Woman with red lipstick

DREAM INTERPRETATION: A need for more direction, more purpose in your waking life [symbols: car, drunk, kidnapping, rape]

Last updated: abril 9th, 2019

I n our weekly Mindful Dreams column, Aneta Baranek of the School of Metaphysics is offering free dream interpretations to The Mindful Word readers, as well as articles on dreams in general.

Se você já teve curiosidade em decifrar o conteúdo críptico de sua mente subconsciente, esta é a sua chance! Se você quiser que Aneta interprete seu sonho, preencha este formulário. She will respond with your dream interpretation through this column, published every Thursday. Aneta would love to receive more comments for the dreams interpreted. If you can relate to a dream posted here or have any insights to add, you can post them as comments to the interpretation, or email her at aneta@themindfulword.org.



Oi Aneta,

I was driving in an unrecognizable car with my best friend and I think she was drunk. We decided to go out and I started putting on red lipstick, but I applied it all over my chin and lips in an ugly fashion.

Later, my friend disappeared, and along with a group of other people, I was kidnapped by a few men. These men coupled their detainees off and forced the men to rape the women. I was paired with this nice guy who cried because of what they forced him to do.

I tried to change the definition of the situation and pretend as though I wasn’t being raped, but that I wanted it to happen. When it was over, I immediately felt absolute panic in my heart and cried, screaming. I then woke up.

I’ve never had a dream like this and it terrified me. What does it mean? Help!

– Mathilde

DREAM TITLE: “Kidnapping of the Self”

DREAMER: Female, 25, Canada


Car — physical body

Drunk — impediment of the will

Lipstick — outer expression

Kidnapping — a sense of being forcefully overtaken

A guy — unknown subconscious aspect of the dreamer

Rape — forceful creation

Heart — understanding


Hello Mathilde,

Thank you so much for sharing your dream with me. It’s quite a vulnerable thing to do. I appreciate your openness in doing so.

This is a pretty dramatic dream, if taken literally. However, our subconscious mind communicates with us in dream symbols, rather than factual messages. The meaning of dream symbols are derived from their function. As you’ll see above, kidnapping has to do with a sense of feeling overtaken against your will, rather than being actually kidnapped. Similarly, rape has to do with our creative forces and how we’re forcefully utilizing them, rather than being actually raped.

Overall, your dream is telling you that you might be feeling somewhat out of control in your waking life (being kidnapped) and doing/creating things against your will (rape). This might be a temporary occurrence or a prolonged way of being. The dream also speaks to ways in which you undermine your outer expression (lipstick) and identity (face) with the makeup being applied in an outrageous fashion.

There’s also a way in which you’re not being fully honest about what’s happening (trying to change the definition of the situation at hand).


The thing to remember about dreams is that they reflect the dreamer’s perception of their waking life (specifically, a day or two prior).

If this were my dream, I’d see it as a call to pay more attention to how I create and approach my life. Your dream highlights the need for more direction, more purpose in everything you partake in. There seems to be a need for structure and responsibility.

This might be just a temporary state of being in response to a major event in your life, or it might be an approach that you’ve fostered for a while. Either way, you have the power to change and use this dream as an impetus for a more awakened and conscious existence. You’ll then stop feeling as if events or circumstances are forced upon you.

One way of adding more structure and direction into our lives is to evaluate all areas within them. I’ve written an article about this, “Using the Bagua Map to Take a Complete Inventory,” which you can read online. This article will give you more direction on how to take account of your current life experiences and create plans and goals for your future.

Harness your creative energies, Mathilde, and direct them with purpose, and your life will take on a much deeper meaning!

May your dreams illuminate the inner and outer you…

imagem: Pexels