norm for many professionals. While this shift has brought about newfound flexibility, it has also ushered in a unique set of challenges, especially for those navigating the delicate dance of running their own business, working remotely, balancing more than one job and/or competing work deadlines, and balancing the demands of family life.

In this post-COVID era, the importance of maintaining good mental health has never been more crucial. I was among the professionals who witnessed COVID reshape my entire understanding of work, family and professional priorities. It prompted me to introspect deeply, considering how I could effectively balance the new opportunities that emerged from the pandemic, such as remote work, while grappling with the inevitable challenges that caused stress as we navigated numerous changes and competing priorities. Below are some of the strategies I came up with, strategies that I try my best to implement to not only survive but thrive in this brave new world.

Embrace flexibility

One of the key advantages of remote work is flexibility. However, with great flexibility comes great responsibility. Working from home isn’t like a job where you arrive, clock in, have set hours and then clock out at the end of the day, hopefully with the ability to truly disconnect for the night and pick up where you left off the next morning, refreshed and energized to tackle the day’s challenges.

Striking a balance between work and personal life while working remotely can be challenging, particularly when the boundaries between the two are blurred. Establishing a routine that suits both your professional and personal needs is essential. One of the strategies that has helped me has been to set designated work hours and create a dedicated workspace to signal the beginning and end of your workday. This physical separation can help prevent the omnipresent ‘work cloud’ from overshadowing your personal life.

Remember the power of connection

Working remotely can be super isolating, especially for entrepreneurs steering their own ship. Combatting loneliness by prioritizing connection is super important. Schedule regular virtual meetings with your team, peers or mentors to foster a sense of community. These interactions not only provide a platform for collaboration but also serve as a support system during challenging times. Additionally, I’ve learned not to underestimate the value of casual conversations—water cooler moments are just as important in the digital realm, and sometimes you even make great friends along the way.

Practice mindfulness in motion

The demands of juggling a business, remote work and family responsibilities can be overwhelming. Amid the chaos, incorporating mindfulness practices into your routine can be a game-changer. Whether it’s meditation, deep breathing exercises or a mindful walk, these moments of pause can help you centre yourself and alleviate stress. Consider integrating short mindfulness breaks throughout your day to recharge and refocus. A calm mind is a resilient mind.

Set realistic expectations

Running your own business while working remotely requires a delicate balance of ambition and realism. It’s crucial to set achievable goals and prioritize tasks based on their importance and deadlines. Learning to delegate and outsourcing tasks, when necessary, can prevent burnout. Remember, it’s OK to say no and establish boundaries (this one is hard for me, as it is for many of us, but it’s so essential for our mental well-being in the long run). A lesson COVID-19 really taught me is that striving for excellence is admirable, but not at the expense of your mental health.

Put family first, always

Man working on laptop with cat in front of him - 6 Mindfulness in Motion Tips for the Remote Worker

For those balancing family life, the integration of work and personal spheres can be challenging and super overwhelming. Prioritizing family time is non-negotiable. Communicate openly with your loved ones about your work commitments and schedule dedicated family time. Embrace the imperfections that come with the territory—there is beauty in the messy, unscripted moments of life. As someone who tends to be Type A, I acknowledge my struggle with this approach, but I admit its necessity.

In my modest experience, I find that for parents, particularly mothers, the juggling act of remote work, entrepreneurship and family life adds an extra layer of complexity. The expectations and societal norms surrounding caregiving often place an additional burden on mothers. Balancing professional responsibilities with childcare can be overwhelming, and as a mom, you’re often left with the feeling that you’re not doing enough or that there’s one more task left undone (you’re basically always playing catch-up!).

In this delicate dance, it becomes crucial to acknowledge and address the unique challenges faced by parents while reminding them that ‘doing your best’ is OK and being the ‘perfect parent’ and ‘perfect employee or entrepreneur’ is unrealistic. Strive for your best, but acknowledge that you’re human and you’ll make mistakes. Some tasks may not get completed today, but there is always tomorrow. 

Establishing a flexible schedule that accommodates the needs of both work and family, communicating openly with partners about shared responsibilities and debunking the myth of the “supermom” are essential steps to take.

Recognizing the strength in vulnerability and seeking support from communities that understand the intricacies of this journey can make all the difference. It’s not about perfection; it’s about finding a rhythm that allows both your business and your family to thrive while acknowledging the extraordinary efforts many parents put into every aspect of their lives.

Seek professional support when necessary

Acknowledging when you need help is a sign of strength, not weakness. The stresses of remote work, parenting and entrepreneurship can take a toll on психическое здоровье. If you find yourself struggling, don’t hesitate to seek professional support (or any support, for that matter). Whether it’s through counselling, therapy, support groups or coaching, sometimes just feeling heard can be transformative.

In the post-COVID remote work era, the journey of entrepreneurship, remote work and family life is a nuanced dance. By embracing flexibility, fostering connections, practicing mindfulness, setting realistic expectations, prioritizing family and seeking support when needed, you can not only survive but thrive in this intricate balancing act. Remember, your mental well-being is the cornerstone of your success—nurture it with the same care and attention you give to your business, your work, and your family.

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