

Last updated: 3 月 15th, 2020

更新时间: 2019年3月6日


在印度瑜伽和坦特拉的精神传统中,能量顿然觉醒被描绘成 昆达里尼觉醒。 昆达里尼——源自梵语单词 昆达(kunda),意思是”盘绕”或”螺旋”——是一种强烈和爆炸性的能量形式,休眠在七个脉轮(或能量中心)的首个及最底层的 海底轮(muladhara)。 当这种能量自下而上地传播到最高脉轮,靠近头顶时,它会引发精神觉醒。


例如,研究人员布鲁斯•格雷森(Bruce Greyson)认为,这会对心理功能造成重大干扰,令人看起来像精神障碍,并常常导致精神疾病的误诊。 其他研究人员指出,它也可能导致身体问题,包括非自主痉挛和颤抖,灼烧感或瘙痒感,以及嗜睡。 人们可能会听到声音,看到光的幻象,有通灵的体验。

有趣的是,传统的印度文本很少关注这些问题。 他们最多暗示了能量的潜在波动性,称其为”一圈闪电,火的褶皱” [约南什瓦尔(Jnaneshvar),1986年,第130页] 或”火热的能量”,释放出”耀眼的火花”。[锡尔本(Silburn),1988年,第42页]

维尼纳巴伊拉瓦坦特拉(Vijnanabhairavatantra),一个坦特里文本,描述了如果昆达里尼能量碰巧是通过脉轮向下移动,而不是上升,抑郁症和疲劳是如何产生的。 该文本还提到,如果瑜伽修炼者没有完全超越他们对身体的认同感,他们可能会经历无法控制的颤抖。

这些文本之所以不探索昆达里尼觉醒的困难,或许是因为觉醒过程是在受控的寺院和精神传统背景下发生的,有导师的监督,对此已有大量的了解和准备。 在这些环境设定下,发生这些困难的可能性估计较小。



虽然不像通过自我消解而觉醒那样普遍,能量觉醒——或昆达里尼觉醒——是常见的。 例如,在我的博士研究中,我从25个研究中发现了5例明显类似昆达里尼(Kundalini)的能量觉醒个案,以及另外两例可能类似个案。

Like most other cases of sudden awakening, the cases I investigated were mainly triggered by intense psychological turmoil, with the slight difference that they were more likely to be triggered by intense 压力 (often manifesting as sleeplessness) rather than through factors such as failure or loss.

Woman awake due to insomnia - Kundalini awakening

Kimberley’s awakening


一天早上,她躺在床上,感觉到母亲的存在,突然觉得她无法移动身体或睁开眼睛。 她感到身体周围有热和明亮的光线,感到害怕,但不知何故,她同时感到安心。

在接下来的几天里,她有一种”能量在我的身体里随着响亮的尖叫声而上升”的感觉。 到了晚上,当她闭上眼睛时,看到了颜色和符号的幻象,还看到”无序的信息以非常非常快的速度,像幻灯片一样显示整个人类历史的画面。” 在她醒着的时候,她对别人非常敏感;她能够感知到他们的感受和想法,看到他们身边围绕的颜色。

金伯利对灵性或深奥的思想一无所知,因此很难理解自己的经历。 尽管她确信她的经历是真实的,并进入了一个高度真实的世界,而不是一个幻觉,但她怀疑自己”疯了”。

连续几个星期,她都无法正常进行每天的工作和生活。 她被诊断患有抑郁症,并发现自己难以入睡。 她无法集中注意力,无法用头脑记住信息。 意识到传统医学不能帮上忙,她转向替代疗法,觉得这有助于整合她的新状态。

总而言之,”我花了两到三年的时间才感到安定,终于明白发生了什么。” 现在,这种整合已经完成,她描述自己的正常状态是一个持续的通灵意识状态:

