four feet sticking out from under the sheets

DREAM INTERPRETATION: Every interaction is laden with powerful inner lessons of transformation [symbols: ex-girlfriend, current girlfriend, hand]

Last updated: abril 9th, 2019

En nuestra columna semanal Mindful Dreams, Aneta Baranek, de la Escuela de Metafísica, ofrece interpretaciones gratuitas de los sueños a los lectores de The Mindful Word, así como artículos sobre los sueños en general.

Si alguna vez has sentido curiosidad por descifrar los contenidos crípticos de tu subconsciente, ¡esta es tu oportunidad! Si quieres que Aneta interprete tu sueño, rellene este formulario. Ella responderá con su interpretación de los sueños a través de esta columna, que se publica cada jueves. A Aneta le encantaría recibir más comentarios sobre los sueños interpretados. Si te sientes identificado con un sueño publicado aquí o tienes alguna idea que añadir, puedes enviarla como comentario a la interpretación, o enviarla por correo electrónico a



Hi Aneta,

My ex, my current girlfriend and I are lying down together. Suddenly, my current girlfriend goes out of the room and my ex-girlfriend lays her hand over me, saying “I love you.” My hand touches her and I respond, “I love you too.” We then kiss each other.

After some time has gone by, my current girlfriend comes back and I turn my back towards my ex. I place my hand on my current girlfriend and sleep peacefully.

I don’t know what this dream means. I’m happy with my present relationship and I don’t think of my ex-girlfriend, but I’m confused as to why this dream came.

– Anamica

DREAMER: Female, 24, India


Ex-girlfriend — an aspect of the dreamer

Current girlfriend — an aspect of the dreamer

Hand — purpose


Hello Anamica,

I appreciate you sharing your dream. Dreams are symbolic, not literal. Through each dream a person has, symbols deliver important messages from the dreamer’s subconscious mind. The Subconscious Mind is the inner part of us where our soul, our inner Self, resides.

The soul’s message within your dream is about you recognizing aspects of yourself represented by both your ex-girlfriend and current girlfriend.

What qualities do they represent? Whatever these qualities are, the dream is telling  you that you’re harmonizing with these qualities very well. The hand symbolizes that you have a clear purpose for recognizing and tending to the qualities that both girlfriends represent.


Every person, place or thing in your dream represents an aspect of you, the dreamer. As for people, they reflect major qualities of the dreamer. Whenever we have a person appear in a dream, we want to identify two major characteristics that come to mind when we think of that person. Examples of these might include: organized, kind, aloof.

Another layer when interpreting people as symbols appearing in our dreams is to know that people of the same sex represent outer, conscious aspects of the dreamer, while those of the opposite sex represent inner, subconscious aspects of the dreamer.

Everyone we meet comes into our lives for a reason. If we choose to, we can perceive everyone as our teacher. Every interaction is laden with powerful inner lessons of transformation. No matter how short a relationship is on the physical time spectrum, the gifts of inner and outer evolution that come with it can be truly profound.

Our dreams utilize people as symbols to bring our attention to those parts of ourselves that these people represent. Dreams provide us with feedback on how we’re integrating those aspects within ourselves. Once we assimilate each dream’s message, we then have an opportunity to apply it to our waking life experience.

May your dreams illuminate the inner and outer you…

image: Sleepy Sundays… by Sean McGrath via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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