Unakite crystal

UNLEASH YOUR INNER DRAGON: 3 crystals that’ll help you step into your power

Last updated: Май 6th, 2024

As the months rush by like a bullet train, the Year of the Dragon will soon be halfway through, so now is the perfect time for some self-reflection and introspection to help us make the most of the rest of the year.

In Chinese astrology, the Year of the Dragon is associated with action, leadership, passion, power and rapid change. This means that in 2024, there is a lot of potential for growth and personal transformation, if we harness these qualities within ourselves.

Your Inner Dragon is that part of you that’s fearless and strong, powerful and free. It’s ready to face any challenges and live life to the fullest. It’ll guide you to break free from limiting beliefs and toxic patterns that might be keeping you stuck and unable to move forward with your life.

Your Inner Dragon can inspire you to transform your life for the better and make your dreams come true. Unleashing your Inner Dragon means stepping into your power and following your heart to create your own reality that’s aligned with your soul’s path.

Working with crystals will help you connect with your Inner Dragon by raising your energetic vibration, boosting your self-confidence and infusing your daily routine with a sense of optimism and joy. The effect that crystals have on us is never forceful; instead, their gentle, high-vibration energies help us heal from the inside out by supporting our personal growth and spiritual awakening.

3 powerful crystals

Unakite crystal
Unakite crystal


As the name suggests, Dragonstone is associated with the powerful and majestic dragon, so it’ll encourage you to unleash your own inner dragon.

Dragonstone will guide you to step out of your comfort zone and take a leap of faith into the unknown, since that’s where you’ll discover your hidden potential. Surrendering to the unknown can be scary, like jumping off a cliff and hoping you can fly, but have no doubt that your wings will unfurl and you will fly.

The earthy green and bright red hues of Dragonstone will connect you with Mother Earth and its healing vibrations, which will help you ground and balance your energies. This enchanting crystal will fill you with inner strength and courage while also boosting your energy levels, so you can start taking steps towards achieving your goals.

If you’re feeling sad and sorry for yourself, Dragonstone can help you shake those feelings off and step out of the victim role. It’s a crystal that’ll spark your passion for life by nudging you to follow your heart and make your dreams come true, despite the obstacles standing in your way.

Fire Agate

As a crystal of protection and manifestation, Fire Agate will help you make the most of the Year of the Dragon. Its fiery energy will revitalize your body and mind, inspiring you to step into your power and live your life to the fullest.

So many of us are feeling exhausted and burnt out, especially the empaths and sensitive ones who tend to absorb other people’s negativity. Due to the chaotic nature of this astrological year, it’s more important than ever that we focus on grounding and protecting our energies. Working with a Fire Agate crystal will keep you safe from energy leaks, energy vampires and anything else that could drain your precious life force energy.

If you’re gripped by fear and self-doubt, Fire Agate can boost your courage and self-worth, which will help you cope with the challenges life throws at you. This potent crystal will encourage you to show the world who you really are—a magical, creative and powerful person full of boundless potential.

This isn’t the year to hide yourself away or dim your light in order to fit in with the crowd; rather, it’s a time to shine your light brighter than ever before. Fire Agate can help you do that by igniting your inner fire and empowering you to show up as the best version of yourself.


The Year of the Dragon challenges us to be adaptable and persevere through life’s ups and downs. Fortunately, Unakite crystal can help you stay calm and grounded in the midst of unforeseen changes and turbulent times. It’s a crystal that will help you relax and enjoy the present moment while knowing that things will unfold perfectly at the right time.

If you’ve lost someone you love and are suffering deeply, Unakite can balance your emotions and fill you with a sense of harmony, which will help you make peace with the painful situation and move forward. It’s a perfect crystal for those struggling with anxiety or depression, as it brings hope and boosts a person’s mood with its uplifting vibrations.

The gorgeous green-and-pink Unakite crystal will inspire you to seize the day and live in the here and now, instead of replaying broken scenarios from your past or worrying about the future. Always remember that the present moment is where your true power lies, and that if you stay aware, you can change the things that aren’t making your heart sing. This, in turn, will transform your life for the better.

Your Inner Dragon is waiting

Deep within you, there is a power waiting to be unleashed—a power that comes straight from the Universal Source and will guide you, like a beacon of light, out of the darkness towards new horizons. Within these new horizons are untold blessings to be discovered and exciting opportunities calling your name. So be brave, unleash your Inner Dragon and let the upcoming months push you out of your comfort zone towards new heights! 

"СВЯЗАННОЕ ЧТЕНИЕ" BREAK FREE FROM LIMITING BELIEFS: 3 crystals that’ll help you move forward»

image: Elina Allais

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