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一旦稳定下来,我意识到我获得了可以帮助别人的能力。 我开始意识到它的目的是什么,它对别人有什么好处。 通过增强感官意识,我可以阅读到人们的潜意识里发生的事情,帮助人们意识到这些事情,并帮助他们改变。 有一种是对能量、振动或意识的感知,一种解读现实基本层面的能力,了解到表面之下发生了什么……


我很多时候在两个世界之间行走。 我正在学习享受物质现实、家庭生活,以及生活中简单的事物。 对日常生活的欣赏变得更为浓烈。 我总是有一种对美的知觉,而现在它变得更加强烈了。 当然还有与大自然的联结。因为我的能量和振动意识打开了,我当然可以在大自然中觉知到快乐,感受到它的力量和周期。 当我第一次觉得我几乎可以感觉到一棵树在跟我说话,我以为自己失去理智了。但现在我意识到,我只是在吸取能量……

有趣的是,我搬回德文郡(我的家乡),走进房间,是完全可以预想到家人和朋友都认不出我了。说实话,我感觉自己很不一样,就像一个完全不同的人。 我的所有内在信仰和准则都改变了。 我不再把生活看作是一系列随机触发、毫无关联的独立事件,不再把自己看作其中的一名乘客或受害者。 我体验到生活是一种相互关联的共同创造伙伴关系,带有某种智慧的力量或永恒存在的知觉。 我活得像一个永恒的灵魂,享受着我身体的体验。 那是我每天的现实情况。



他”由于担心和压力,实际上一个星期都没睡觉。(然后)从无处,在清晨5点,我有我现在意识到是一个突然失控 我现在明白那是昆达里尼觉醒。”他感受到脊椎里上上下下的阵痛和抽搐,还经历了回归前世生活,”对上帝和宇宙有了最清晰的理解”。

尽管西蒙对灵性几乎一无所知,但他和金伯利一样,确信他正在经历某种形式的改变。 但是没有人给他任何指导。 他去看医生,医生把他转到精神病院,他被关起来并用药物治疗。

起初,他同意医生的诊断,相信自己疯了,并服用了所有的药物。 但几个月后,一旦他的病情开始稳定下来,他那种确信自己经历了某种积极转变的感觉又回来了。

他阅读了埃克哈特•托勒(Eckhart Tolle)和其他作者的作品(包括《从睡梦中醒来:为何会产生觉醒及如何令它们永久存在》,通过此书他联系上我),帮助他理解了他的新状态。 他开始参加霎哈嘉瑜伽(Sahaja Yoga)中心活动,并明白到他经历了一个心灵上的觉醒。


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西蒙花了好几年时间才感到,他觉醒的状态已经完全稳定和融合,那些突然转变带来的破坏性影响已经完全消失。 但最后,他开始感受到一种强烈的持续满足感,而其中的一个结果就是对无为和孤独的新享受。


Man walking on path outdoors - Kundalini awakening



他早年曾被严重的精神问题困扰。在那次静修后不久,他经历了他的”10年来第一次躁狂发作”,可能是由密集的瑜伽练习引发的。 他”有几次如下的体验,我的意识似乎突然上升,体内的能量经络充满活力,头脑变得更加敏锐清晰。” 他确信他正在经历精神转变,但被送进了精神病院,那里的工作人员对此抱有怀疑和敌意。


几周后,我的意识又发生了一次转变,迈向一种稳定而持续的觉醒状态。 这发生在他一天早上洗澡的时候:

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我感觉自己像一个崭新的人。 曾经困扰我的事情再也不困扰了。 我花了很多时间来处于当下,比过去任何时候都多。而且当我想的时候,我可以很容易地平静下来。 我的家人经常谈起我的积极变化。我的精神科医生最近告诉我,我是她见过的心理最健康的人之一。



