
We are all energetic beings of infinite capability. When we truly know this we can expand ourselves and grow into our true Selves and connect to all.

Attunement is a form of energy healing. In this sense the word “healing” denotes wholeness. To heal ourselves means to reconnect with our unity with the whole and to heal the Earth. Attunement has been described by practitioners as a way of aligning body, mind and heart with Source or a consciousness of Oneness. The process is a non-invasive, non-touch (or light touch) process that balances our energetic and physiologic functions.

Share free attunements

My name is Kiva. You may have read my writing here on The Mindful Word (though I now write under the pen name “UB Hawthorn”). I’ve been sharing attunements with people since 2007 and would like to share with you as well.

I was drawn to learning attunement in 2007, the same year The Mindful Word started up. It was no coincidence that the two were intertwined as attunement brings us closer to Source, and I felt that offering knowledge to the world through The Mindful Word was my way of connecting to Source. Now, years later, I’d like to expand my connection through The Mindful Word beyond the realm of words, by using this space to connect with others who want to share an attunement.

With a commitment to serving others through karma yoga I’m offering these sessions on a donation basis. No donation is required, but if you feel the need to give you can do so здесь.

How it works

Attunement can be done in person or long distance. If you live close to wherever I’m located (I’m nomadic, currently living in northern California) you’re welcome to visit me for an in-person attunement. If you live elsewhere we can work through long distance.

Sessions typically last 30 to 45 minutes. You lie down for the session on a table. You can choose to stay fully awake and connect with the process though sometimes people fall asleep, which is fine. If your body needs the rest it needs the rest—people describe it as a calming experience so that’s often the case.

If you’re interested in sharing an attunement with me contact me at kiva [at] themindfulword [dot] org to book a time. You are welcome to share these attunements on an ongoing basis, though you can only book one at a time to provide opportunities for all to share in it.

a bow,


[box type=”note” size=”large” border=”full” icon=”none”]More about attunement

" Read more about attunement from the IAAP

" Interview with Attunement Teacher Lindell Green on Attunement

" Interview with Attunement Teacher Lindell Green on Long Distance Attunement

" Wikipedia entry on Attunement