Horse and girl - Book review Emma Speaks

EMMA SPEAKS: A Journey into the Soul of an Animal Friend [book review]

Last updated: Ноябрь 4th, 2019

Front cover - Book review Emma SpeaksEMMA SPEAKS:
A Journey into the Soul of an Animal Friend

Diana St. James

[Emissary Press, 294 pages]

A friend of mine recently asked me to review a book she’d written about her extraordinary experiences of telepathic communication with her horse. She gave me a copy of Emma Speaks: A Journey into the Soul of an Animal Friend, and I eagerly began to read. The second chapter, in particular, moved me very deeply. With extraordinary power, it describes how the author’s family of origin totally checkmated any attempt she made to express her own spirit.

Finally, perhaps without her family’s knowledge, she was given the opportunity to ride a horse. That day, it was like she’d received wings! From then on, she cultivated horsemanship and the companionship of horses. Diana St. James, author of Emma Speaks, inspiringly conveys this newfound sense of freedom to the reader.

She goes on to meet and own Emma, a very special mare with very special needs, after having to part with the horse she owned previously. Emma Speaks goes on to document this relationship, which involves St. James learning—with the help of her animal communicator friend Carol—that not only horses, but other animals (in particular, a goose and a hen, which also figure prominently in the book) understand what we say and communicate with us as well, through pictures and sometimes through thoughts.

It stands to reason that if the world is being attuned to a higher frequency on every level, as I and many others sense, then revolutionary changes must be taking place within all aspects of life. For example, urban crime is down for reasons criminologists don’t really understand. The Soviet bloc crumbled suddenly over a few weeks in 1989. The list of notable paradigm shifts in various fields could take up many articles. Therefore, it isn’t such a shock that an increasing number of people are becoming able to experience such intimate telepathic communication with the other species on our planet.

Yet, although I feel Emma Speaks is extremely well-written, part of me had difficulty concretizing my own images of the new human-animal relations. Perhaps it was because while human conversations in the book are notated in the conventional way (paragraphs surrounded by quotation marks) and the human-animal exchanges are, too—the animals in the book don’t actually speak! My images of the exchanges kept reverting to the charming scenes in Walt Disney’s Snow White, featuring Snow White singing “Whistle While You Work,” while she and her furry and winged friends clean the Seven Dwarves’ cottage together.

I realized that I needed to do more research into this “new” (and timeless—who hasn’t read fairy tales in which someone receives the gift of animal communication?) field. The first piece of significance I found was an article by the new age scientist Rupert Sheldrake, who has written a book about the psychic propensities of animals. Sheldrake attempts to explain these phenomena in his article “Animal Telepathy and the Morphic Field,” by scientifically expressing things that have previously been regarded as supernatural.

Later that same day—perhaps synchronistically—I happened upon the wonderful video The Animal Communicator. The video is about Anna Breytenbach, an animal communicator in South Africa. She gently shows, and to a degree explains, how she makes extraordinary connections with, for example, baboons, a cockatoo, and an angry black leopard. In most cases, Anna obtains from each animal information that the owners or keepers haven’t previously shared with her. More importantly, her compassionate presence is demonstrably healing to both the animals and the human keepers. Anna and others, including veteran animal trackers, discuss several aspects of intuitive communication with animals in ways that suggest all this is part of the wider world all humanity can know, by more deeply embracing our intuitive potential.

A few days after assimilating the resources mentioned above, I opened our front door early one morning to find two deer contentedly grazing on our hill. I beamed to them my thoughts of appreciation that they had come to visit us, as well as my appreciation for their beauty and gentleness, and my wishes for their well-being. One of them began looking up at me, directly into my eyes, then pulling up another mouthful of grass, and then looking at me again. While no unaccustomed pictures or thoughts appeared in my mind, the moments were sweet. I’m a beginner—my experiments will continue.

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For more information

Animal Spirit: Anna Breytenbach’s website, which also lists many more resources.

Talk with the Animals: The website of Griffin Kanter, another experienced animal communicator, recommended in Emma Speaks.

Watch The Animal Communicator here:

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