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史蒂夫▪泰勒(Steve Taylor)是《飞跃》和其他几本关于灵性和心理学的书的作者,包括《坠落》和《从睡梦中醒来》。 自2011年以来,他每年都出现在《心灵精神 Mind Body Spirit》杂志的”全球100位最具精神影响力的在世之人”榜单上。 您可以在www.stevenmtaylor.com了解他。

the leap 摘自 《跳跃:精神觉醒的心理》一 书。 史蒂夫•泰勒(Steve Taylor)版权所有 © 2017。 新世界图书馆(New World Library)许可打印。 www.newworldlibrary.com

图片1:詹米•拉莫斯(JAIME RAMOS)来源:维基共享资源(知识共享 Creative Commons BY-SA);图片2:阿莱莎•L•米勒(Alyssa L. Miller) 来源:(知识共享 Creative Commons BY)图片3:来源:Pexels

  1. This was a great read. Thank you. Im going to share so I can find it again. When I read Helens experience, I related. My kundalini –
    thats a great new word, (I always call it an AHA moment but that seems to suggest its just a realization, where mine was life altering) also left me believing that I too must look so physically different now! Interesting research!

    1. My spiritual journey started when I read Awareness by Anthony De Mello. A transcription of talks given by the spiritual teacher, who was also a psychologist and Jesuit priest. He believed that Jesus’ teachings coincided with eastern thought (non~duality) and that most Christians had completely misunderstood their import. He recommended being aware of awareness as a spiritual practice. Anyway after that I began reading about Ramana Maharshi and something about his portrait picture captivated me and led me on throughout the years unsuccessfully trying this and that until finally at the age of 30 l discovered the Granddaddy of all spiritual traditions in Vedanta. I am now 42 and have been practicing karma yoga and Jnana yoga for 12 years. I can honestly say Vedanta has changed my life completely. Although everything in the empirical world remains the same, l now know the world to be only apparently real and this knowledge has literally saved my soul. I know it sounds dramatic, but when you know how our reality actually functions (through the sublime impersonal science of Vedanta) you no longer suffer in anyway nor do you feel tension. The results of any action that the individual (jiva) puts forth into the field (ones immediate environment), are not up to the individual. The results are up to the ordainer or God – the total mind – which Vedanta calls Isvara. This knowledge or understanding once owned and assimilated properly, relaxes the person you take yourself to be and then the main practice of Vedanta called non-discriminating wisdom or “taking a stand in awareness as awareness” becomes much easier as a result. Vedanta has a whole toolkit of practical knowledge, teachings that one can use in everyday life that eventually becomes manifest as Self~knowledge – the realisation of ordinary, non-dual, ever-present, unconcerned, existence-awareness as myself. To surrender myself over to this amazing science was the greatest decision of my life.

  2. If you don’t know that much about kundalini yet, another website with good info is kundaliniguide.com.

  3. I experience intense kundalini awakenings when practicing Vipassana meditation. It is very intense. During periods when I practiced Vipassana meditation a lot, awakenings can happen even during my sleep. I sleep and I can observe the kundalini rising. I don’t know what you mean by ego dissolution but kundalini rising happens when I am aware of my whole body energy instead of form.
    Because of this, I have stopped practicing deep Vipassana for extended periods. During the day, I do practice for a few seconds at a time, letting myself go into that state where I feel no specific form but all my body at once. I call it dematerialization when my feeling does not appear to be bound to the limits of my body anymore. I feel safer that way.

    Should I practice the Vipassana state and favor that intense kundalini awakening or am I better to keep it at bay?

    Thanks for your advice, you can reach me by email if you want.

