button on a rock with words stay safe and be kind

WORLD KINDNESS: Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give

Last updated: juillet 22nd, 2021

With World Kindness Day just behind us, annually celebrated on November 13, it’s essential to consider how we can inject kindness into our lives every day. Kindness isn’t something that disappears every other day of the year, but it’s on this day that we remind ourselves of its importance and take time to check in on our behaviour towards ourselves and others.

With COVID-19 having its impact globally, kindness is a vital ingredient in caring for both ourselves and others during this time. As the current climate forces us to face uncertainty and anxiety, any act of kindness, no matter how small, can be helpful.

When something simple can be beneficial for both others and ourselves, we should all take the time to be aware of the kindness we’re giving out. Despite COVID-19 causing uncertainty, it’s certain that kindness prevails, and we are in control of choosing to help to change someone else’s life while enriching our own.

Becoming aware of our own kindness doesn’t need to be complicated, time-consuming or expensive. It’s often the small and simple gestures of giving that are very powerful.

While we’re in our second lockdown in the U.K., it’s about considering simple ways we can continue to care for ourselves and others. It’s kindness that will help us all stay connected from afar, and we can find ways to stay holding hands metaphorically.

How can you help give a little kindness?

WORLD KINDNESS Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give

Helping each other through the struggle and communicating in a variety of ways is so important to ensure that we are leading with kindness. Here are eight straightforward ways in which you can be kind during these trying times.

Take care of yourself

Before you can take care of others, you need to be able to take care of yourself. Take time to consider yourself and how kind you are being towards you. Take the time to check in with your feelings. Accept them, to allow them to shift. Be kind to yourself.

Spend time with your household

If you aren’t living alone during this time, acts of kindness may include spending time with family or friends (those who are in your social bubble with you) indoors. Whether this involves cooking, dancing, relaxing or board games, it’s these simple pleasures that will support you and others.

Use technology to reach out

Although spending too much time online can be unhelpful in keeping anxiety at bay, it does have its positives. Making phone calls or using apps like Zoom or Facetime can be a kind gesture in reaching out to someone you are unable to see, as the contact is beneficial for our mental health. This is particularly helpful when you’re caring for and supporting those that may be living alone during this time, as staying connected will help remind them that they are not completely alone.

Shop for others

Another kind gesture is to ask others if they require anything from the shops. Collecting food or medication by doing someone’s shopping can ease their day when stress and anxiety levels are already being tested. This could be particularly useful for vulnerable or high-risk people.

Make donations to food banks

Giving to food banks to help keep them running during this difficult time is essential to ensure we are helping anyone in need. You can support food banks by giving necessities at the door or using drop-off points at your local supermarket.

Leave gifts on doorsteps

Leaving a gift on another’s doorstep, whether it’s a stranger, neighbour, family member or friend, is a way to boost another’s day and display how much you care for them. Whether it’s a home-cooked meal, baked goods or something else that you know will make them smile, it’s a little gesture that will go a long way.

Support local businesses

Whether you are starting to order small Christmas gifts or are ordering takeaway online from a nearby restaurant, continuing to purchase from and support local businesses will help to keep them alive.

Engage in charity and volunteer work

Another kind gesture to ensure we are supporting those in need is getting involved in any charity work. Support big charities or small ones, donate, volunteer, fundraise, work for the community or join social groups, helping to support others in any way you can.

Let’s choose to be kind, now more than ever. It’s in giving a little that we can help a lot. Kindness is free, so don’t be afraid to sprinkle that stuff everywhere.

«LECTURE CONNEXE» TWO WORLD MOVEMENTS: Kindness or cruelty, which do we choose?»

image 1 Photo by Lisa Fotios de Pexels

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