Deux personnes en colère et maussades sur le chemin

COLÈRE : 5 stratégies qui vous aideront à libérer cette émotion

We’ve all experienced anger at some point in our lives. While the repercussions are often mild, they may occasionally take a serious turn. Anger may cause us to say the wrong things or commit blunders—and we might never be able to undo the damage that’s done.

Preventing anger may not be possible, but it’s possible to release the heated emotion in productive, gentle ways. Below, we’ll go through five tactics that can help you release your anger in a mindful manner.

What is anger, exactly?

Anger is an emotion that you feel towards someone who has deliberately wronged you. To a certain extent, anger can be good, as it may motivate you to find solutions to your problems. But when anger is both excessive and frequent, it can become a problem for you and the people around you. Therefore, following anger management techniques is important for everyone’s well-being.

Why do we get angry?

It’s essential to identify why a person gets angry, especially if they do so frequently. Excessive and frequent bouts of anger could arise due to clinical depression, bipolar disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or any other psychological issue. Such matters need expert medical attention and management through counselling and/or medication.

Milder reasons for anger could include grief or stress at work or at home. If that’s the case for you, here are five tactics you can use to help you deal with your feelings:

Think before you speak, or don’t speak at all

It’s natural to say something in the heat of the moment, only to regret it later. Our ability to think and speak rationally is dramatically reduced when anger takes over. For that reason, remember to use minimal words to express your anger, or wait for the emotion to subside before discussing your negative feelings.

This is a simple, yet effective way to express your frustration without hurting others. It’s natural to get angry with your loved ones, but it’s also important to be mindful of how you express the anger, in order to avoid sabotaging your relationships.

Exercise your blues away

Whether it’s a hardcore cardio workout, a fun Zumba session or a simple walk in the garden, you must follow some sort of fitness regimen. When you exercise, your body releases feel-good chemicals like dopamine and endorphins that can improve your mood and help you develop a positive outlook. A healthy body and a calm mind can, in turn, equip you to deal with anger mindfully.

Get some “me” time

When was the last time you picked up that badminton racquet, played your favourite song or cooked a gourmet recipe? Work or intense personal commitments may cause you to forget about your true identity.

Consequently, it’s important that you spend some time alone (even for 15 minutes) to unwind and reboot your brain. Indulging in your favourite activities can help you relieve stress and provide you with time for introspection and self-discovery.

Add a dash of humour

Let’s assume that you’re having a heated argument with your partner, about a very trivial matter. You can easily lighten up the situation by adding a dash of humour.

When we scrutinize what originally made us angry, we often realize that it was something insignificant. Adding a few funny bits of dialogue to an argument will reduce the stress level in any environment, and help you and the person you’re arguing with focus on what’s important.

Learn to relax

Try deep breathing, meditation and/or Yoga to achieve a state of calmness and release inner tension. It’s a good idea to incorporate pranayama or meditation into your daily routine to relieve stress and keep you and the people around you happy.

On a related note, try to sleep for at least seven or eight hours per night, as a good night’s sleep and a well-rested body will make you more tranquil and help reduce any feelings of exasperation that come up while you’re awake.

Make your anger expensive

mindful anger meditate rock

Anger is a healthy and normal emotion, if it’s dealt with maturely. It’s a powerful tool of expression, if it’s used at the right time and in the right manner. Some circumstances can cause you to get angry and lose control, and to avoid this, it’s vital that you understand the cause of your anger and release it mindfully.

As the saying goes, “Make your anger so expensive that no one can afford it, and your moment of happiness so cheap that people can almost get it for free.”

Let’s work on our anger issues and make this world a more joyful place to live.

«LECTURE CONNEXE» RELATIONSHIPS ARE PARTNERSHIPS: Focus on the team, not just yourself»

image 1: Pixabay; image 2: Pixabay

  1. Thankyou very much for such a great article. As a person who is trying to control anger since a long time I found these tips really effective. I found adding a dash of humour in the conversation really fresh and intresting strategy and will definetely try to keep that in mind. I also found the quote “Make your anger so expensive that no one can afford it” very true and will itch in my brain to remind myself to keep emotions in my control. Thankyou again.

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