  4. As said by Kundalini custom, there are seven distinctive kundalini chakras (energy center) situated along the spine as well as in the brain. The central energy center is not single symbolic ideas they are in fact certain energy drive within our body. Let?s have a look at these 7 Kundalini Chakras

  5. Kundalini awakening is amongst the most misrepresented concept of present times. At times, paranormal experience are taken as Divine experience. Anything paranormal is not Divine. Kundalini Awakening is a spontaneous process which takes place only in presence of realised soul or the Holy Spirit. It cannot be purchased or sold because it’s truly a divine process.
    In the present times, the method to awaken kundalini by masses is available only through Sahaja Yoga which was founded by H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, when She opened Her Sahastrar on 5th May 1970. In over 130 countries since then millions have experienced this. UNESCO recognises this as a peace initiative.
    It’s a very scientific process and researched globally. On awakening Kundalini one feels cool breeze on his palms and over his head (because all 7 chakras have seat there) and invariably a feeling of Joy, a state of thoughtlessness. Since it’s a free process and available en masse, one can simply visit the website http://www.SahajaYoga.orghttp://www.freemeditation.com and experience Self Realisation (Kundalini awakening) sitting at home anytime or any of Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre (free) in various countries.

    It’s not a one time activity. It’s a living process hence one needs to practice Sahaja Yoga Meditation everyday (even 5 minutes will do) to keep this awakened and feel the joy of life.

    It’s medically researched as well that doing Sahaja Yoga Meditation regularly gives one freedom from stress, many incurable diseases and also personality imbalances.

  6. I have experienced this and the minute it began, I recognized it has the same thing that is referred to in non denominational churches called being baptized by the Holy Ghost. Out of your belly shall flow a river of living water. It is truly a spiritual awakening.

  7. So. I had a weird feeling/thing happen to me a few months ago and the kundalini topic jumped right into my mind. Is there a place I can share that experience to find out exactly what that was?

  8. I had one in 1992. It was an incredibly stressful time, and I’d been messing with Tarot cards and doing intense meditation on the Green Tara.. I’d also been smoking marijuana.

    Suddenly, I felt the energy move up my chakras and the top of my head open (the lotus flower). I felt as though a shaft of white light was coming out the top of my head. At the same time i was aware of all of time – past, present and future – and beliefs I was connected to something truly profound.

    As it subsided, I had the sense my heart had been touched by God, and I felt the most amazing sense of peace and calm, as though God had touched my heart. It was then followed by a tsunami of terror in which I felt completely out of control and was losing my mind. At the time I thought I wouldn’t wish my worst enemy to have the feelings I was going through.

    A few other things happened that are too personal to describe here, but over the coming days and weeks the most profound coincidences kept occurring that spooked me as much as the incident itself. Many, many coincidences that to this day I can’t properly come to terms with.

    I should mention that before the event I’d been involved in a car wreck which I’d had a premonition about before it happened. Again, too personal and lengthy a story to talk about here, but awful, profound, and bizarre.

    I could write a book about the experience, frankly. It was the most profound of my life, no exaggeration.

  9. We live in a time where humanity is collectively at a threshold where it is very easy to experience the awakening of this energy, once considered very difficult to raise. It is because with more and more people getting their self realization the energy field of entire earth is elevated, so someone even just having a strong desire to go deeper know oneself can experience such sudden awakening, it is possible, however important thing is to nurture this connection, sustain it and grow in this new dimension of awareness. For that you need some guidance, a community of fellow realized souls. Sahaja Yoga is such a medium. I have benefitted personally tremendously by practicing Sahaja Yoga meditation. It led to fulfillment of my spiritual seeking through awakening and sustaining of kundalini energy and as a result a growing awareness towards the absolute reality of your pure, peaceful blissful Self shinning as star within all of us. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi a great spiritual Master of our time made it easily possible. Give it a try and see for yourself! It is a gradual process like nature how a flower turns into a fruit. Slowly brain evolves through this energy to sustain higher dimensions of awareness, when done properly it is a very smooth gentle evolutionary process.

  10. grazie, queste esperienze che ho letto, mi sono servite. anchio ho il risveglio, dopo anni, piu di 7 anni, penso di stare ora in una situazione migliore. ma è difficile e dura la trasformazione, tutti parlano di benessere, anchio sono grata. pero il mali fisici che si provano.. non sono da poco.. .(
    io spero di uscirne non spporto piu questi mali fisici. vorrei trovare qualche cura per finire questo stato di dolori

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